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The girl she knew had grown into a beautiful woman, but the wicked smile she flashed back to her surprised look reminded her of how she wronged her, it couldn't be a good sign to see her after all these years stepping into her prison. "Hey..." Aoi mused, using her body to push against the door and lock it. The click rang in her ears, summoning her back from the last memory she had of Aoi.

They did not start off anything with pleasant words.

"I wanted to pay you a visit one last time." Aoi said with a wider smile, moving away from the entrance and towards her, "You know, like a farewell you never said when you left." it was a clothed threat, slipping out her lips like venom. It made her think of all the things she could use to maintain distance. "Life is full of surprises... and I had my reasons to leave. You would know," she responded with a step back, prepared to fight or run into the room she'd been trapped in since day one.

"Yeah, that ass-hole you and I hate, why didn't I think of that?" She faked concern, tilting her head and cupping her cheek, she grinned, "Yeah, that decision sure landed you in the best place, right?" she brought her eyes back to her, bringing her hand down when she earned no reaction. "But, it seems your tolerance level shot through the roof thanks to him, so should I say, best fucking couple in the universe?"

She glared at the sound of her voice and despite wanting to retort with something equally angering, she did not entertain her. She was not a guest. But she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"You know that's not true, he tortured me! How did you get inside?" She took a step forward.

"So you can report me to the police and get me locked up? Not happening. Besides, I think you are much suited to be a meek little bitch in this house, it's made for you!" Aoi laughed after she mocked, happier that she was getting her enemy riled up.

She couldn't let Aoi ruin her thought process, she had to put aside her pride and do everything right in hopes of getting an unwilling companion, unfortunately, this was the best she could afford in a Ford-like house, and an obsessed bully.

"No-- how did you get inside? I need to know, PLEASE--" she rambled, moving an inch closer and allowing desperation to ink onto her face, she needed Aoi's help even if she didn't like asking her for it.

"You know my quirk? No? I don't reckon you do, if you're asking me this." she smiled big, narrowed her eyes, and blinked, approaching her stiff statuette she opened her lips, "Well, since you are asking so cutely, I guess I can tell you. How do you think I knew about you and that bastard having an intimate relationship? Back in school when I spread rumors about it?"

"... I don't know."

"My quirk helps in uncovering every little secret behind each unmoving object. LIKE--" Aoi spun on her heel and stretched her hands, her head held high and looking down at her enemy, "He brought this house for you, to trap you in it with no possible escape to the outside world with your measly quirk of disappearing whenever tragic hardship struck!" she cheered with glee, lowering her hands and saying, "Kinda creepy, huh?"

"He was always so specific about you! Like as if he liked watching you as if he followed you around like a pathetic puppy! Made me get all those things for him to jerk off to!"

She didn't want to know, she wanted a way out, and hearing her spit out all those things made her head hurt, she wanted to keep herself in check! She needed her brain to work up something smart enough to leave. She grabbed Aoi's shoulders and tightly squeezed them, shouting, "I don't care, just tell me how do I get out of here?!"

Aoi stopped, peeling her eyes open she decided she wanted to watch her suffer. "OH MY GOD!!" she laughed, leaning her face closer to her most hated person in the world, "Are you asking for my help right now?! I never thought I would see this day! But..." she calmed her voice to a whisper, and said, "I'm not here to help you."

Aoi shoved her off, kicked her away, and on the ground to stare up at her looming figure, eyeing her and enjoying her attempts, relishing the thought of being her only hope of escaping him, "Besides, I would have helped you the same night he got you here, oh! I mean kidnapped you here, I just figured since we are enemies, you wouldn't like me helping you out, and with your presence here, I have all the pieces to destroy his reputation and make him hurt." she giggled as she fished out her phone, "I recorded everything on that fateful night, geez even the part where he said about having your honeymoon together."

Aoi crouched down, delighting herself in watching her expression twist and fall, "Do you want to see them?"

"...No." she replied, shuffling back and standing up, "If you want to ruin him, I can help you, we can help each other," she suggested hesitantly, she had nothing to lose.

"Classic move, don't you think? I'm not about to fall for that, I don't need your help, you are useless one way or another." copying her movement, Aoi stood up tall and proud. "Though I do wonder if killing you or taking you hostage will be better." Aoi talked as though she were thinking about whether to make stew or beef, the indifference and joy in her voice urged her to take a big step back.

"Either way, I think killing you is what I would enjoy the most."

That was the missing cue she needed to run.

Bolting to the hallway leading upstairs and scurrying up a few stairs, stumbling for a moment, she threw her gaze back to see where she stood, "Come on! I want this to be easy! I'm making this easier for you! Even if you live or you die, he'll have to suffer!! Isn't that what you want as well?"

