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"Woah Somi you look like a dry leaf," Misun gasps, looking at her friend.

Break time had just started as the three sat in their regular table.

Last night wasn't a good one for Dasom. After browsing through her phone, she tried her utmost best to sleep but unfortunately, her body wasn't agreeing to it as she spend the whole night reading books.

"Insomnia," Dasom replies, shaking her head when she feels sleep taking over her.

Eunhee slaps Dasom's back before taking a seat with the two.

"Yah! what was that for!," she groans, pointing her fork at her.

Eunhee blows her a kiss. "To keep you awake," she smiles, placing her tray on the table.

Dasom looks at her with disbelief before taking a spoonful of her lunch. "I hate you," she says, chewing the food.

Eunhee flicks her hair, nodding her head before giving her a grin.

The rest of the break went by smoothly as Misun brings out the incident which happened yesterday as she describes how shocked Eunhee looked when the boy confessed to her.

"I'll have to respectfully decline," Misun mimicks Eunhee's response with a high pitched tone. Dasom bursting into a fit of laughter.

"But I rejected him so sweetly," Eunhee reasons out, taking a bite of her food.

Dasom snorts. "Yeah sure," she sarcastically says, shaking her head.

"Ugh but you rejected such a handsome boy," Misun whines, slapping Eunhee's shoulder. "Idiot!"

Eunhee rolls her eyes, placing her spoon on the table. "Then what was I suppose to do? I don't even know him and what was his name again? Kay? No I think it was Zay?," she furrows her brows.

"It's Jay," Dasom says, sighing as she takes a sip of her drink.

Eunhee nods. "Yes I mean Jay," she leans her arms against the table. "He's handsome, I do admit that," Eunhee clicks her tongue. She then adds, "But he has left a very bad first impression on me now."

Dasom's mind wanders over to the thing her older brother told him last night. She contemplates, whether to tell that to Eunhee or not but decides not to as she realises that it's not the right time.

Misun scoffs. "Bad impression? I wonder how calling you pretty is a bad impression."

Dasom gives her a thumbs up. "My baby be speaking facts," she proudly says, patting Misun's shoulder.

Eunhee huffs, poking the insides of her cheek. "Whatever," she sighs. "I said no and that's it. No explanation needed," she points at the two.

Dasom grins. "I smell lies," she sniffs the air, quirking a brow at her.

"Sorry but I'm quite sure that I'll never meet him again," Eunhee waves her arms in the air before nodding.

Misun stiffles a laugh. "I doubt that," she mumbles to herself before scrolling through her phone.

Opening her Instagram, Misun goes through some of the accounts before widening her eyes at what she sees. "Oh my gosh!," she surprisingly says, scooting towards Dasom before shoving her phone in her face

"Yeonjun followed you on Instagram?," Misun asks, a teasing tone in her voice.

Eunhee peeks through the phone before bumping her shoulder against Dasom, which was something she did alot with her. "Bitch you just hit the jackpot," she smugly grins.

Dasom averts her gaze from the two. "Yeah," she says, clearing her throat before taking a sip of her drink again.

Misun and Eunhee share a look before nodding their head.

"Spill the beans~," Misun squeals before looking at Dasom with expectant eyes.

"There's nothing to spill. He just followed me on instagram that's it," Dasom shrugs, acting as if the popular guy from her school following her on social media was not a big deal.

Eunhee rolls her eyes. "I'm about to lose it. Ugh, I never knew you'll be this dumb," she clicks her tongue in annoyance, slamming her hands on the table.

"Gosh, look he even liked the paintings which she posted," Misun wipes away a fake, looking at Dasom before patting her back. "My ship is sailing," she sings out.

"By the way did he bought you the ruler?," Eunhee asks.

Dasom pauses before nodding. "Yes he—

"Somi," Eunhee puts her hand on Dasom's shoulder, looking up at her. Shaking her head, Eunhee lets go of her. "If Yeonjun ever does anything to you, remember that I'll kick his shin," she says in a serious tone.

Dasom furrows her brows in confusion. She lets out an 'ah,' tilting her head in confusion as to why her friends were acting like this.

Yes, it's true that Yeonjun and her have been talking a lot lately.

Ever since, he helped her in the library, both of them have been encountering each other almost everywhere.

Her getting to know his part-time job and now him following her on social media.

She did find it odd how the guy who doesn't talk and keeps everything to himself was being like this towards her.

But she tries not to overthink it as she convinces herself that it's just a mere coincidence and nothing else.


The gym hall was packed with various students as all of them were preparing the decorations for the winter festival.

One week.

There's one week left before winter festival.

Placing the blank banner on the ground, Dasom sits down on the floor before arranging her paint brushes.

After the little talk with her best friends during break time. She somehow managed to stop the topic about Yeonjun as they all diverted their topic on 'winter festival.'

Classes got over a few minutes ago as now the entrusted students who were in-charge for decorating the hall starts doing their assigned task.

Being in the art club and also the president of the club, Dasom was given the task of making the banner for the festival.

