Chapter 9

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     Eclipse awoke to roaring and clattering. A dragon stomped into Eclipse, Raven, and Spark's room, and hauled all three of them down the tower and into the throne room.

     "IT WAS THE WOLF! I BET SHE LED HER PACK HERE!" Eclipse heard Lady Crimson roar.

     She could see the bright red royal SkyWing flapping her big wings around and yelling hysterically as wolves poured into the palace. Dread seeped into Eclipse, and she stared into the dust clouds caused by tumbling stones to see Alpha Shadow.

     He was staring right back at her, his blood-red eyes malevolent and full of rage.

     Queen Sunset marched toward Raven, Eclipse, and Spark, looking furious.

     "Wolf," she addressed Raven with a glare. "You brought your stinking pack here with you, didn't you?"

     Raven seemed frozen with horror. Clearly she thought she'd outrun her evil father at last, but now that fantasy was fading away. "N-no! I didn't- I would never!" She squeaked.

     Spark put on a firm, protective expression, and put his wing around Raven.

     Eclipse briefly saw Lady Crane looking sorry, and staring right at her, before she dove into a fierce battle. She was strong and big, so she had a clear advantage over the wolves. When Eclipse saw an actual battle between the warring species for the first time, she started to wonder how the wolves had survived for so long.

     But she didn't wait to find out, because her survival instincts drove her away from the battle to see if the palace had a back door.

     Spark hesitated, watching a big, bright orange SkyWing with ferocious fighting skills driving several wolves out of the palace. Eclipse saw the resemblance between Spark and the fierce SkyWing, and guessed that she was his mother from all the stories she'd heard.

     Eclipse stopped, Raven refusing to leave Spark's side, and heaved an exhausted sigh. She would have to fight this one.

Brushing her wings around Raven and Spark, she ran into the battle, knocking over about a dozen wolves in her wake.    Spark and Raven dove in after her, never leaving each others' sides.

     Eclipse grabbed a wolf by the neck, and rammed him into another wolf. The two tumbled out of the palace.

     A wolf jumped on Eclipse's back, and she howled as the dragon claws the wolf was wearing dug into her spine. She quickly beat the wolf with her wings, and rolled over, squishing it beneath her body. It yowled in pain, crawling away, it's back legs broken by Eclipse's weight. 

     She whirled around, pinned a wolf that was creeping up on her, and bit at its neck. There was a wound, but not bad enough to kill it. She believed that at least some of these wolves were good, and she wanted to give them a chance. Unlike in the battle with the Darkbeasts, where she was certain they were all evil. They had to be... right?

     She caught a glimpse of a wolf slinking off into the shadows toward the throne room, and she howled a warning. Then she sped off after her, Queen Sunset, Lady Crane, Lady Dragonfly, and Lady Crystal at her paws.

     When they reached the throne room, they saw the she-wolf they'd chased there and a few other wolves wrestling a dragon that had many dragonflame cactus bombs. Eclipse froze, realizing what the wolves were doing. They were going to blow up the palace, and everyone inside. Then they would demolish the rest of the city, turning it into ruins of what it once was. That was how it got destroyed.

    "We have to go now," Eclipse barked to the royal dragons.

     She knew of the other continent, Praïsa, and that in the present, most of the dragons lived there. 
     If that's where they are in my time, that's where they're going to go right now in the past. But in the past I wasn't here, so they probably lost a lot more dragons than they're going to lose right now because I'm here.

     "They're going to blow up the entire city," Eclipse told them rapidly. "It will be demolished, and there's nothing you can do. I need you to listen to me very carefully- you need to go to the coast, and cross the ocean to the east, and you'll find Praïsa. Take all the dragons you can round up. Praïsa is another continent, and in the present, almost all the dragons live there. It will save the dragon race. Go as quickly as you can; don't stop for anything!"

     Queen Sunset looked skeptical, but then nodded slowly. Lady Citrine flew over to her ledge, picking up as many gems as she could hold. Eclipse rolled her eyes. This was no time to worry about jewels! They were all going to die if they stayed any longer! But the wolves were still trying to get the bomb, and the dragon that had the bomb was fighting hard. He was getting tired and wounded, though, and probably couldn't hold on for much longer.

