10. hold my hand and don't let go

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BLOOD rushed through his veins as he took note of what was happening. Blood scattered along the walls, and glass shattered amongst the floor covering the carpet and floor in transparent pieces that shined under the moonlight but what caught Blaze's attention was the lack of his mother figure's presence.

The office that he has visited one too many times, the place that became his safe place to express his feelings, the place where he met the women who treated him like a son despite not sharing blood unlike his other "adoptive parents" whom he likes to act like they never existed. She was gone and the place was destroyed, and he already knew what had happened.

Charlotte was taken minutes before he arrived much like Stiles and his father. After the sheriff was taken, Scott and Stiles raced to Derek's to inform him of his newest girlfriend's secret while trying to find his father. Blaze ran home to try and find his foster mom but couldn't find her anyway until he came across her destroyed office.

Water dropped from Blaze's face as he stood in front of the destroyed wall which allowed the rainstorm outside to hit him like a slap across the face. He couldn't see anything other than the stormy night. The tears in his eyes followed the rain onto the floor as his lip trembled at the realization that he might lose another person he cared about, "Mom." His voice cracked, hoping she would appear and be okay, but nothing happened.

No warm familiar voice, no assuring him that everything would be okay, no Charlotte Pierce. She was taken and he didn't know how much longer he had before the next sacrifice.

The last sacrifice.


Blaze arrived at the hospital; he didn't know why but Scott told him to meet them there, so he went without question. He wasn't in the mood for a million questions, he trusted Scott to know what he was doing to save the sheriff and now Charlotte.

He could barely make Stiles and Scott out in the storm, but he did see the bat in Stiles's hand, "What's that?" He questioned as they walked towards the hospital.

"You guys have claws, I have a bat." Stiles shrugged, his flannel shirt blowing behind him in the wind.

Blaze saw Derek holding Jennifer by the arm as they walked into the hospital making him pissed as he walked over to them and pulled Jennifer out of Derek's grip and slammed her against the wall making her gasp in surprise.

"Blaze." Scott ran inside seeing the position Blaze had the women in. He didn't care but they had more important things at the moment, and they needed her alive.

"Where is she?" Blaze glared at the older woman who almost looked annoyed making Blaze slam her against the wall again, "Where the hell are they both?"

"Blaze, what are you talking about?" Scott asked him in confusion.

"Charlottes gone." Blaze roughly let go of her making Derek's jaw clench as he grabbed ahold of Jennifer once more.

Scott was going to say something when his name was called by his mother who looked surprised and confused to see them, "Scott, Scott! What are you doing here? The hospital's evacuating..."

"We're here for Cora," Scott said making Blaze look just as confused as Melissa.

"What, all of you?" Melissa asked, eyeing Jennifer the most and Derek then looking more disturbed and confused at the bat Stiles was holding, "...Why does Stiles have my bat?"

"Mom, just trust me on this-- you need to get out of here, right now," Scott told his mother in all seriousness. Blaze looked away as he suddenly wished he had gotten to Charlotte in time to tell her the same words. Maybe if he was faster then he could've gotten to her in time to keep her safe.

"The building is supposed to be clear in thirty minutes. We've got two ambulances that are coming back-- one's ten minutes out, the other's twenty. Cora needs to be on one of those. They'll be picking up in the basement garage." Melissa told her son who nodded his head in understanding.

"Got it. Okay."

Scott, Stiles, Blaze, Jennifer, and Derek turn around and head for the elevator. Melissa watches the group head towards the elevator. Scott looks back at Melissa one last time as she looks in concern. The group enters the elevator with Derek keeping a firm hold on Jennifer. She looks at the Alpha in annoyance, "You don't have to keep me on a leash, Derek. I'm going to help."

"The hell did I miss?" Blaze asked Scott in annoyance. This thing whatever she was called was going to help them, but she currently had Noah and Charlotte held captive. The delusion of this women made Blaze's blood boil.

"Not worth talking about," Stiles stated.

Jennifer looks back at a glaring Scott, who has his arms crossed. She looks the other way and sees Stiles giving her an equally nasty glare while holding the bat. Jennifer looks away, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

When the elevator reaches Cora's floor, Derek, Scott, Stiles, Blaze, and Jennifer get off as the lights flicker. The five make it to Cora's room. Jennifer and Derek turn their heads and they see spots of blood across the floor. The boys soon catch up and notice the blood too. However, it is more alarming because Cora is gone and the whole floor is empty.

