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can't do it
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THE BRYANT HOUSEHOLD was oddly quiet when Sam arrived home. She shut the door to the trailer quietly behind her. She peered around the corner into the living room to see her drunken dad passed onto on the couch. Beer and wine was scattered around him, and the TV was still on. She tiptoed all the way to her room at the end of the hall, carefully not making any noise.

She than felt her stomach start to rumble, signaling she was hungry. She quickly walked her way to the kitchen, but just as she entered the arch way a voice stopped her.

"I didn't know you were home."Her dad spoke up tiredly, rubbing his hand over his eye before standing behind her. She turned around, leaning on the kitchen archway.

"I did know you would be passed out." She barked at him in a low whisper but loud enough for him to hear. He rolled his dull eyes.

"Be more respectful, kid! I give you food, clothing and a roof over your head, how do you repay me? By spitting insults at me and disobeying your father."

She quirked an eyebrow,"Me being disrespectful? Well if you didn't mope around all the time when your home, drinking then I don't think we'd have this conversation right now!"She spat back at him. He snarled, reaching into his back pocket, pulling out a gun and pointing it at her. Her eyes widened, her face softening seeing his irritated expression.

"Not talking so much now, are you?" He smirked, wiggling the gun in his grasp that was still pointing at her.

She frowned,"Shoot me," She spoke. He was taken off guard, not expecting her to say that but plead for her life.Her voice moved into a whisper but able for him to still hear her,"I'm not afraid to die, I've been picturing my death sense Sarah died." He started to shake a little. She scrunched up her nose,"You can't do it."She stated. He growled, the gun moved, making Sam jump, expecting he shot her but he was now holding the gun upside down.

He put it back into his back pocket. She sighed out in relief, not thinking her plan was actually gonna work. He walked away, angry back to his spot on the couch, clicking through channels. She glanced at him before going to her room.

She slammed the door shut behind her, not caring if it made the house shake. She threw her shoes off and leather jacket onto her bed. Sam walked over to her dresser, looking in the mirror, seeing her face full of makeup. A tear fell down her cheek as she wondered what she had become. Her cry's soon turned to sobs, as she fell down on the floor, cradling in a ball back and forth, her hands gripping her head.

The next morning she got ready to meet Beverly before they headed to the Quarry to meet the boys. This morning was a little different than the others. She skipped the makeup and left it neutral. She put on a plain green shirt, and a dark blue overall skirt that stopped above the knee. She finished the Look with her leather jacket on top and white converse on her feet. The only thing she would let stay forever is the purple streak in her hair.

Sam exited the household peacefully, seeing as her dad left earlier for work. She met Beverly at her house and they rode their bikes together to the Quarry. It was so hot, Sam took off her leather jacket and put it on her bike. They arrived to see the five boys standing in their underwear at the edge of the cliff, debating who goes first.

"Who's first?"

"I'll go!" Beverly shouted, taking off her dress and shoes."Sissies."She smiled before running and jumping in. Sam smirked already have taken off her clothes leaving her in her bra and underwear.

"See you later, boys!" Sam yelled, following after Beverly. She ran, pushing past the boys and jumped in.

"What the fuck?!" Richie yelled as she landed into the water below."Holy Shit, we just got shown off by two girls!"

"Come on!" Sam shouted for them to come down. They all cursed as they boys one by one jumped into the water. Everyone laughed.

They spent time splashing each other. One time, Sam got up on Bills shoulders and Beverly on Bens and they tried to knock the other two down. Sam resulted in falling back, than standing up to meet Bill's laughing figure. She pouted, splashing him in the face for laughing at her. He laughed some more and they got into a splashing fight. A little while later, they swam for bit. The four boys with Beverly and Sam, had there own slashing fight, arguing as Bill was to the side by himself, watching them.

Eddie and Sam teamed up the other three. Sam tackled Richie, almost making him drown. Eddie and Sam shared a laugh as they looked at each other. Out of nowhere, Sam tackled him, they both fell into the water together, resulting in them both coming back laughing hysterically. Sam whipped the water from her eyes, laughing.

"Ah! What was that?! Something just touched my foot right here!" Richie yelled trying to go under and look. Everyone began going under and looking for what could of touched his foot.

"It's a turtle!" Bill said, pointing. Rich let out a breath of relief. Sam giggling sharing a knowing gaze with Bill.

Time started to come faster and they decided to head back up and relax. They turned the radio on as both Beverly and Sam laid down, trying to get some sun. Beverly brought glasses, but Sam didn't so she closed her eyes as she laid in her back. Though, she couldn't see she knew all the boys were staring at them. She peeked her eyes open, glancing towards her side with Beverly not moving. All the boys immediately looked away once they got her looking.

"News flash Ben! Schools out for summer!" Richie said in a weird toned voice, going through Ben's bag."Who sent you this?" He pulled out a postcard.

"No one!" Ben responded, stuffing it back into this bag before anyone could see. Richie pulled out a file of newspapers.

"What's with the history project?"

"Oh well, when I first moved here, I didn't really have anyone to hang out with," The papers got tossed around. Beverly sat next to Ben who was sitting on a rock.Sam got up sitting in between Bill and Eddie but closer to Bill so she could see the paper to the point she was hovering over his shoulder. He looked up at her, their faces centimeters apart, he sucked in a breath."So I just started spending time at the library."

"You went to the library?On purpose?"

"Your hairs beautiful, Beverly."Ben commented, looking next to him. She smiled sweetly, thanking him. Bill handed the papers to Richie.

"Why is it all murders and missing kids?"

"Derry's not like any other town I've been in before," Ben started to explain.

"I hope in a good way,"Sam joked but only earned a chuckle from Eddie who smiled at her sheepishly. She smiled gently back.

"They did a study once and it turns out people hired, disappeared six times than the original average."

"You read that?" Beverly asked, confused.

"And that just grown ups, kids are worse.Way, Way worse." Ben stated, looking at all of them. Sam felt an uneasy feeling go through her."I've got more stuff, if you want to see it."Eddie shook his head, no but everyone else wanted to go see. And so they did. They rode their bikes, following Ben to his house.


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