Starting a late match, Aoi traced her steps and followed her inside the bedroom, laughing at the sight of her holding up a pair of scissors, "Whoa, you scared me bitch." She whipped out a knife, polished and sharp, "I have something better though." she pursed her lips, curling them down into a pout. "I can't feel sorry for you lol."

Aoi charged at her without hesitation, prompting her to dodge but lose her balance to avoid the knife in front of her eyes, tackled onto the bed before she kicked Aoi in the stomach, and rolled over to the incoming attack, the knife cutting into the mattress instead. Using that small space of time, she raced to the door hoping she could lock Aoi inside.

But, she was no athlete.

Aoi tripped her, she landed on her stomach and Aoi climbed atop, driving the blade down hard enough to pierce the skin on her shoulder, it stung and bled, and it drove her crazy. Screaming she pushed the scissors into her Aoi's left thigh and maimed her in the same way, twisting it to let her know how much more she hated her. "Get off of me!! YOU FUCKING BITCH!" She shouted, the pain made her forget everything she was and everything she wasn't.

Pushing her head back to knock Aoi away, it succeeded in hitting her chin and nose, tilting her back a little and quickly getting up she dropped Aoi to the floor with the knife still ingrained in her flesh. She punched her in the face, pulling her fist to hit the second time, however, it didn't connect before she was kicked off. "OH!! I'm the bitch!?" amused and bleeding, Aoi chuckled with a crooked smile.

"Then you are the witch who is going to burn alive today!!" Aoi declared, standing and running towards her, she barely managed to get up just in time to evade another tackle on the ground and ran out of the room and downstairs. She needed enough space to be able to pull the knife and stop the bleeding.

She was angry, not scared. It made her hate her quirk.

Hiding in a corner shielded with a big box, she breathe in one last time before feeling the handle of the knife and hesitating, ultimately, she pulled it out and looked down at the sheen of blood coating the silver blade. She hadn't remembered to pull out her scissors in her sprint, it made it seem like they had swapped their weapons.

So, now she had to think of worse things to accumulate her fear enough to fuel her quirk.

"You know, he did horrible things to me. Honestly, I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for my dear someone helping me and pulling me out of the bad dark place." she heard Aoi from the living room, "I do want to start a family with him." Her voice sounded soft for a moment, but that lasted a second, "After I've killed you, I'll have nothing to regret. Maybe, I might even think of letting go of all this bitterness and letting my husband take over for me while I raise my kids."

She stopped speaking for a moment, then, she said, "Are you pregnant by any chance?"

It was her turn to hold her breath and stare at the walls painted the same color as his room upstairs, also the same shade she watched as he gripped her hips and made her hurt. She looked down at her stomach.

"You know, that room we were just in, you lost your virginity there, right?" She continued, "According to what I can tell, you passed out during the second round, you're kinda weak. I last at least four rounds with my sweetheart." Aoi paused, silent in thought while she perked her head up to see if she had caught on, or just standing at the doorway.

Waiting for her to do something.

"Mmm, this brings back old memories, you remember everything that happened at school? Well, after you left I never thought I would be standing at the edge of the rooftop in our school, that bastard pushed me to it. It was hard to go on, but I prevailed. I bet you are feeling the same too." she mused, her voice dancing around the kitchen and echoing its way to her ears.

"But, rest assured, even if you die, I'll make him suffer. I'm not doing it for you, but you could consider it a present. I've never given my enemies a gift so you should be grateful. You are one of a kind." Her voice was filling up the entire house.

"So, are you done hiding in the storage room?"

She remained still, eyes locked on the door and waiting for Aoi. "You want me to come in there so you could sneak in a knife in my stomach or something?"

"We could do it the hard way then," Aoi said.

Slowly she stood up, shoulders curled inward as she tip-toed to the threshold, knife clutched tight and prepared to impale at any sign of danger, carefully observing the open corridor to the kitchen she peered over to the left, then to the right, feeling like a deer walking into the spotlight knowing bad things await.

Just around the corner smiled Aoi, leaned back towards the wall, arms folded and eyes scolding her for making her wait, as if they were friends and not trying to kill each other.

"What hard times did Katsuki give you?" she asked, bouncing right up to her feet and releasing her arms. "I mean, this guy actively tried to kill me when you left school, so it should have been enjoyable at least. No?"

Knowing it was a foolish move, she did so anyway, sweeping the knife to the storage room she stood back up and drew some distance. She wouldn't look very convincing with a knife if she apologizes. 

"I don't know what he did to you, I'm sorry but, I really need your help. Please, I'll do anything, I want to feel the air on my skin again, I just want to see my parents again and go home." She pleaded she knew tears couldn't get her out of the situation, anyone without an ounce of sympathy couldn't muster forgiving their enemies, "I've--"

"Hey, say if you survive, I'll tell you the passcode, yeah?"

"Survive what?"

