Chapter 5

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     I was right! She is his daughter!

     "I knew you'd betray me one day," the shadow-wolf snarled in his spine-chilling voice. "All those nights when you snuck out, and now this; letting the prisoner go free. I should've known you were soft on our enemies."

     "Fine! You're right!" Raven snapped. "My mate is a SkyWing, not that stuck-up excuse for a wolf that you want to be my mate!" she dashed out the cave entrance, Eclipse at her paws.

     Surprisingly, the shadow-wolf didn't follow them. They kept running, until they reached a bright orange dragon with red spots and black horns, spines, and claws who was hanging back from the fight.

     Raven quickly touched her nose to his snout, and he ran with them. At last they reached a mossy hollow, and laid down, panting.

     "We can only rest for a little bit," Spark said. "We're near the city."

     Eclipse quickly caught a rabbit and two mice, and noticed that from her paws to halfway up her upper-legs was faded.   She growled softly in annoyance.

     "So," Raven mumbled around a bite of sparrow. "Do you mind if I ask my questions?"

     Eclipse realized she was talking to her, and she nodded.

     "What are you, really?" Raven asked. "You're definitely not a dragon, like the pack is saying."

     "I'm a Drolgon," Eclipse answered. "A dragon wolf hybrid. There's also a tiny bit of cat, fox, and more wolves and dragons mixed in."

     "There's already a species that our pup can fit into?" Raven asked hopefully.

     "Err..." Eclipse trailed off awkwardly. "N-not really... your daughter- or Drolgonet, Galaxy, is the first Drolgon ever to be born."

     "What?!" Raven's eyes widened. "How do you know that? And how did you find out exactly what we're going to name her? Are you some sort of NightWing-wolf-mind-reader? And she can't be the first Drolgon ever to be born; you're here, right now! And you're much older than her; she hasn't even been born yet! Wait- HOW DID YOU KNOW SHE WAS FEMALE?!"

     Eclipse gave a weak, uncomfortable smile.

     "Please don't freak out too much... also, I'm sooo much younger than Galaxy. Like- centuries younger."

     Raven was silent now, just shaking her head in confusion. Spark brushed her haunches with his tail comfortingly, and turned to Eclipse.

     "How do you know this? Are you somehow from the future, or something?" He asked.

     "Yep," Eclipse replied simply. "I died, the spirits sent me back in time, and now I'm here. The spirit realm is going to be created by Galaxy, after she... passes. But I promise, she lives a good, long life."

     "Sounds like our little pup – or as you call her, our Drolgonet – is going to be important," Raven said at last.

     "Way more than you two know." Eclipse smiled.

     Then Raven suddenly pricked her ears, and dragons burst out of the woods. They grabbed Eclipse, Raven, and Spark, and hauled them toward the city.

     Oh, just absolutely great! Eclipse grumbled sarcastically in her head. I'm a prisoner again, and I only just got out of the last prison a few moments ago.

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