13. 𝖮𝗇𝖾 𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾𝖽

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One Sided | Act 1

      BLAZE ALWAYS WONDERED WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE TO KILL HIS PARENTS. To take their life away without a second thought, watch the life drained away from their eyes, their last thought being, "Where did we go wrong with him?". It was a bit morbid if he was being honest, and he could probably use a mental hospital, but hasn't everyone at least thought about it once, Killing someone? How. When. Why.

Of course, he would never do that. He wasn't a monster. He doesn't think he could bring it in himself to commit such a crime, which made him wonder how Peter Hale could just take his niece's life away. What drove him to do such a thing? What made him wake up one day and want to take her life away? For power? For revenge? For fun?

Growing up, Blaze always had anger issues. He knew that. How could he not when he would get so angry to the point where he had such thoughts? His anger rose fast and quickly at the littlest things. Handling anger was never an easy thing. He got prescribed medication from a young age, but the dosage went higher as he got older, and his emotions got crazier and too hard to control.

He had once hit his father due to a comment he made about Blaze being gay. It had angered him to the point Blaze was sure he had blacked out for a few moments, as he barely remembered his fist connecting with his face until he heard his mother's scream and the blood gushing from the man's broken nose. What he could remember was wanting to do it again and again until his anger washed away.

Blaze didn't know why he got so angry or why it was hard to control it, but a few doctors assumed he had IED (Intermittent explosive disorder). He was never diagnosed with it, as IEDs were frequent. Blaze's extreme outbursts only happened once, and a while, and his other anger situations were like any other teenager with anger issues.

His guidance counselor once told him that writing down his thoughts and feelings might help him with his anger which he, of course, told her to fuck off, and he'd shove his thoughts up her husband's ass. She didn't enjoy his comment when she gave him detention for two weeks which made him indeed fuck her husband. They were in their early twenties, while he was only 15 (not that he cared), but her husband was hot and looked good bent over, and the look on her face, when she walked in on them, was worth it. He had no idea what happened to them, as they ended up leaving Beacon Hills, and no one ever found out a thing. It was a terrible thing for him to do, but he was a petty bitch, and she pissed him off.

Much like his mother was doing, screeching around the house like a rooster on a farm, and it was slowly starting to tick Blaze off. It was 10:00 and he was awoken by a rooster, so of course he was about to start screeching back if she didn't lay an egg or something.

He didn't even know if roasters laid eggs, but she needed to shut the fuck up.

"Shut the fuck off." He heard his dad yell, making him chuckle into his pillow. Glad to know someone else was just as annoyed.

"Ou shut the fuck up, Ian. There is stuff to be done, and no one is bothering to help." Amelia snapped at him, as Blaze rolled his eyes. It was to be early to be bitching about such things.

"I never get any help around her. I have to work all fucking day. You get more hours off than I do, and Blaze runs these towns like some gangster, but neither of you can clean this house. Not pick up one fucking thing," Amelia said as her voice grew louder.

"Someone, kill that fucking rooster!" Blaze yelled as if his mother wouldn't hear him, which she did, and so did his dad, who started laughing.

"Shut up, Blaze! And quite fucking laughing, Ian." Amelia snapped again, "You're out all day, running these streets instead of helping around the house. What the hell do you do all day? Sell drugs and gun people down?"

"Fuck around. Find out." Blaze called out, laughing as he did so, and he laughed more when he heard his father laughing as well.

"What the fuck do you find so funny, Ian?" Amelia yelled at her husband. She didn't see her son being lazy and disrespectful, funny, and neither should he.

"You want to fuck around and find out?" Blaze couldn't help but say as his chest weaved with laughter. Fuck, he loved pissing her off.

"Okay, Blaze, enough. We don't need any more yelling from this woman." Ian said. His last comment got him a glare from his wife.

"Fuck." Blaze grumbled as he rubbed his eyes, sitting up as he did so. He squinted his eyes as the sun shined in his room, onto his bed, where he just sat there, for a few moments, deciding his options, go back to sleep or check his phone, and get pulled into some drama that is probably waiting for him.

If he didn't check his phone, then there is a chance someone might get hurt, or he will miss something important but, if he didn't then he could go back to sleep in his warm bed with an even bigger chance of listening to his mother screech some more. He was about to choose the first option as his mother was extremely annoying but then he remembered how Scott told him about Derek siding with Peter which meant they had no protection on their side if Peter decides to eat them for dinner. They probably had no protection in the first place, but they had a higher chance at survival when Derek needed them, or well Scott but Blaze and Stiles did help save his life... sort of.

Seeing he could live after his mother's voice a lot more than he could with an alpha running around hellbent on revenge, he decided to take the far more pleasing option and laid back down, wrapping his blanket around him like a burrito, before closing his eyes and trying to go back to sleep.

But of course, he couldn't do that when the rooster decided to start screeching again.

Perhaps the alpha will grant him mercy and not eat him.