"Derek...?" Blaze called out to his cousin.

They see small drops of blood leaving the room and down the hallway, leading to a set of double doors. They hear Peter grunting down the hallway. Suddenly, Peter is thrown out the doorway and slides down the hallway, right at Derek and Jennifer's feet. Peter looks up at them before he gestures down the hallway to the combined form of Aiden and Ethan, "We got a problem. Big problem."

"Are you kidding me? These bitches are everywhere." Blaze sighed in exasperation. Everywhere he turned, one of the twins was somewhere causing them trouble. If it wasn't one it was both and it was tiring dealing with them.

Derek went after the twins as they watched him get his ass kicked before Scott decided to join them leaving Blaze to sigh knowing now, he was going to have to join the fight against the much larger twins which of course didn't last long as Aiden and Ethan grabbed them by the throats and held them up against the door behind them, leaving Stiles and Peter to rescue the unconscious Cora who was laying on the ground.

"Ethan, Aiden-- stop! You don't know what you're doing!" Scott spit out.

"All we want is her!" Ethan and Aiden distorted out, turning their head just in time to watch Jennifer back into the elevator.

"No." Blaze gasped for breath as they were let go and watched as Jennifer disappeared behind the elevator doors.

They all ran with Cora as the twins turned their attention back on them, angry at the loss of the brunette.

"Keep going. Keep going. Stiles!" Derek yelled before Stiles decided to hide behind the door and hit the twins over the head with the bat which shattered into pieces making him realize he fucked up.

"Why did you think that was going to work?" Blaze tossed his hands to the side, giving the brunette a look of disbelief.

"Moment of confidence. It's gone now. Deal with them." Stiles stayed against the wall and quickly made his way back over to his friends. Scott roared and reached up to pull the light out of the ceiling and smashed the twins in the face with it, making the lights cut out and the power generators kick in.

Blaze, Scott, and Derek ran into the OR room where Peter had laid Cora down and Stiles was standing by, "Where's the big guy?" Peter asked them as Derek shut the door.

"Close," Derek said, looking out the window.

"What about Miss. Blake?" Stiles asked them, looking at a pissed of Blaze and Scott who sighed and shook his head, "What do you mean? What does that mean? Like she's gone? Scott, are you kidding me?"

"We need to find her ass." Blaze spit out, just as pissed as Stiles was.

"Shh! Quiet!" Derek snapped at them.

Blaze was about to bite back at him when Stiles spun around, more pissed off than Scott and Blaze have ever seen him, and got in Derek's face, "Me, be quiet??? Me? Huh? Are you telling me what to do now? When your psychotic, mass-murdering girlfriend-- the second one you've dated, by the way-- has got my dad somewhere, tied up, waiting to be ritually sacrificed?"

"And my mother." Blaze pointed out, not realizing that he referred to Charlotte as his mom but the rest of them did and decided not to comment on it.

"Stiles, they're still out there..." Scott reassured his best friend the best that he could.

"And... And they want her, right? Which means now, we don't have her either, so my dad, Charlotte, and Cora are both dead." Stiles said anxiously which made Blaze worry more.

"Not yet." Blaze muttered more to himself than anyone before he turned to Cora to focus on the task at hand, "Is she dying?"

He didn't remember his cousin, but she was his family and she seemed pretty awesome from the time that he knew her. He did not want her to die. He didn't want anyone else to die.

"She's not getting any better." Peter grimaced out.

"There has to be something that we can do. We have to help her--" Scott's words were cut off by the sound of another Hale.

"You can't. Only she can." Blair said, holding Jennfier tight by the arm but the women didn't oppose being there.

"I can save her, and I can tell you where Sheriff Stilinski and Dr. Pierce are, but there's a pack of Alphas in this hospital who want me dead. So, I'll help you-- but only when I'm out of here and safe. Only then." Jennifer said sternly.

Derek pushed a cart out of his way and ran at Jennifer when Scott and Blaze stopped him by placing their hands on his chest "Derek, wait."

"She was trying to get out!" Derek yelled angrily.

"I was trying to keep from getting killed! You can't blame me for that." Jennifer defended herself.

"Shut up!" Blair and Blaze snapped at the brunette in unison.

