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She sat up.

And crawled to her mom, turning her over and tapping her cheek, "Wake up..." she whispered faintly, her voice screeching like a broken record, like a ghost wailing. Gently scooping her up from the ground, she tried shaking her and when she didn't move, her heart started pounding against her chest and she didn't need to know why she had started crying.

"... No..."

"I need you to protect me... Wake up." Her lips trembled and she began shuddering, all her thoughts came to a halt.

Her eyes were wide open, and it looked like she struggled to draw in her last breath, she should have come down sooner, she let her die. She was a coward.

"Don't do this to me..." she clasped her closer, hoping she'd feel her breathing against her skin but she felt nothing, her body stayed limp. "No. Come on... I need you. Don't leave me."

She didn't know what to do. Her mind was blank, and Katsuki was right behind her. She felt hopeless, everything hurt, and the fact that she let her mother be strangled dug a hole in her stomach.

"Wake up."

It was unbearable.

She wiped off her tears and took out her phone, she could call an ambulance and maybe they could help her, maybe she was alive, maybe she was just sleeping, maybe she should just die. She shook her head, unlocking her phone and profusely trying to remember the number she needed to dial.

But, Katsuki snatched her device away and looked down at her, "You're not calling anyone." he let her know, throwing the mobile far away from her, she released a shaky breath, of course, he wouldn't let her do anything. Even try to call for help. She held onto her mother, she didn't want to let go, and she didn't want her to die, but the reality was cruel.

She needed to do something.

Picking herself up she turned to the blonde and stared at him, she'd started with a vengeance, and she would end it with revenge.

Katsuki approached her and tried to hold her hand, but she pushed it away instantly, "Don't..." he spoke watching her face.

He didn't know when to give up, not until he got what he wanted.

He gripped her shoulders when his advances were rejected, gazing deep into her eyes, he mused, "You... Were all I could think of." he pulled her in, towards him, forcing her head to rest against his chest, his heart beating fast.

"Your mom would have made you pick another man... I don't want anyone else to take my place. Don't you see that?"

She kept pushing, she kept resisting, she kept hating him, "I'm so tired of you, your pride, your ego, your obsession with victory."

"Maybe take a loss for once!" she cried out.

She shoved him off her and took a step back, quickly moving away when he attempted to close the distance between them again, "Don't touch me." she warned as she moved back, "You touch me, you won't see me ever again."

That made him stop, and glare at her, "I won't let you out of my sight." he snarled, narrowing his eyes and standing stiff. "You have no other option but to come to me." He continued, "There can't be a no."

"You killed them." She spits out, scrunching her nose and wearing a grimace, "You'd be a fool to think that--"

She heard a car outside. She held her breath and trained her eyes on him. Was izuku outside?


All she needed was a plan to get out and make it to Izuku. "You know what, I think you deserve to know something," she muttered, and gently shifted her legs forward.

She stared at him as she kept walking up to him and knowing him he wouldn't dare to step away from her advance, her personality shift made it all the more propelling to find out what she meant.

"I have your weakness. With me." She smiled, being cryptic to throw him off and relishing the view on his face. She grinned, taking her hands to his face and cupping his cheek, he didn't dare to move.

"What the heck are you saying?" he voiced his thoughts out loud, blinking and monitoring her every move.

"Oh, you poor thing... So confused. I kinda like it." she smiled wide, maybe she could lure him into a trap if he didn't figure her out first but either way, all she needed was some time. "How about I show you?"

"The fuck are you acting all strange for?"


They both heard it, and they both turned toward it. She quickly looked back to Katsuki, she knew she might be coming off very strong, that she was being too obvious, but she did what her guts told her to do, "Look at me." She scowled as she forced him to face her.

"When I tell you to look at me, you look at me, isn't that your words? Kinda hypocritical that you don't follow it but expect me to?"

Then, it was silent. But only for a second.

"Oh, I get it..." His words startled her, and the familiar urge to cut herself out of the picture clawed inside her chest because when he realized something, it meant nothing good for her.

He smiled, "I think I get it..." he wrapped his arm around her waist, "You and Deku teamed up, right?" he leaned in, "So, he got here, right? Isn't that why you are trying to distract me?"

He hit the nail into the coffin.

She floundered to control the urge to gulp, right now all she wanted to do was lock her eyes on him and never look away, if she did let her attention slip, she was doomed.

"You are too smart for your own good. Too bad I know you all too much." His teeth appeared so sharp up close like he was a predator waiting to sink in its teeth into her. She tried to chuckle, she hoped it sounded believable, "I could say the same for you."

