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1 || my name is

     MY NAME is Dani Mikaels. I'm a sixteen year old from England, living with my father and my mother. Today is my first day of my sixth year at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, the year I have to 'buckle up' according to my head of house. And I know I should be happy that I get to spend a year away from home with my friends living with no care in the world, but that's a child's dream. I'm not a child anymore. Here in the real world we face what I like to call 'adult dilemmas', which is basically my way of saying that my life has gone to shit. I mean, I'm writing a letter. To myself. That I'm supposed to read when I'm thirty according to Mae. Mae's my therapist, I wonder if she'll still be my therapist when I'm thirty. No. She'll probably retire because I'm too much work. I don't want to leave home in fear for my mother, leaving her all alone scares me more than anything. At least she'll have the groundskeeper Jerry. Hope your life isn't as shitty when I'm thirty future me. Adiós.

     Dani folded the letter, placed it in an envelope and locked it away in a box under her bed. That was the third one she had written in the past year and honestly they just kept on getting more depressing. Don't get her wrong, Dani was getting somewhat better with the therapy but at times it all felt pointless. Like, how would writing a letter to herself when she's thirty make her feel good.

     A soft knock rapped at the door and Dani's mother stood with a smile, "Time to go, Danielle." Dani nodded and threw on her jacket while picking up her trunk, "Let me guess, dad had to go to work?"

     "He's busy, Danielle," Her mum responded, "Maybe if you owl him when you get there he'll speak to you then."

     "I doubt it," Dani scoffed holding onto her mum's arm, "Just give me some warning this time becau-" She felt the jolt as they apparated to a backstreet near Kings Cross, "I'm gonna vomit. Holy heck."

     Dani wished goodbye to her mother, who was going to go shopping while she was in London, and made her way to platform nine and three quarters, she'd done it so many times at this point she could do it in her sleep.

     "Blondie." Dani internally groaned as she faced the man behind the voice, "What's up Mikaels?"

     Dani had hated Fred Weasley since first year. Yes, she hates almost everyone but for this boy her hatred went further than a normal person after he threw a fake but still very heavy quaffle at her face leaving her nose broken and bleeding everywhere, Dani payed back the favour giving him a punch back. They'd both gotten two weeks worth of detentions by McGonagall for that.

     "Take your ginger pubes elsewhere, I don't want to be infected," Dani smiled, "Hey Harold," She said wrapping her arms around the boys shoulders, "Miss me? The answer is yes."

     Harry laughed and tapped Dani's hand, "I missed you annoying big sister."

     "Dani!" The blonde broke away from Weasley's & co. and ran up to her friend, "Char!" Out of her friends, Charlie Barlow was the one who understood her the most. He was the first person she'd met at Hogwarts, Dani accidentally crashed into him causing his trunk to open and spill everywhere, they'd spent ten minutes trying to squeeze everything back in there. Charlie then introduced Dani to his sister, Lola Barlow, she was fiery and amazing plus she was really smart and always did homework for the group. A couple days into their first year, the trio ran into Ryan Harmond, he'd been trying to 'chat' Dani up in the library before she spilt her ink all over him, to this day he was still telling her it wasn't an accident, Dani left it at no comment. And that was their friend group, short and sweet. They were each others family when their own failed them and pick me up when they felt down.

Ryan was fake gagging in the compartment when Charlie and Dani walked in smiling together, "Just get together already!" Lola rolled her eyes, "Oh please, my brother hasn't got the confidence to do that and Dani's too oblivious to see what's right in front of her," she said quietly so only Ryan heard her.

"Shut your gob, Ry," Dani said sitting herself opposite Ryan and Lola, "I only have eyes for Lola over there." Lola blew her a kiss while she laughed, the blonde joining in too. Ryan scoffed, "Don't take my girlfriend away from me." Ryan and Lola had been dating since the year before, Charlie had been done with their incessant rambling about the other and locked them in a closet until they kissed. Dani had found out the next day and took her ten galleons off Lee Jordan who had bet they wouldn't get together until seventh year.

     "My dad was telling me about the Triwizard Tournament," Dani said suddenly, "Apparently the Ministry has allowed it to take place again. I mean, who cares about the death toll from previous years."

     "You're going to enter, aren't you?" Ryan asked and Dani's lip twitches into a smile, "You already know it. I'll rub it in Weasley's face that I'm getting eternal glory and he isn't."

     "I know I always say that you and Char are meant for each other but I'm pretty sure there's something between you and Weasley," Charlie's face contorted in jealously and his fists tightened while Dani simply looked out of the window as the train set off, "If I ever go out with Fred Weasley you have permission to throw me off the Astronomy Tower."

Charlie relaxed slightly and his pinky finger drifted over to Dani's as he linked them, the blonde looked at him with a soft smile, a rare one, it was times like this he confused himself and maybe he was confusing Dani as well.

Dani retracted her hand from his and stood up, "I'm going to the loo. Don't do anything stupid until I get back, I'm looking at you Ry."

Leaving the boy with an offended expression sunken into his face, Dani left for the toilets praying to merlin that there wasn't a queue. She needed to get away from Charlie. It wasn't like she felt uncomfortable, she just felt uncomfortable. Charlie was sweet and kind and loving, he knew what to say to Dani to make her feel better and Dani liked him. She liked him really bad, it was probably unhealthy. But she could tell Charlie didn't reciprocate her feelings, he flirted with girls all the time but when Dani even looked at a boy he'd storm off and stay in a mood until Lola told him that the boy and Dani were just friends.

She was cut out of her thoughts by a strong arm wrapping itself around her waist. Dani smiled as she looked up at him. Cassius Warrington. They had been seated next to each other in Divination as none of either of their friends took and and they'd grown closer. They have a deal, no strings attached, Cassius knew how Dani felt about Charlie and he respected that she would never like him but they were horny teenagers and hooked up the first time after a party then it continued happening. No one could find out, Cassius' friends would tell his parents and he'd get in serious trouble and Dani's father would never allow her to date, it was his rule, and he had some snitches around the school.

"Hey hot stuff," Dani grinned, placing her hands on the back of his head, "Where've you been all summer?" Cassius shrugged, "Here and there, dreaming of you. On my bed. Naked." He whispered the last bit in her ear bringing shivers to her spine, "I'm flattered Mr Warrington."

"Has Barlow said something?" She shook her head, "No. I just needed a breather, and I found you." Cassius simply looked at her with a grin, "Yes you did."

me to dani even though
it's only the first chapter

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