"If you want to show you're one of the good guys, then heal her." Stiles spoke up, his eyes flickering between Cora and Jennifer.

"Not until I'm safe." Jennifer shook her head. Blaze was so pissed he could've just killed her right then and there, but he thought about Charlotte and decided to restrain himself knowing her life was on the line right now and he couldn't kill the only person to know where she was.

"I'd like to volunteer a different method of persuasion... Let's torture her." Peter suggested, a small smirk as he imagined all the different ways, he could make her suffer.

"Works for me." Derek shrugs.

"As much as I would love that, we--" Blaze was cut off by the sound of Melissa on the PA system.

"Um, can I have your attention...? Mr. Deucalion... Excuse me, just Deucalion... requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the ER reception. Do this, and everyone else can leave. You have ten minutes."

Scott tensed at the sound of his mother being with Deucalion making Blaze grab his hand to prevent him from doing anything stupid.

"He's not gonna hurt her." Jennifer sighs.

"Shut up!" Derek snapped at her.

"Scott, you know why. Tell them it's true." Jennifer looked at the, could be true alpha who glanced at Blaze who looked at Blair, all of them sharing a silent look.

"What does she mean?" Derek asked Scott in confusion.

"You're not the only one he wants in his pack," Jennifer told her ex-suitor while glancing at Scott, Blaze, and Blair who looked annoyed with her.

"Deucalion doesn't just want an Alpha Pack-- he wants perfection. That means adding the rarest of Alphas to his ranks. the rarest of everything.' Jennifer stated.

"A True Alpha." Peter stunned himself as the realization started to draw on him.

"What's that?" Stiles questioned, confused as hell.

"The kind that doesn't have to steal his power from another. One that can rise by the force of his own will. Our little Scotty." Peter smirked impressed before he rolled his eyes slightly, " And of course our little hybrids, Blair and Blaze. You've always been wanted."

"It doesn't matter. We still need to get her out of here." Scott sighed, his voice holding defeat as Blaze tried not to give him a sympathetic look knowing that's the last thing he would want.

"Scott, your mom--" Stiles interjected, knowing Mlissa was in danger and they needed to help her.

"My mom said there's one more ambulance coming in twenty minutes. And I don't think we've been here that long, so, if we can get down to the garage, get to the last ambulance, we can get out of here." Scott said sternly, He knew his mom would be fine, or at least he hoped she would be. Right now, they needed to worry about keeping Cora and Jennifer alive.

"The twins aren't gonna let us just walk out."

"I'll distract them," Scott suggested.

"You mean fight them." Derek corrected him.

"Whatever I have to do." Scott shrugged.

"I'll help you." Derek nodded as well as Blaze who was going no matter what anyone said.

"Um, sorry, but I'm not going anywhere without you, Derek," Jennifer interjected.

"My god." Blaze closed his eyes and pinched his nose to control his anger.

"I'll do it. But I'd prefer to be out there with an advantage." Peter stated.

"An advantage? Like what? You mean, like, a weapon?" Stiles asked him with a raised eyebrow. A werewolf needing a weapon. Surely that's a first.

"Something better than a baseball bat," Peter told him. Everyone started to look around for something they could use against the twins.

"What about Epinephrine?" Blair commented, holding up a small bottle with a sly smirk,
"It'll make him stronger. Plus, Blaze and I fighting together. Don't see why it wouldn't work."

"Wait what? You're gonna fight against Ethan and Aiden? Your pack members?" Stiles asked her with a questioning look on her face, but his voice held more worry than anything as if he didn't want her to go.

"I already betrayed Deucalion by saving Jennifer from him. Too late now. Might as well make it worth it." Blair shrugged slightly. She shared a look with Blaze who didn't let anything show on his face.


"You really think we can take them?" Blaze asked Blaire as they walked out the door behind Peter and Scott—their bodies flowing with antipatent. Blaze could sense the nervousness from Blair meanwhile his body was surprisingly excited for a fight. He just hopes he didn't get his ass kicked too bad.

Blair didn't miss a beat, "Nope."

Blaze glanced at her with a raised eyebrow, but she didn't bother looking at him as she finished her sentence, "But I think we can distract them long enough to let the others get out of here and that's all that really matters."

"All right, boys. Let's rumble." Peter taunted, him, being just as ready for the fight as them.

