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She was still on a high from her kiss with Lucas as she sat back watching the bright coloured painting the sky as the sun rose in the distance.
She had woken up early nearly every day and made her way to one of the tallest cliffs on Neverland, she could see the entire Island from up there, it was like her safe place, a sanctuary if you will.

She didn't even know how long she had been there, in Neverland, it felt like forever but it also felt like she had only arrived yesterday. Time moved strangely in a place with no time, as weird as it sounded, it was true.
After savouring the stillness of the Island and capturing the hidden beauty of it, Addi made her way back to camp to find Chester and Devin.

She had told them about her kiss with Lucas and they were more than enthusiastic, she had to shake them down and tell them repeatedly that they did not in fact have sex and it was just a kiss and that no, there would be no weddings anytime soon.

She got back to the camp and saw the boys up and about, they seemed to enjoy their sleep-ins a little too much in her opinion.
She froze for a second when she realised nearly all the boys were shirtless, what on earth was happening? She wouldn't say she was complaining as it was quite a nice view but it was a bit odd, to say the least.

She honestly didn't know where to look, then found Luc's eyes, oh and his abs. She sent him a questioning look but before she could receive an answer, she felt a pair of arms around her as she was being lifted off the ground.
She found herself flopped on top of Devin's shoulders, he was much stronger than she had anticipated.
She let out a small shriek but was silenced by a hand pressed against her mouth. Once again, what on earth was happening?

Still trapped upon the small boy's shoulders, she watched him run towards her cabin and without so much of a warning, dumped her on her bed

"Put on something you can swim in," he yelled before running out of her hut with a sly grin and locking her inside.

She found herself standing there completely dumbfounded, she guessed she had to find some bathers? She didn't think she had any but Pan had probably magicked some up for her so she checked her drawers.
She wasn't quite sure what she was expecting but she didn't want to be waltzing around in nothing but a bikini in a camp full of teenage boys. She took out the dark coloured flimsy bathing suit, thoroughly annoyed and got changed.

She inspected herself in the mirror, she could see every single soft curve of her petite body, there was no way she was going out in just that.
She slipped on a large t-shirt over her bikini to cover herself at least a little bit and called out to Devin to let her out.

After a few moments of obnoxiously yelling at Devin to let her out of her hut, the door swung open but instead of Devin greeting her, she found Lucas with his eyes trailing over her mostly exposed body.

She pretended to ignore his eyes burning into her skin and wrapped him in a hug to his surprise, she leaned up to his ear and whispered, "What the heck is happening?"
Before she could contemplate what was happening, he gave her a wink and lifted her, bridal style, "Would everyone stop picking me up like a doll," She whined trying to kick at Lucas' pretty face.

She thought she heard him say something along the lines of "but you are a doll" and groaned at his cheesiness.

They made it to the beach and Lucas began wading in, she knew what he was about to do. Addi let out a shriek, "Noooooo! Put me back! Put me back!"

But it was too late, he had let her drop into the icy depths of the ocean.
She quickly kicked her way to the surface and stared at all the boys laughing at her so she put on a pout and crossed her arms. Before anyone could say anything else humiliating, she tackled her captor, pulling him into the water next to her.
Before she knew it, it had turned into a full-on war.

She ran against the friction of the water as fast as her legs could carry her, she was fearing for her life. They were after her.
She barely made it any further when she was swooped up by Chester, She slapped him in annoyance. Why did they all have to gang up on her?

Addi was passed one to Lucas who had a wicked look on his face, "Don't you run away again," he said and pecked her lightly on the lips. She grinned and brought him close, tangling her hands into his wet locks and capturing his lips with her own. It was a sweet moment till she heard the sound of loud cheers and catcalls.

Internally rolling her eyes, she wondered how on earth did she end up on an island full of immature little boys?
After telling the boys to shut up and mind their own business, repeatedly, the ruckus had settled down and she could almost hear the peaceful sound of the waves.

Luc ducked his head into the water and she decided to plop herself onto his shoulder. They rose and she was on top of the world, almost.
Able to see everyone, for the first time that day, she realised that the ringleader was missing. She assumed he was probably dealing with some sort of secretive business.

"Why are we having a party?" she called down to the boys around her, "Won't Pan be back soon?"

They grinned, looking like they knew something she didn't, which all things considered was very likely, "Today marks a month you've been here," Harvey said, "Surely that's reason enough to party,"

Her eyes grew wide, she had been there for a whole month?
She slowly turned her shock into a celebratory whoop and pumped her fist into the air. Suddenly a chorus of cheers followed hers, she finally felt wanted, she mattered there. Who knew that a bunch of boys on some mystical Island had become her family. Her home.