"You'll know soon enough." Aoi walked towards her, hiding her hands behind her back and grinning at the sorry sight of her, "You just need to survive this." she brought out her hand to caress her hair, it was unusual but she couldn't move, whatever Aoi wanted to do to her, she should let it happen.

If she had been anywhere but here, she would have ran, here she was, staring down at her feet feeling sorry for how things turned out.

"You deserved this." Aoi muttered, and she looked up, saying, "I'm sorry." she had nothing left to lose, she reminded herself that again.

The soft glint in Aoi's eyes disappeared the next moment she opened her eyes, and replacing it was hatred, red and bloody hatred.

Aoi's hand that had been holding her still forced her head against the wall and she couldn't have braced herself for it. The sound of her head hitting the wall repeated in her head as she dropped down to compensate for the pain somehow, but it throbbed relentlessly.

But, Aoi had other plans and little patience.

Letting out a cruel chuckle, she kicked her in the head.

"The passcode is 90... 45.." her ears were ringing, and her eyes wouldn't focus on Aoi's face no matter how much she squinted, "Not that you'll need it." she smiled, getting up on her feet and walking away. Her black heels happily striding away from her fallen figure, one minute she was awake, and the next. 

She just needed to close her eyes.

She doesn't know what woke her up, the alarms going off or the ringing still buzzing in her ears, or the nasty pain she felt when she moved her neck. There was a burning smell in the air and bright orange lights flashing in her eyes, it was warmer.

She got up, disoriented.

Wanting to throw up and close her eyes to stop the headache from raging, she rested her body on the wall, squinting her irritated eyes at the dark clouds hanging outside the barricaded windows, she couldn't tell the time nor what kind of situation she had been in, her head heavy and hurting she walked to the entrance, stopping to see the fire engulfing the kitchen slowly reaching the objects in the corridor and the storage room.

But then, she slipped.

Her head couldn't handle any more pain, she needed to get out. She didn't bother to see what had been coating the floor, desperately leaning against the door and drawing in a quick breath, and urging her fingers to type in the code, she ignored the dread lighting up the house.

But, at the last numbers, she paused.

It was a 6-digit code, she only knew 4.

Something exploded in the kitchen and she turned her head too quickly to remember the dizzying effect, she couldn't stop her eyes from witnessing the fire lining the liquid spilled on the ground and spreading all over the lounge, separating her from the entire house. One way out, and only one.

She heaved, moving back to guess the correct combination before it was too late for her, Aoi had lied and she had believed her, she threw herself into this mess and now, Katsuki's insane protectiveness was going to kill her.

She ignored every pain in her body and worked on the lock.

She had to get this one thing right.

Every sound the house made drove her crazy with fear, she's sure her quirk activated but what was the use now if she was going to die in this prison of a house all alone and helpless? Banging against the door, she hoped if anyone saw the smoke or flames helped her.

"Hahah... Trying to get out now, are we?" Aoi's voice greeted on the other side of the door. "I don't think Katsuki would like that very much."

"Aoi! Please... please, you have to help me.." her voice was small, and painful to hear. She was willing to beg if she could see her parents one last time.

"Oh, don't worry I will... WELL, MAYBE... by the time, anyone reaches here, you'll be saved so I stayed behind to finish the job. How nice of me to keep you company!" She cheered, happiness oozing from the voice. She was enjoying this.

"YOU BITCH!" she slammed her entire body, punching the door as if it would do anything, "TELL ME THE CODE!!" she screamed.

"By the way, you are in no position to demand anything from me."


"That's fine! I don't mind." giggled Aoi. "You are showing off your inner demons in your last moments huh, I guess I was right about you, you are the worse bitch I ever met in my life." she said slow and loud, vividly imagining her smile fading, "Welp, it was nice knowing you." 

Aoi's footsteps descended the stairs, and she slammed the door harder, tears had already gathered and poured down her cheek, her heart beating faster than she's ever known and the smell of burning wood invading her senses, orange flames casting a dreaded shade over her, she knew she would not make it out alive.

She would never leave this house alive to see home again.

Everyone had failed to save her, she was going to die. It made her laugh, in her final thoughts she was holding a grudge, she'd never done that before, even when her bully made her school life a hell-hole.

At least, she would go out smiling with tears.

What more could she do to comfort herself?

Aoi proudly stood in front of the house, having walked away a fair distance, she pulled out the phone her sweetheart gifted her, swiped a few apps, and stopped at the timer counting the seconds, her eyes lid up with joy with only ten seconds left to spare.

Then, a huge explosion erupted, shaking the ground and blowing her hair out of her face, trees and grass catching fire as the burning shell of the house stood on its final legs before everything crumbled down.

Aoi smiled, shaking with glee to have witnessed such beauty and it was only going to get better for her.

Looking down at her phone. She grinned. 


The biggest and longest cliffhanger of the century, very sorry everyone!

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