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goodbye kisses
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September rolled around before they knew it. Bill called a meeting, they all met in a field with flowers and tall grass in Derry. Sam was the last time arrive, sitting down next to Bill as they all sat in a circle in silence until Beverly spoke up.

"I can only remover parts, but I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like." She explained, staring down at the ground, everyone listening."I saw us, all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older, like, our parents ages."

Bill looked over at the red head,"W-What were we all doing there?" He inquired in curiosity.

"I just remember how we felt. How scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that. "She replied, frowning at the memory. Bill stood up, grabbing a shard of glass that happened to be in the ground.

"Swear it. S-Swear if it isn't dead, if it ever comes back, we'll come back, too." He announced, in a determined voice. Sam was the first to stand up and one by one they all did.

Bill placed the glass closer to his hand, dragging it across is palm, drawing blood, a pained expression on his face. He moved into to Richie who was shaking his hand in the air, hoping to get rid of the burning pain. Next, Eddie, then Mike, Stan, Ben, and Beverly. He moved on to Sam, he grabbed her hand with his own. She bit her lip, ready for the pain to come.

He hesitated, looking up to meet her eyes,"I-I'll be careful, I p-promise."He sent her a small smile. She nodded, signaling she was ready. He  slid the glass across her palm, she winced slightly, biting her lip to keep from the tears streaming down. He sent her one last look before taking a stand next to her as they all examined their new cuts that would soon form into scars that would last forever.

Bill grabbed onto Sam's hand tightly as his other gripped Richie's. The others followed their lead, everyone holding hands in a circle. They stayed like that for a minute before letting their arms drop at their sides.

"I gotta go." Stan said after a moment of silence."I hate you." He added, gesturing to Bill. A couple seconds later, he started to laugh as the other joined in. "I'll see you later." He walked away.

One by one they all left. Beverly wished Sam a goodbye, saying she would contact her once she left for Portland the next morning, before taking off with Ben by her side, talking as they walked away, leaving Bill and Sam sitting close together on a log, all alone.

"So, where do you t-think your going now?" Bill asked sincerely, turning to look at her.

She shrugged, meeting his gaze,"Probably Foster care. I don't have anywhere else to go." Bill sighed, looking into her eyes.

"Y-you could always stay with me." He suggested, sending her a soft smile. She laughed lightly.

"Thanks, Bill but I don't think your parents would like that." She responded, shaking her head. She appreciated the offer but she knew his parents would never actually let her. Besides, Foster Care wouldn't be so bad for her, she's definitely faced a lot worst than that. She exhaled, looking down at the ground as Bill continued to look at the side of her face."Bye, Bill." She whispered before getting up and slowly walking away.

Bill frowned, watching her retreating figure. He probably would hate himself for doing this, but he did it anyway. He quickly got up and ran after her. He stopped when he reached her, she turned around to look at him with furrowed eyebrows. He contemplated what he was about to do before stepping closer to her and placing his lips on her, quickly pulling away afterwards to see her reaction.

She was shocked and for a minute Bill thought he made a mistake, thinking she would like him. He was wrong, she took a minute to process what he just did and just as he was about to leave, she grabbed his neck with her bloody hand and pulling his lips to hers. She smiled into the long lasting kiss that was filled with passion.

When she pulled away she muttered,"Thank you, Bill, for everything. I'll see you later." She stood staring into his eyes for a minute with her bloody hand in his face still. She let her hand leave his face, leaving a bloody hand print on his face, before turning around and walking away.

He smiled, as he watched her walk away from him, his heart beating loudly in his chest at the girl he hoped one day to see again.

Sam walked all the way she could to the near test police station, claiming she had no parents and was alone. Their was always one thing Samantha Bryant was good at, lying and acting. They believed her, sending her to the nearest Foster care, as they helped her transition. It was true, it wasn't the nicest or welcoming place but it was getter than a killing clown that she had managed to defeat, well, hoped she defeated. She shared a room with one other girl. The bed was old and if she jumped in it, the whole thing would brake. She had one small dresser, which wasn't bad sense she didn't have too much clothes. The place was in an old brick building in Maine, but she was no longer in Derry.

The foster care was all girl's, which she kinda hated cause the only girls she had ever gotten along with was, her sister, and Beverly. Everyone else that was her friend, were boys. So, she didn't get along with them and they did get along with her. Actually, they all hated her. Claiming she was weird, acting tough when she was hot, a fool, lier and in general, a bad person. Little did they know, she had probably saved a whole town of kids and killed s demon clown.

She stated their till she was eighteen and was able to live in her own. She got into fashion and designing her own outfits that she did in her free time at the Foster place.

But she didn't know, 27 years later she would have to come back and save the town all over again.

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