     Despite Eclipse's reasoning, the royal dragons rushed to their chambers to gather their treasure saying "it's going to be needed, to create another city". And Eclipse could see a little of the reason in that, too, but she still though they should just go.

     While the royals gathered their belongings, Eclipse, Spark, and Raven hurried most of the dragons out of the palace. The wolves chased them out, their jaws snapping at Eclipse's paws.

     Eclipse and her companions howled and roared warnings to the city, Raven on the ground, and Spark and Eclipse flying about. At last dragons started filing out of the city's outer walls, and waiting just outside for their queen and the other royals.

     There was a rumble, and stones fell out of the palace walls. The place was falling apart. Then Eclipse could see a shimmering red-orange and a hint of white, and there was a huge explosion.

     The queen and the other royals tumbled out of the palace, their scales scuffed up. They each had many pouches slung around their necks, across their chests, and a few small ones around their tails and arms and legs.

     Eclipse waved them over to her, and all the dragons followed Eclipse, Raven, and Spark just as the palace fell in on itself. Sadly, a few dragons hadn't listened to Eclipse, Spark, and Raven, so they were now trapped in the flaming city. But so were most of the wolves. A few escaped, and headed toward Bigrocks, across the moors. Maybe they were the ancestors of the wolves that Eclipse had glimpsed living there in the present.

     They travelled to the North, in search of the IceWings, and went to the mountains to find some SkyWings, and found some BirdWings in the mountains and forests. Then they headed to the coast as Eclipse had told them to, and stared out at the ocean.

     Eclipse decided that even though her entire body excluding her neck, head, and spots on her spine were faded, she had to guide the dragons to Praïsa. So they set off, flying over the seas, Spark and Eclipse taking turns carrying Raven. There were a lot of dragonets and some elderly dragons that had trouble flying, so they were helped by the strongest guards that had escaped the explosion.

     There were a few small islands on the way to Praïsa, so they would rest on them. Then night fell, and Eclipse estimated that they were almost halfway there. They flew on, until they found another small island, and then they settled down for the night.

     Eclipse heard dragonets wailing for their mothers, since some of them hadn't made it out of the city. She also heard grumbling and groaning about having to move somewhere completely new, and being tired, and having stinging wounds.

She also noticed Moonstone laying on her back and looking at the stars. She had a sad look in her eyes, and she was wringing her talons slightly.

"Can you see any constellations?" A male NightWing with a thick covering of silver scales on the undersides of his wings, three silver scales under his eyes, and a greenish tint to his scales asked Moonstone, sitting beside her. Eclipse guessed he was around Moonstone's age, and she also guessed by the way he was looking at Moonstone that he had a crush on her.

     "Well, there's one looking right down at us," Moonstone said, pointing to a v-shaped line of stars, with two smaller upside-down v's above it.
     "Ah, the Spirit Wolf," the other NightWing commented.

     Moonstone laughed. "Starwatcher, you really do love living up to your name, don't you?"

     "I guess," Starwatcher replied, smiling bashfully.

     Eclipse smiled too, and rolled over. At least the usually fidgety, nervous, but friendly young NightWing would have someone she could love instead of Spark.

     Eclipse also knew the Spirit Wolf as the Kitsune in her timeline, but she guessed these dragons didn't know what a Kitsune was yet.

     The island they were resting on was just big enough for all the dragons, including Raven and Eclipse as well. Some of the SeaWings had found pools of water where they wouldn't be swept into the ocean by the current, and they slept there. It was chilly, too, with the ocean wind blowing right across the island since there were no plants or trees other than a few scraggly dead brambles.

     Eclipse was curled up into a tight ball, her wings folded around her like a blanket. But it didn't keep out the cold which felt like it was cutting right through her. She wished she could've shared Sapphire's warmth. Not that she had ever actually been warmed by her; at least not like she wanted to be. They had loved each other as friends, but not actually loved each other.

     Eclipse sighed grumpily, wanting to be anywhere but on the run with almost four hundred dragons on a freezing island in the middle of the sea.

     It took a lot of rolling around and envying how Raven and Spark were cuddled up together before she finally fell asleep.

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