Growls were heard as they ran at each other, claws drawn a ready to hurt one another. The twins fought with the other four as Stiles and Derek got Jennifer and Cora out of the hospital. The twins slammed Scott against the wall making Blaze growl and attack them.

He dodged a hit by them, allowing Blair enough time to attack them from behind distracting them once again as Blaze looked back at Scott, "Go!" he yelled.

Scott and Peter jumped up and ran in the other direction from the others, the moment of distraction allowed the twins to punch Blaze, "Fuck." He groaned before focusing on the twins coming at him and not the blood running down his nose.

He jumped back up and helped Blair fight them. They swung at Blair who ducked, and Blaze grabbed their arm and snapped their shoulder with his other hand as hard as he could. They stumbled back before running at Blair and Blaze who stood beside each other and seemed to have the same thought.

With growls and glowing eyes, they used the palms of their hands to push back on their chests, barely moving a muscle as they felt their bodies doing the work for them. Their strength combined against the other combined twins who were thrown back against the walls leaving an indent and forcing them to return to their bodies.

Ethan and Aiden looked shocked as they looked at the twins, "Your eyes."

The Hale twins looked at each other and saw that their eye color was no longer a golden yellow but a tangerine-looking orange.

They didn't say anything, taking their moment of weakness to turn around and run in the same direction as Peter and Scott.

"Where'd they go?" Blair called over to Blaze.

"Just keep going." He yelled hearing the growls behind them and didn't want to risk running into them again.

Suddenly, Blaze and Blair were pulled into a laundry room, taking them by surprise, Blaze grabbed the person's hand and used it to push them up against the wall and used his other hand to press his arm against his throat.

"Hey, hey. It's just me." The familiar soft voice of Scott made him let out a sigh of relief. "Are you okay? I turned around and you were gone, and I thought--"

"Hey, it's alright. I'm fine. We were just getting one last good hit in." Blaze smirked at Blair who let out a small chuckle before turning back to Scott whose worried and fearful eyes made Blaze want to kill every bad person in the world just to make sure he felt nothing like that anymore.

Blaze grabbed Scott and hugged him tightly, wrapping an arm around his neck and using the other to place on his head, stroking his hair softly as Scott melted into his arms.

"Next time, hold my hand and don't let go." Scott whispered to him, his heart beating firmly against Blaze's chest. Their hearts beating together as one.

"As adorable as you lot are, those twins are really starting to piss me off." Peter, of course, interrupted their moment to complain.

"How the hell are we supposed to get past them?" Scott let go of Blaze but kept him in arms reach.

"Blaze, you know them best. Any ideas?" Blaze asked his twin sister.

"Personally, I think if we keep letting them beat the living crap out of us, they'll tire and give up." Peter panted, his breathing heaving from being tossed around like a rag doll.

"Maybe that way." Blair pointed behind them making them turn to see a laundry shut making Peter groan and Blaze grin.

"I've always wanted to do this. We're doing it." Blaze grinned happily, more than ready to do it. Stiles is going to be so mad that he missed this opportunity.


"Weeeee." Blaze quietly laughed on the way down, falling into a basket full of blankets and other dirty stuff, including Peter who pushed him up and glared at him.

"You couldn't have waited ten seconds," Peter complained to him.

"I would've gone first but I had to make sure there was something here to catch us." Blaze shrugged, getting out of the cart for Scott and Blair to come down.

"And pray do tell, what would happen if there wasn't?" Peter glared at him, hating to be used as a gunnie pig.

"Then you'll fall on the floor, duh." Blaze scoffed at him like he was an idiot.

Scott's phone buzzed making him grab it, his face falling as he saw the message, "They didn't make it out, did they?" Peter asked him. Scott's silence was enough to know the answer.

Scott texted them back before he got out and started to make their way to Derek and Jennifer who were stuck in the elevator.

Scott and Blaze helped a weak Peter walk down to the basement where the ambulance was sitting, Scott lightly banged on the door scaring Stiles, "Stiles, Stiles. Open the door!"

Stiles quickly unlocked the door, "Help us get him in." Blaze told him, pushing Peter into the seat beside Stiles.

"Where's Derek and Jennifer?" Stiles asked the pair. He was more than ready to go and was sick of being stuck there.

"I have to go back for them and my mom," Scott told his best friend.