Sexuality was always a strange thing to Scott. Growing up, having friends that were more than straight always left him curious. What made them attracted to the same gender? How did they figure it out? What did their parents say?

He never saw himself as someone who would be attracted to men, sure he found some men attractive but that didn't mean anything, they were just good-looking.

He also never understood why there were so many different "labels". He saw it as bisexual, straight, and gay. It seemed pretty easy. You either like men, women, or both. Why would there be more labels than that?

But as he sat at the kitchen table thinking about his feelings for Blaze, he couldn't help but wonder what the difference was. He assumed he was bisexual because he liked Blaze but then there was pansexual, which meant he liked everyone. (Again, they seemed to be the same thing to him).

Why is this stuff so hard? Scott mentally groaned. He wished he could talk to someone about it, but he felt too scared to do so. He thought about asking Blaze but the thought of sitting there and talking about sexuality made him feel uneasy. He had wished his anxiety went away along with his asthma because it seemed to be appearing every day since he admitted to himself that he liked Blaze.

Grabbing his laptop, he turned it on just so he could look up all the different sexualities, and what he saw made his eyes widen, "Why are there so many?" Scott grumbled to himself as he scrolled down a list with different definitions.

Scott's eyes stopped on a word that caught his attention, "Bicurious: The term that indicates that the person experiences some uncertainty as to how they identify romantically or sexually."

H felt his stomach drop for some reason as he read over the words that seem to fit him perfectly. Just thinking about putting a label on himself made him feel scared, because then he would be truly accepting who he was, and that terrified him more than he'd like to admit.

"Hey, Scott, I'm coming home late tonight–" Melisa announced walking into the kitchen which made him quickly close his laptop which made his mother narrow her eyes at him, "Please, tell me you're not watching porn in my kitchen?"

"W-what no, of course not." Scott coughed awkwardly, before he took the makeup his mother wore, and the fancy clothes she was wearing. Clothes she never wore.

"What? What's wrong? Is it-is it my hair? Makeup" Melissa asked in slight panic.

"No. No. You look amazing." Scott chuckled before he registered his words, "Amazing, why do you look amazing?"

"Because I'm having dinner for once with a member of the male gender who's over the age of 16." Melissa smiled shyly.

"Who?" Scott asked in surprise and protectiveness. His mother hasn't been with anything since his father, and he did not want someone like that hurting his mother again.

"Uh. It's a medical rep that came into the hospital today. Yeah, we just kinda started talking, and next thing I know, I'm saying yes to dinner and I'm really hating myself for skipping the gym last week." Melissa explained.

"What medical rep?" Just then, a knock was heard at the door, making Scott frown. He was hoping he could find the courage to talk to his mother about his issues right now. He trusted her the most and he thought talking to her might help him figure some stuff out but he didn't want to ruin her night or make her wait so he decided not to.

"That medical rep. And. I'm not-I'm not ready. I'm not ready. I'm not done. I'm not ready, so if you could please just get the-get the door and talk with him, okay? Just, be nice." Melissa said in a panic as she left to continue getting ready.

Scott chuckled at his mother, as he went to open the door, but something made him pause. An uneasy feeling grew in his body as he approached the door. A feeling he didn't like as he eyed the door in digestive and took a few steps back, ignoring the knocks.

"Scott! Get the door?"

"Scott! For the love of God!" Melissa scolded as Scott gulped before opening the door, coming face to face with Peter Hale.

"Hey. What are you doing? Aren't you going to let him in?" Melissa asked, looking down the stairs.

"Hello there." Peter greeted, before stopping the door from shutting when Scott tried to slam it shut, "Really? Slam the door in my face? Come on, Scott, take a second to think that through."

"I'll tell her."

"That I used to be a catatonic invalid with burns covering half my face? Good luck with that." Peter said mockingly.

"If you hurt her, if you even touch her–" Peter cut Scott off before he could even get the threat out.

"Scott, if I may interrupt your listing of the top five most impotent-sounding threats for a moment, try and remember that I've been in a coma for six years. Don't you think I'd like to have dinner with a beautiful woman?" Peter asked him.

"Just-just half a second! Sorry!"

"Or maybe you think that I've come up with an idea? Like, how it might be easier to convince you to be part of the pack... if your mother is, too. You need to understand how much more powerful we are together. You and me and Derek. Did you know that some of the most successful military operations during the Second World War were the German U-boat attacks? Do you know what they called them? "Wolf packs." Did you know that? Or are you failing history as well?" Peter rambled as Scott glared daggers at him.

"I know the Germans lost the war," Scott stated.

"I think you'll find that most historians would argue that as a failure of leadership... And trust me, we don't have that problem here." Peter smirked as Melissa arrived.

"I'm ready! I'm ready. Sorry again." She chuckled awkwardly as she was about to leave when her son's voice stopped her.


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"...Have a good time."



𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆

This chapter is so random and I wasn't even going to post it but I said why not? I already had it written and I laughed to much to myself while writing Blaze's scene to just not use it.

Thank you for reading and I love you all!!

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