Tumbling into the waves after falling of Lucas' shoulders, she whipped her hair through the air, splashing everyone within a couple of metres of her. She let out an obnoxious laugh but nothing but silence followed.

She quickly brushed the hair out of her face to see what was wrong and found herself staring up at Pan.
She expected that kind of look when you just got caught out doing drugs by a teacher but then again she wasn't surprised to see him wearing his signature smirk,

"I see you're having fun," he pretended to look around, "I've got a surprise for you too,"
From the look in his gleaming eyes, she didn't think it was going to be as fun a surprise for her.

Her brows furrowed slightly as he held out a hand for her to take, it seemed he wanted to go then. She took a breath and placed her hand in his, not sure if the rush she felt was from nerves or something else completely.

She stepped onto the beach, barely clothed hoping he would at least allow her to dry off and get changed. She followed in the opposite direction to camp, it didn't look like she was faint to be able to put on any clothes but unlike Lucas, Pan seems to keep his eyes on hers rather than over her exposed skin which she appreciated.

The sun had begun to set as Pan lead her into a dark cave, it was neatly pitch-black inside as he picked up a candle off the floor and lit it with a snap of his fingers. The light illuminated his fair complexion and green eyes and even though she probably should have been terrified that he might have taken her to kill her but she couldn't feel anything but relaxed.
Shadows danced on the wall but there weren't any people and the air was filled with faint whispers, the whole place was surreal.

She was snapped out of her daze as Pan grabbed her hand and lead her towards what looked like a mini waterfall.

Her breath caught in her throat, "Is this the surprise?" She asked confused because the boy didn't seem the type to take her to a waterfall just for the sake of it. There was something else, she was sure of it.

"Do you want to play a game?" He asked, walking circles around her. She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off, "Well it doesn't matter what you want, now does it?"

There is was, this want just some yay you've been here for a while, let's celebrate. This was a yay you've been here for a while, let's test you.

Pan disappeared from her view and she felt a breath by her ear, "What do you want?" she asked.

He appeared in from of her again but this time, he was only inches away. His eyes stared daggers into hers and she found herself begin to sweat.
"Have you noticed what all the lost have in common?"

"They're all boys?" She tried,

"Yes, but no," he said unmoving,

"Tell me then," she said knowing that she obviously wouldn't get it and he would have to tell her anyways.

"Have you ever seen any of their shadows?" He asked.
That was a strange thought, but she had never noticed it before. None of the lost boys had shadows, unlike her.

"No," she answered, "Why's that?'

"You see, the moment you lose your shadow, you become one with the Island. You are tethered to it so when you want to remain on this Island, you give yourself up to it," he said, "Now darling, will you give yourself up?"

The way he spoke sent chills down her spine and her eyes never left his the entire time, she was transfixed. He raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer.

She blinked away her daze and put her head on straight, "What do I get if I do it. What's my reward?"
She could tell he didn't expect that response, assuming the boys probably just blindly gave in but if she was going to live without a shadow and tether herself to the Island, she wanted something in return, it wasn't a good enough incentive for her.

"You want to make a deal?" He asked and she nodded, locking eyes with him, "Fine, I'll answer any question you have,"


"You might want a distraction though,"he said inching closer, "It might sting,"

Pan lifted his hand to her head and the moment his fingers touched her forehead, she saw a white flash and she was no longer in the cave.

She was standing in a room, slightly off white walls around her and a small couch in the corner. There was no real furniture in Neverland so she found herself sinking into the dark cushion, completely losing herself in the bliss.

A moment later, she opened her eyes to see a group of people entering the room. She stood up, seemingly no longer in control of her own body and ran to hug the strangers.

Her brain suddenly realised who they were, it was her family. Her real family.
The blonde woman stroked her head and Addi buried her head into her red leather jacket, "We've missed you, honey,"

Another woman with dark brown eyes and olive skin wrapped her arms around her and whispered into her hair, "Come back, baby. Come home, Addison," She looked into her dark eyes and found comfort.

There was a man with a baggy sweater, a stubbly beard and glasses, she sunk into his safe arms, "We will always be here," he placed his hand on her heart.

She then ran to another man in a leather jacket with dark black hair and piercing blue eyes, she noticed that he only had one hand and the other was replaced with... a hook? She found herself in his arms all the same, "We'll find you, Page," he said, "That's what family is, and we won't give up till you're home,"
She felt tears rolling down her cheeks and she was unable to speak.

The four adults suddenly disappeared into thin air and five teenagers replaced them, she suddenly heard a loud shriek coming just about all of them, "Page!"

