4. fuck that shit!

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"yo, si-money cash me" kate said after they all walked over to a vending machine.

"don't look at me dude! i'm broke," simon admitted. kate had a little frown on her face but pointed at amara who raised her eyebrows.

she checked her back pocket and her hoodie pocket. "sorry, i ain't got anything"

she did have something but it wasn't a coin it was a necklace. a family, necklace.

"you got any change?" kate asked josh.

he checked his front pockets, his back pockets and finally his pocket on his shirt.

"um, uh, no,"

kate let out a sign of defeat but josh ran to her and smirked. he started pressing a few buttons on the vending machine and all the sweets started coming out of it.

amara was impressed, everyone was impressed. "josh! that's amazing" she admitted. her hair fell in front of her face so simon pushed her hair back around her ears and sent her a smile.

she noticed and smiled back. he was the only one she could actually trust, he was the only one she could really be honest with.

"where'd you learn how to do this?" kate asked, shocked at how he managed to get the vending machine to do that. "a lot of people trade hacks online"

"nerd," simon said.

"actually, i think that's really cool" amara told josh, making him feel better after what simon had said.

"so, when did you get into the, uh... fruit business?" josh asked, making not only kate confused but everyone else too.

"what?" kate asked.

"the, uh, drugs" josh explained.

kate finally understood what he had meant. "just saving up to get out here"

"take me with you," josh muttered but didn't realise he said it a bit too loudly. simon made a bomb out of his hands to let josh know everyone heard him. amara was about to say something until a scream made all four heads turn to see deena and sam running out of the wards screaming.

"did they get back together?" simon asked, even though he knew no-one else knew the answer to his question.

almost on cue the same guy they had seen earlier was chasing after them in a skull mask and carried a knife. simon immediately grabbed a hold of amara to keep her safe.

they each ran to the hospital exit but simon started pacing in and out. simon held kate's wrist and amara's asking them if they had the keys.

"no, i-i don't have them" amara gulped.

"where are the damn keys?" he whispered.

"the ambulance!" kate suggested.

they each looked for an ambulance that had keys in and finally found one. it was stupid to leave the keys in an ambulance but luckily someone did.

kate drove the ambulance to the front of the hospital and each person yelled for sam and deena to get their asses in the vechile.

once they got into the ambulance kate sped off into the dark.

amara had a million and one thoughts in her head. her sister being murdered, her and her friends being stalked by a guy in a skull mask and a knife but it didn't matter when she was next to simon and she didn't know why.

sam and deena left the ambulance and headed inside the police station.

"we should not be this close to the police in a stolen ambulance" simon said, breaking the silence.

he had a good point.

"that's the point,hiding in plain sight"

she also had a good point.

"yeah, just like bundy" josh added. "ted bundy, when he was stalking his victims"

amara was confused how the convosation went from ambulances to ted bundy but she just rolled with it.

"didn't he get caught though?" kate said.

"yeah, no, well yeah but-"

simon clapped his hands together. "figure this out imma go take a leak"

amara turned her head around narrowing her eyes at simon. "whilst there is a murder around, you think that's a good idea?"

"yeah, i rather die without a full bladder thank you very much" he said, walking away from them and heading off to go pee.

"you hang onto any of that candy?" kate asked, changing the subject. amara checked if she did; she didn't but she thought she'd might as well check.

she shook her head but josh held out a small chocolate bar that he still had.

amara was no longer hungry after seeing blood in the hospital from the people skull mask had killed.

silence filled the air until sam and deena came back. "we need to leave," deena told them.

"i think we should stay. we're safe here. what is that psycho shows up again" sam suggested.

"we'll be ready," deena said, showing the gun she had took from a police officer. "is that a cop's gun? you stole a cops gun?" sam accused.

"fuck yeah she did!" kate said, cheering deena on. "are you out of your goddamned mind?" sam yelled.

"they didn't believe us. we are on our own. where's simon?"

amara's smile faltered as worry filled her head. she rushed after him remembering where she saw him go to. when she saw him she froze.

a girl was sat on him with a razor in her hand. she was about to run to him when she heard two gun shots.

deena had shot the girl. that wasn't the only thing shocking her, the girl bled black blood and was still moving.

amara ran to simon, helping him up, and they all ran back to the ambulance.

"it doesn't make any sense, it's not possible. bullets didn't stop her" sam explained once they all got back to deena's.

"amazing observation," kate said, sarcasm filling the sentance. "who the hell was that?" deena asked simon.

"how the hell should i know? she was hot! the bitch seemed normal!" simon exclaimed.

"normal bitches don't move after they were shot or bleed black fucking blood" deena yelled.

"well, she was hot and normal till she attacked me with a fucking razor blade!"

it was now amara's turn to bite her fingernails.

"wait, a razor?" josh said, stuck on that little bit of information.

"yeah, for like old-time shaving or in this case, for slitting her-"

"wrists," josh finished for simon. everyone stopped what they was doing and stared at josh. "she slashed her wrists, was she singing something? wa-was she singing an oldie, like an oldie song?"

"jesus, rain man. how the fuck did you know that?"

josh stood up and guided them all to the basement where his wall was filled with death reports and murders in shadyside. he took certain reports and placed them all on his desk.

"this is ruby lane, this is who attacked you"

"holy shit," simon muttered.

"she sang as she murdered her boyfriend, her friends, then she killed herself. slashed her wrists" josh explained to them.

"fuck that shit!" amara said.

"jesus, why didn't i see this on the news?" kate asked, taking the paper to see it more clearly.

"because it happened 30 years ago, 1965"

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