"Oh? Really?" He flashed her a smirk.

"Yeah, I hate it when you catch me in a lie." she leaned in more, "but I wasn't lying." she had one secret hidden up her sleeve if she could find the right time to throw him off. "You dug your own grave." She put her lips to his ear, "and I'll be there to bury you."

She bit his ear, holding onto it as tight as she could while he grunted and tried to get her off of him, but if he pulled, she'd take his ear with her. He would know that.

"Loopy!! Arghh...! You little-!!" He yelled, his hand coming up to loosen her hold by gripping her jaw, thinking she had earned her opportunity she let go and allowed him to plow her off, taking the chance to run to the back door while he looked down at the small droplets of blood and then at her receding footsteps.

She rattled the doorknob and took a glance behind her, just a second early before he emerged from the living room, she shook the handle and twisted it, and let herself out into the cold air outside. Just in time to hear his thumping footsteps coming after her.

Without looking back, she ran around the house and out the gate, urgently looking right and left and seeing no sign of the car she was expecting to see, but it didn't matter because she kept running. Because she had no time to waste.

The sounds of crickets used to be her favorite tune to enjoy at night when she used to sit outside and talk with her parents, but now, all it was, was a reminder. A dreadful reminder of having to survive on her own, depending on others could only help her so much.

She carried on. Not caring if the darkness was terrifying, there were things far scarier than running in the dark, and it was right behind her. She had to lose him.

She was getting exhausted by the second, and she could only keep up her sprint for long before he caught up and she could only hope to escape him again.

"[Y/N]!!" He called out her name.

She didn't stop.

Then, the most mind-numbing sound echoed in the area, something she didn't have time to reflect upon, something she'd heard the moment silence invaded her home. An explosion.

She could never win at this cost, the speed he kept gaining from using his quirk to propel himself toward her was damn near impossible for her to outrun. Then, a deafening sound etched into her mind, he aimed a timed explosion toward her, burning the skin on her back and having her stumble down from the sheer force.

She took one last glance behind her, he was right behind her and there was nothing she could do about her. The look on his face was sure to haunt her if she survived this long enough.

He was upset, he was furious, he looked like he was out to kill her. If he killed her now, it wouldn't make much of a difference, she'd already been dead inside waiting for her end to come.

She stared into his red eyes as she felt herself fall to the concrete and suffer the brute force that came with it, his hand immediately constricted her throat and increased the pain she could feel from his scorching warm hands.

"Damn it [Y/N]!! Why do you keep making me do this?!" He yelled in her face, his knee digging into her thigh and restricting any movement she could muster. She wailed in pain and tried to free her neck from his deadly grip, one that might have killed her if he hadn't loosened his clutch after hearing her scream.

"I loved you! I love you!! Why won't you just-" he bowed his head, as if to remind himself something, "No, what happened wasn't your fault." his eyes looked so unnerving in the dark, she couldn't feel her legs and she couldn't know what was going to happen to her.

"I think if I just rid you of these impulsive urges, you wouldn't have to flee from me, right?" he continued, darting his eyes to the ground, "I mean, it's what caused you to run away from me in the first place."

She didn't say anything, she didn't know what to say, or what she should do now that he's got her. She didn't plan this far ahead.

She knew what he was implying.

"It'd be better if I just took it all away right?"

"You mean kill me?" She strained her voice to whimper out a squeak, "That won't help-" he squeezed her throat again, "Don't say another word." he warned.

She listened, removing her hands away from him to touch her belly, maybe she'd die in different ways before he decided to kill her. "You hurt me."

"I could ask the same, why do you keep hurting me?" she smiled, tiny tears forming in the corners of her eye, feeling some relief as he eased his grip and was wary about killing her accidentally.

"I said, shut up." he threatened again, but at this point in her life, she had gotten used to it. It didn't faze her. She peered up at him and looked down. Since she's already lost the battle, she might as well drop a bomb.

She bit the insides of her mouth and stretched her lips into an unsettling smile, "I'm pregnant." she said it out loud and clear, "It's yours." she said it just in case he doubted her honesty, then she observed the show unfolding in front her eyes, it was a sight to remember.

His grip slackened before pulling his hand away altogether, he stared down at her, unable to to close his eyes as he traced his hand down to her stomach, opening his mouth to say something but failing to do so. Instead, he caressed her skin underneath her attire.

"You're... pregnant...?" He mumbled. At a loss for words, but he kept his eyes on her.