She was hesitant at first because she wasn't that good in painting yet.

Atleast that's what she thought.

But her friends says otherwise.

She vividly remembers that one time when she told her friends that she wasn't confident about her painting.


That's what Eunhee told her.

'Hunny, stop doubting yourself. You're the best at painting and no one can change that fact. You're doing great!!'

Misun's words were as comforting as her.

Dasom lets out a chuckle, remembering their words as she picks up a brush.

She has come a long way and part of it, is because of her two best friends' support.

She won't say it out loud but she's very much grateful to have them in her life.

"Pres!," Jinyoing, her club member calls out, coming towards her.

Dasom snaps her head towards the right, smiling as she looks at her. "Yeah?," she asks.

Jinyoung gives her a soft smile before saying. "We're actually out of paints so I was wondering where we kept the new stock," she says, tilting her head.

"Oh..," Dasom nods her head, pausing before saying. "They're probably kept in the art room. Ummm... you'll find it on the shelf itself," she replies.

Jinyoung mutters a 'thank you' before bowing and going out of the gym hall.

Dasom tears her gaze away before landing it on the banner.

"Let's start!," she mutters to herself. Taking off her blazer, she rolls up her sleeves before taking the brush in her hands.

She dips the brush in blue paint before covering the whole banner in blue color.

The theme for this year's winter festival was 'Winter falls.'

So, taking some inspiration from the theme, she came up with the idea to paint snowflakes on the banner.

Not taking a note of her surroundings, Dasom doesn't knows that a person has seated himself beside her as he watches her paint. Not wating to disturb her, he silently looks at her paint.

Halfway through the painting, Dasom feels a presence beside her.

Halting her movement, she looks down to her left, only to see a pair of shoes. Dasom furrows her brows, before looking up at the person seated beside her on the floor.

Her breath hitches, eyes widening as her lips parts in shock when she sees Yeonjun beside her. Not only that but he was staring at her intently, eyes not leaving hers. He didn't seem to mind even though Dasom had caught him looking at her.

"W-what," she stutters, mind not thinking straight as she feels her heart beat pacing quickly. This was something which happens alot when she's near him. At first, she thought that it's just because she's too shocked or surprised but now, she doubts that.

Trying her best to ignore her heartbeat and the way she feels herself burning up for no apparent reason, she averts her gaze away from him before clearing her throat. "What are you doing here?," Dasom asks, not looking at him as she pretends to paint.

Yeonjun doesn't looks away from her, eyes following her each and every movement before he speaks up. "To see you," he blantly replies, shrugging.

Dasom widens her eyes when she hears that. She snaps her head towards him, which she immediately regrets as Yeonjun looks back at her. Feeling herself getting flustered, she looks away.

"Nice joke," Dasom sarcastically remarks, awkwardly chuckling, before moving her brush. But honestly, she couldn't even bring herself to move a muscle at this point.

Yeonjun furrows his brows at his statement. He puts his bag on the floor, leaning his elbow on his thigh before leaning his head on his hand. "I'm not joking."

The serious tone in his voice wasn't something she could miss.

What's up with him today?

Dasom licks her lip a tad bit, her already red tainted cheeks, turning more redder than any shade of red.

She decides to ignore him, as she continues to paint.

"You paint really well," she hears Yeonjun say, though his tone was monotonous. She felt good because someone other than her two best friends and her parents had appreciated her painting for the first time.

And honestly, she feels hear eyes soften at that.

Turning around to face him, she smiles. "Thank you," Dasom genuinely means it, she was more than contented that someone likes her painting.

"Dasom," Yeonjun calls out for her, still staring at her as he watches her stop painting.

"Yeah?," she hums, giving him a brief glance before continuing her work.

Yeonjun pokes the inside of his cheek, eyes turning soft as he looks at her. "Remember the time when you asked me if I've ever smiled?," he tilts his head towards her, cheek still resting on his palm.

Dasom halts, blinking her eyes before turning to face him. She gives him a curt nod.

Yeonjun lets out a sigh, lips curving upwards. "Well I have," he says, his brown chocolate eyes staring deep into her.

Dasom feels it, the same feeling she gets when she's always around him. She licks her lips a tad bit, eyes widening a fraction as she stares back at him.

"And for some reason," Yeonjun lets out a sigh, pausing before saying. "It always happens when I'm around you."

Yeonjun looks at Dasom, finding himself not tearing his gaze away. His lips curves upward before it forms a smile. This time he doesn't hides it; the smile which only she can bring on his face.

Dasom swear it was the most beautiful smile she has ever seen.

Finding herself getting mesmerized by his smile, she can't help but return him a smile.

This time she doesn't care, the way she can feel her heart race and the way she feels herself getting giddy for no apparent reason.

No, she doesn't need to know the reason.

Because the only thing that matters to her is how this guy makes her feel.

And that was it, two teenagers, sitting next to each other, both too oblivious to the unknown feeling building up within them.


Seriously loving how straight forward Yeonjun is
he be smooth like butter 🧈

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