There was an auburn girl radiating energy and had paint splotched all over her vintage-looking clothes, a redhead boy who stood a head taller than her, a brunette boy dressed in all dark colours next to him who was giving her a warm smile, an older girl with light blonde hair who was almost as tall as the boys and another pale boy with nearly black hair and sky blue eyes.
They shared a group hug and cried into each of her friend's arms, not wanting to ever let go.

The entire moment was a blur and a series of hugging and crying, she had never felt more emotions in her life but unlike the previous encounter with her family, six names popped into her head as if they were there the whole time.
Robyn, Philip, Gideon, Alex and Neal.

As soon as she began to grasp her emotions, the scene before her swirled into oblivion and she was standing in a glade, she was back in Neverland and had a bow in her hands and once again she had no control over her own body.

She pulled the arrow back and released it onto the target, suddenly there was someone there with her. Pan.
He smiled at me, a real smile, "Good job, Addi," he said with no trace of sarcasm, he really meant it.

Warmth flooded my body at his approval, all he ever did was ignore her and now he acknowledged her achievements. She was damn good and he knew it.

The scene disappeared again and she was back on the log where Luc and she had shared their first kiss and she wasn't alone. The blue-eyed boy was staring at her with a smile, "You're so beautiful, Addi," he said and leaned in to kiss her. She met his lips and heard him murmur, "I love you,"

Everything suddenly went black and she felt solid ground beneath her, she was in control of her body once again.
Addi opened her eyes and squinted against the candlelight, Pan was just standing there as if he was waiting for her to wake up.

"What just happened?" She rose to my feet quickly but immediately felt a wave of dizziness and started swaying,

Pan grabbed her arm, "It was like a dream," he said, lYou saw your greatest desires, it helps distract from the pain,"

Oh right, She had forgotten that she had just agreed to him ripping her shadow right from my body.

"What do you mean my greatest desires?"

"Tell me what you saw," he pressed,

"I... saw my family, I think-"

"Your family?" He interrupted with a shocked expression, "You know who they are now?" he seemed a little frazzled by this information,

"Yeah," she nodded in confusion at his sudden interest, "And my friends, I saw my parents I think,"

Pan's face seemed to have frozen as if contemplating her words, "You can't know your family, sweet Addi," he whispered like a threat. Oh no.

Addi saw green smoke coming out of his hands and before it engulfed her, she immediately blacked out once again.

Her eyes shot open and she squinted against the candlelight, Pan was standing there as if he was just waiting for her to wake up.

"What just happened?" She rose to her feet quickly but immediately felt a wave of dizziness and started swaying,

Pan grabbed her arm, "It was like a dream," he said, "Tell me what you saw,"

She frowned remembering that she had just agreed to him ripping her shadow right from her body and now she was currently shadowless, "Why should I tell you?"

"The dream shows you your greatest desires," he said then quirked an eyebrow waiting for her to tell him.

"I... was here, in Neverland, I was shooting and you were there," she said hesitantly.

A smirk rose to the brunette's lips, "I was there?"

Hear rose to her cheeks, "No, not like that, I shot the arrow and you praised me,"!She continued ignoring his intrigued stare, "And then I was with Lucas bu the log and we were kissing," she paused just enough to catch a glimpse of Pan fleeting face of disgust, "Them, he told me he loved me,"

Pan had a curious look that she could no longer decipher, "You crave the approval and attention of others don't you Addi,"

Did she? It felt like Pan was discovering her darkest secret but she had the strangest feeling that he wasn't saying something, something important, she shifted awkwardly, "I suppose,"

Pan began to lead her out of the dark cave and she suddenly remembered their deal, she stopped in her tracks, "What about my question?"

He turned around to face her, "What do you want to know, dear Addi?"

She frowned at his stupid nickname and thought for a moment, "Who am I?" She asked, "And no dumb answers, I know you know,"

He looked at her with a softness she hadn't seen before, he almost looked guilty, "You're name is Addison Page,"he said, she was about to protest who he said, "I answered the question,"

I looked him in the eye, "Please," she pleaded, "I deserve to know more than just that, Pan. You don't know what it's like to not even know who your own family is," her voice slightly cracked as she held in her tears. She wouldn't let him see her cry.

"Fine," he said a small smile crept onto her lips, 'I've met your parents before. Your father, he was a pirate on the shores of Neverland. That's all you're getting," and with that, he turned towards the mouth of the cave and this time she followed him out.

The sky was surprisingly dark, she didn't think we had been gone long but the only lights in the sky were that of the stars.

Addi walked to her cabin savouring the information she had been received. Her name was Addison Page and her father was a pirate.

Bit of info to digest, what do you y'all think about the people she saw, who are they and why were they there??? See if you can figure any other clues out coz that's all I'm giving you. I want to hear all your crazy theories and everything :)
Don't forget to vote and comment as well or I'll be vry sad.

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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