"We're both going." Blaze made sure to make that clear. Scott agrees, not wanting to be separated from him.

"Okay, two problems. Kalis got the keys to this thing, and I just saw the twins, like, 30 seconds ago." Stiles said before their attention was turned towards a loud bang.

"Stay here," Blaze told Stiles but also looked at Blair who got the message loud and clear. If Kali or the twins came back, there had to be at least one energized werewolf to fight them, and it wasn't going to be Peter or Cora.

Stiles shut the door as Scott and Blaze started making their way back inside. Blaze stopped and held his hand out, Scott looked at it for a moment before looking back at Blaze, no words needed as Scott interlocked their hands together and they headed inside together.

They made their way down the corridors looking for Melissa when they came to a stop, the sound of two heartbeats catching their attention.

"Do you hear that?" Blaze asked just in time for the twins to jump out of the doorway missing the boys who jumped away from them.

They punched the locker behind them before they grabbed Scott and pushed him against the walls, turning around and throwing him into the lockers, before grabbing Blaze who tried to stop them and pushing both of them up against the walls by their throats.

"Where is she? We're trying not to hurt you." The twins yelled at them angrily.

"Try harder."

"Fuck you."

Hey!" Melissa yelled making the twins drop the boys who gasped for breath, "It'd like to try something."

She then used the defibrillator that Stiles didn't know how to use making the twins grunt and yell before falling to the ground in their bodies just like Blair and Blaze did.

"Sweethearts, get up!" Melissa yelled at the boys, dropping the defibrillators and holding her hand out for the boys to take which they didn't hesitate to do, and then started running down the hall.


Melissa, Scott, and Blaze walked through a pair of doors, talking about why Deucalion had gone after her, "He just let me go. Said it was a "gesture of goodwill." No other reason."

"He had to have a reason-- I don't think he does anything without a reason." Scott frowned, confusion lingering in his mind.

"No idea." Blaze aimlessly shrugged only listening to the conversation.

"Well, if that means I should continue to be profoundly terrified, then don't worry about it! I got that covered." Melissa nodded, holding her Shakey hands.

"Well, what you did back was badass. Scott, can I have your mom? Why are you not married?" Blaze asked the older woman as Scott smiled slightly and fondly rolled his eyes.

"Well, I was. The only good thing to come out of that was Scott." Melissa shrugged.

"He was shit in bed, wasn't he? Partners who get divorced always mean the sex was bad." Blaze scoffed, quite surprised someone would leave Melissa and Scott. He wondered about Scott's father but all he knew was that he had left.

"That is so not true." Scott rolled his eyes; not surprised Blaze would say something like that or even believe it but something else caught his attention.

He silently told his mom to stay where she was as he moved forward, forcing Blaze to follow him by their intwined hands before rounding the corner and coming face to face with a gun being held by none other than Chris Argent who was standing next to Allison and Isaac.

"I think we've seen this film before. Put it down." Blaze breathed out in annoyance. Everywhere he turned Argent was pointing a gun at their faces.

The group walked back to the surgical room they had been staying in before, filling the other three in on everything that was going on.

"So, they're essentially trapped?" Argent confirmed.

"Yeah. Right." Scott and Blaze nodded.

"There's no way of getting them out without turning the power back on," Isaac stated as they surrounded the metal table trying to think of a plan.

"But wait, wait, wait-- if the power's back on, they're gonna hear the elevator moving, right?" Melissa pointed out.

"And they'll be on Jennifer and Derek as soon as it stops, and that bitch isn't going anywhere." Blaze felt the need to insult the brunette in this mention of her. It only felt right.

"We can't get in a fight with them." Scott sighed.

"You've got us now," Argent said, nodding at Allison.

"It's too much to risk! They want her dead, and if she dies, there's nothing we can do for Stiles' dad or Cora. Or his mom." Scott said and Blaze raised an eyebrow at him as if he was finally just registering the "Blaze's mom" part that he knew he had said himself now that he thought back on it.

"I don't even think I know which teacher this is..." Argent frowned, still clueless about this teacher or what she looked like.

"She's-she's the one with the brown hair? She's kind of hot?" Issac said making everyone's head snap over at him. The silence filled the air made him explain himself, "...No, it's just an observation..."

"Issac," Blaze said before looking up at the boy who glanced over at him. "Shut up."

