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You arrived at the dance studio earlier than usual. The traffic wasn't as bad and you had 15 minutes to kill while you waited for Haneul to finish her class. You peeked into the classroom and smiled as you spotted Haneul trying out a new dance. You were so proud of her. Haneul has always wanted to dance and getting dance classes was a dream come true for her. Aera wished she could fulfill Haneul's dream but she didn't have the time nor the money. So, you stepped in, offered to pay for her and send her to and from the sessions. Aera refused and saved a year's worth of money for Haneuls dance classes. She did begrudgingly let you send her and pick her up. Seeing Haneul all joyful and excited whilst dancing made your heart burst with happiness.

You waited around for a bit, scrolling on your phone, when you noticed someone in the room nearby. As you entered the dance studio, the familiar sound of rhythmic music greeted you, echoing off the mirrored walls. The room was alive with energy, illuminated by the soft glow of the overhead lights. In the centre of it all, was Bada Lee, moving gracefully, her movements a mesmerizing display of skill and passion.

You watched silently for a moment, captivated by her fluid motions as she crafted intricate choreography. Her focus was intense, her brow furrowed in concentration as she worked to perfect each step.

Taking a step forward, you cleared your throat softly to announce your presence. Bada's head snapped up, surprise evident in her expressive eyes as she spotted you standing there.

"Hey there," You greeted her with a smile, your voice breaking the silence of the studio.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," You continued, taking in the scene before me.

Bada's surprise quickly melted into a warm smile as she realized who had come to visit. "Oh, hey!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight. "No, not at all. I'm just working on some choreography for a new project."

You nodded, stepping further into the room. "It looks incredible," You remarked, genuinely impressed by her talent.

"Thank you." Bada blushed, heat rising to her cheeks. "It's not completely done yet."

"I still think it's amazing." You said, your tone reassuring. "Who's song is it?"

Bada's eyes widened and she immediately realised that she had almost revealed TXT's new song to you. "Oh-um it's-"

"You can't tell me, can you?" You remarked, a teasing smile on your face. "It's alright I understand."

As soon as your sentence ended, a loud ruckus came from outside and you heard the excited chatter of the children. "I should probably go now."

Bada nodded and moved to open the door for you. As you walked past her, a smile lit up on your face due to the previous encounter. You turned around. "Bada."

She looked at you with a confused but anticipating expression on her face.

"Good luck with your project!" 

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