"And you hurt me," she replied.

"W-why didn't you say anything? You should have told me sooner!! Fuck!!" All the anger drained from his face and suddenly it was replaced with a nervous grin.

"Fuck... I got you pregnant, you're carrying my child!!" he laughed, skimming his fingers through his hair and his smile didn't fade a bit.

His face brightened up and she had to stop to think if this was the bully who tormented her throughout her life and chased her down.

He pulled her up and hugged her tight, breathing in her scent and sharing the warmth of their body. There was a car in the distance she could see, it was coming towards them.

She hoped they'd notice her in the dark.

"I can't believe it... You're finally--."

Katsuki was much too overjoyed to notice it until the glow that shined on them from the headlights coerced him to stop. His silence was telling, and his grip on her increased.

"[Y/N]!" She perked up at the sound of his voice and he noticed that. He didn't like it.

Izuku watched his childhood friend blanket her in his embrace, his back turned to him as he slowly glared back at him, his arms safely wrapped around her body and if he couldn't see her face, he'd have guessed he swallowed her whole.

"What are you doing here, Deku." his voice was stern and bitter, and he didn't let him see her.

"I'm here to take [Y/N] home."

"She's not your responsibility, crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of, you bastard." he retorted twice as aggressively as before, "She's my wife, I can take care of her."

"Kacchan, let her go. She doesn't want to be with you." that made him flare up, and yell out.

"I said! Get out of here! You knew where she was but you kept hiding her away from me, you damn nerd!!"

"You know exactly why I did that!"

"So you could keep her to yourself?! Tough shit asshole, she's my wife, she belongs to me." he grabbed her by her shoulder and lifted her to her feet, trying to merge their bodies so she couldn't run off to izuku.

"She doesn't belong to you Kacchan."

"The hell do you mean?! She does belong to me, shut up and get lost Deku."

"I'm not leaving without her."

"She's mine damn it!! Are you dumb, get the hell out of my face, Deku!!" He tried to pull her away from the situation and she quickly held her ground, adamantly denying to leave with him.

"Kacchan!" Izuku approached them and took hold of her hand. Katsuki hated that.

"Let her go!! Deku!" he yelled, freeing one of his hands to cut off the skin contact between them. "That's it!" his palms glowed, and without a warning, he blasted a huge explosion toward him. Katsuki held onto her and shielded her as the force of it pushed them back.

"Don't ever touch her again!!" His voice was ringing inside her ear, and she felt dizzy. "Stop..." she hit his chest, she did not want to see anyone hurt. She didn't want to see Izuku get hurt because of her.

She could bet it was a conflicting matter for him, the friend he grew up with and becoming heroes together, and her, she was just a friend who left him behind.

"Stop... Don't do this." she held onto his black shirt, "You've already taken away a precious person from me, don't hurt him." Her mother's image flashed before her eyes and she hid her face in his shoulder, tightly squeezing her eyes shut. "I can't take this anymore..."

"Leave him alone. He helped me when Aoi tried to kill me, he saved me. If anything, you should be grateful I'm alive."

Katsuki stared into the smokescreen, his arms still tightly wrapped around her body before he gently picked her up. He knew Izuku wouldn't give up if it meant saving her, he had to make up another strategy.

Izuku ran through the thick smoke concealing the road, and he stopped amidst it, jostling his hand to clear the smoke hindering his vision. He reached the end of it and looked around, he couldn't see them.

"[Y/N]!! He called out.

He heard back his own voice.

"[Y/N]!!!" He shouted once more, quickly activating his quirk, and oared himself up to get an overview of the place. The smoke was slowly clearing out, it wasn't fast enough to warrant their appearance.

"Answer back [Y/N]!" he landed down and searched around the area, it wasn't long until he heard footsteps behind him, he whipped his head around to face the sound, and to his horror, he saw nobody.

He'd swore he heard running.

He kept looking until he heard birds chirp, and the sun was nearly up when he realized he lost them.

Me: scared that the chapter has plot holes.
Also me: eh, it's probably fine. *silent panic*

I shall now end this book---'s chapter I mean.
I have this thought that izuku gets easily stunned for a few seconds after hearing explosions like he has to calm his ringing eardrums and get back to the field.

Also, people die of fear first before anything else. I mean, I can't deny hearing an explosion would give me a panic attack. I mean everyone would.

Ahem, now that is out of the way, let's jump onto some of the upcoming bloody chapters. Also also, I think we hit 100,000 words, goddamn...

*Note: not edited.

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