"I think I have an idea." Allison suddenly mentioned after looking at herself in the mirror.


Allison was a girl smarter than she looked. Her plan which involved pretending to be Jennifer to lure the alpha pack outside and have Issac use the agent's car to get Stiles, and the three werewolves out of there had worked great and that left Scott and Blaze to get Jennifer and Derek from the elevator.

They ran down the corridor and came to a confused stop when they saw Derek unconscious on the ground, "What the hell?"

Scott looked up and saw that the latch to the elevator was gone and everything seemed to click in his mind. Up. Just like where the roof was. Where his mom was.

"Mom." Scott gasped and suddenly took off leaving Blaze confused as he chased after him.

"Scott!" Blaze yelled and he could hear Stiles behind him somewhere but paid no mind to him.

Scott rushed to the roof with Blaze following after him, "MOM. MOM!" He yelled in despair as he walked outside and saw the roof was empty. Nothing but the cold and foggy air filled the area.

"Scott." Blaze felt his heart burn as they realized that Jennifer had used the distraction to take Melissa who was on the roof alone, with no one to help her.

"They're gone..." Deucalion walked out, glasses on his face and his cane in front of him, "Guardians, Scott. If you were with me, I could've told you what it meant. I could've warned you."

"You could've—" Blaze felt angry as he stepped forward, ready to lash all of his anger out at the demon wolf in front of him when his mouth went dry seeing Blair walk out beside him. Her eyes were wet and a look of defeat on her face made him realize that Deucalion had already gotten to his sister.

"Let me help you two, Scott, Blaze-- let's help each other. You help me catch her, and I'll help get your mothers, and Stile's father back. I even swore Blair, her father just as you will have Blaze." Deucalion stated. The three teenagers' hearts filled with dread as they weighed the options, they knew they didn't have.

Scott had glossy eyes as he looked at Blaze who so desperately wanted to say something, anything that would make this all better. They both knew they had no other choice, but they were only thankful that they could do this together. They could lose everything together because at least they would have each other, and they could save the people they cared about.

"Hold my hand?" Scott almost pleaded, his voice cracking but it held more like a question. A promise. To do this together. A small hope that it wouldn't be so hard while holding onto each other. Using each other for the strength that was slowly seeping from them.

"I'll never let go," Blaze swore. His voice held nothing but sternness because he meant his words. Standing here, after everything that had happened tonight, watching each other fight until they couldn't anymore make him realize that he never wanted to be parted from Scott. He never wanted to see him, sad, or scared. He wanted to stay by his side forever and make sure he was nothing but happy and secure. He realized he loved him.

He loved him and he already lost his first love because he didn't follow after him, he didn't fight for Ryle, and he refused to lose his second as well. He refused to lose another person he never got to tell he loved.

Blaze and Scott made their way towards Deucalion together when Stiles ran out the door and stopped when he saw the scene in front of him, "Scott!" He pleaded desperately not wanting to lose his best friend. He wasn't only losing Scott, but he was losing Blaze and Blair. He already had his dad taken and now everyone else he cared about was being ripped away from him as well. He didn't know how to do this without them.

"Scott, Blaze, don't do this! Don't go with him!" Stiles begged them, making their eyes fill with tears.

"I don't know what else to do..." Scott cried, his hand holding Blaze tighter than it ever had. He was too afraid of what would happen if he let go of his hand.

"No, there's g-- Scott, there's gotta be something else, okay? We always-we always have a plan." Stiles reassured him. He tried to think of something but at this moment, he realized that he felt the same. He didn't know what else to do either.

"Not this time..." Scott sniffled, the defeated feeling holding him hostage as he turned around, not wanting to face his best friend.

"Blaze." Blaze felt a tear fall as he turned around and looked at Stiles, a promising look falling over his sad and defeated features.

"We're gonna find your dad. I promise." Blaze told him before he turned around and disappeared from the roof with Scott and Blair. The last thing they heard was Stiles yelling their names, but they never went back. They couldn't. Their fate was sealed when they joined the supernatural world.


Authors Note:

If you notice me skimming over the fight scenes, no you don't. Mind your business.

Are we finally entering the boyfriend era we've all been waiting for? Yep.

Thank you for reading lovelies and don't forget to comment, don't be boring!! And vote so others can suffer all this angst as well : )

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