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Bada spent most of the morning debating on what to say to you. She had typed, retyped and then deleted around 25 different messages from the time she woke up, which was only 45 minutes ago. You had entrusted her with your phone number and she didn't know what to say to make it seem casual. What if you backed out on her because she said something wrong? What if your relationship slowly dwindled and fizzled out into nothing? She didn't want to waste your time if you weren't interested. In the end, she sent the simple (hopefully casual) text: Hi! It's Bada! I hope you aren't too exhausted from yesterday 😊

Once it was sent, she immediately shut her phone off fearful of your reply. To take her mind of things, Bada got up and decided to visit some of the dance schools nearby. She could only hope that one of them could lend her a room for a few hours just so she could make some legway into the choreography due quite soon. She was quite lucky to have found one on her second try with the first being completely full with classes. Bada knew they recognised her with the way they all looked at her with utter shock at first glance. They offered to give her a room for free but she refused not liking the fact that she would be taking her fame for granted for such a trivial thing.

Finally in some place other than her hotel bathroom to think of the dance she played the song through the speakers and went through what she had come up with so far. It wasn't her best and she knew that. But time was running out so she was just going with what she got, hoping that she'll be able to fix it along the way. An hour past and Bada was nowhere near her goal that she wanted to reach by today. Groaning in frustration she slumped down in the corner her head in her hands. Why couldn't things work out? Usually dances came fairly easy to her. It could take a few days but everything would eventually be fine. But it's been a month and she hadn't even finalised a draft for her sample.

Praying that a change of scenery would help her, Bada stepped out of the room to grab a drink of water. As she walked down the hallway to the closest bubbler, she heard a familiar song from another room. It was Rover by Kai. Bada smiled to herself and took a peek at the class inside. The room was filled to the brim with small children around the age of 5 happily learning the dance to Rover. She was especially impressed as they were doing really well.

Bade moved to the bubbler and drank a gulpful of cold water. She relished in the cool feeling of the water amidst her sweat. The door opened behind her and loud giggles and exclamations surrounded her. Turning around she realised that the class had ended. Little boys and girls ran to their parents as they came to pick them up. She watched with a small smile on her face as they all returned to their parents telling them stories about what happened in dance class.

"Mum! We learned Rover!"

"There was a hard move but I did it!"

"Kaylie pushed me!"

As Bada watched the children disperse she noticed one girl standing by the door worriedly glancing around. She seemed anxious and began to panic as more children left the venue. She swiftly walked over to her, crouching down trying to keep her calm.

"Hey what's your name?"

The girl looked up and shyly responded. "My name is Haneul."

"Hi Haneul." Bada held a loving gaze, hoping to keep her relaxed. "How was class?

Haneul perked up and clapped her hands. "We did Ro-ver!" Then she demonstrated a move causing a laugh to escape from Bada.

"You're learning really well!"

"I want to be a dancer when I'm older!" Haneul exclaimed. "I want make dance like Bada!"

"Bada?" That piqued Bada's interest. Haneul seemed to know her.

"Yes!! Her dance is good! I want to be her!"

Bada chuckled. "Well at this rate I'm sure you will be. She would be very happy to see you."

Haneul giggled. Then her mood dropped drastically. "She's not here."


"N/N. She's not here to get me." Tears rushed to her eyes. "She supposed to get me and hug me."

Bada instantly answered, her arms open beckoning the young girl for a hug. "I'm sure she'll come soon. In the meantime I can give you a hug?"

Haneul rushed into her arms, face pressed firmly into her shoulder. Bada picked her up and whispered reassuring words. No but in all honesty where was this girl's parents?

Heavy footsteps sounded behind her. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"


Bada turned around immediately and almost dropped Haneul out of shock. Because standing in front of her was you. Judging from your reaction you hadn't anticipated this either.


"Oh-hi um Haneul was worried so I was just comforting her." Flustered, Bada felt her face heat up.

Relief flooded your face and in that moment you were eternally grateful for Bada. "Thank you so much for taking care of her. I'm sorry I was late, work went overtime and the traffic wasn't helping either."

"No problem!" Bada swore her cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. She handed Haneul back to you. "Well, I should probably get back to what I was doing."

"Oh yeah! Sorry for the inconvenience!"

"Really it's fine! Bye Haneul, I'll talk to you later?" Bada looked at you expectantly.

"Yes. Definitely."

Bada beelined for the room she was previously in, when something popped up in her mind.

Y/N had a child?!

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