9. pathetic excuse

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an officer got his recorder out and pressed play.

"interview with amara watkins, sunday, october 2nd, 1994" he leaned back in his seat before asking questions. "wanna tell me what happened?"

amara tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "we went to pick up sam's medicine but the lights went out and it went all dark. we hid behind a counter till it was all over" she told him.

"and care to explain what happened to yourself? you were in the hospital for four days, needed stiches and lost a lot of blood"

she nodded her head. "yeah but only cause i tripped and fell on some glass that ended up slicing my stomach"
amara could tell the officer wasn't fully believing it. "i'm gonna tell you what the facts tell me. the junkie-"

"she wasn't a fucking junkie you piece of shit! she was my friend, she was brave and would do anything for her friends so watch your words" amara shouted.

the officer ignored her comment and continue to talk. "she is to blame for all this. that's the story this department will go with unless you don't help me to see the full truth"

"and what do you know about the truth? you weren't there, you guys will only go with that patheic excuse for what happened cause it fits the criteria. a girl who sells the occasinal drugs to get out of shadyside is to blame. fuck you and your shitty department"

the officer didn't care for what amara had said just let it go over his head. he pressed stop on the recording and let her go. amara stormed out of the room pissed off at the police department.

simon noticed how aggitated she was so, of course, he went over to her as e was doing anyways.

"hey, you okay?" he asked.

"no i'm not okay! they're painting the whole fucking picture saying kate it to blame like how can they say that? just a bunch of idiots in this place" she explained.

simon held her in a hug being careful of the stiches that she had to get. almost on cue her mother, lilith, and father, oliver, walked in the police station. "amara! you're coming home with us, now!" her father said.

amara and simon broke out of the hug and she started walking towards her parents until she stopped and turned back then ran to simon giving him a kiss on his lips.

"for not dying," she whispered in his ear. they broke the kiss and she went to her parents as her father dragged her out by her collar.

they drove amara to her home and it didn't occur to her that she would actually be going back inside the house. her father opened her door and unlocked the front door, he walked in and left his wife and amara to get out and go inside by themselves.

amara took a deep breath before taking the scenery in. "sweetie, don't listen to what your father will say. he's just worried about you and losing heather was one thing but losing both of you is something we'd never imagine" her mom said.

"amara, why don't you just head to bed, you had a long day today"

she smiled at her mom and went inside, quietly creeping up the stairs and headed for her bedroom. amara lept on her bed wrapping herself in her quilt, she shut eyes for a second but all she saw was kate's dead body over...and over...and over again.

sleep fell over her eventually until her slumber was disturbed by a rock being thrown at her window. amara got herself out of her bed, only in a shirt and denimn shorts, and headed to her window. another rock was thrown and she saw the person who threw it.


she opened her window slightly just enough to hear what simon said.

"come downstairs! you need to get down here"

she put her thumb up and shut the window. slowly going down the stairs making sure not to make a sound, she got to the last step before her mom turned around on the chair.

"i was just-"

"it's fine, go hang out with simon. he seems like a nice boy"

amara smiled and headed out the door. simon ran over to her placing a kiss on her lips, "oh and we gotta go to deena's" he said.


"sam has been possessed by the witch"

amara's smile had completely dissapeared. kate's death, amara's near death and simon's near death all for nothing. everything they did to get away from the dead witch was for nothin because now one of her friends had been possessed.

hand in hand they went to deena's and when they got there deena opened the trunk to show them what sam turned into. she was nothing like her normal self, was she now a shadyside killer?

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