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chapter nine: Agent Scully and Mulder

TUESDAY: October 22nd, 2026,
Nadia's house 10:00 AM

Light patches of rain hit the side of Nadia's bedroom window as she sat on the edge of her bed. She kept her gaze on the piles of articles that laid perfectly along the front of her bed. Her hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail and after consuming five cups of coffee she felt determined to solve the case.

"What about this one?" she turned and Kieran smirked as he showed her a photo "Kie, we're being serious here. We don't have time to plan costumes for the Halloween bash, even if your idea sucks".

The boy gasped "what! Star Trek is the perfect costume idea! I could literally pull it off". The girl chuckled as she looked at him "Star Trek doesn't fit our theme, we're going as a duo remember? There's no way I'm going as Star Trek".

The boy huffed "At least I didn't suggest sexy ghostface, that would've been traumatizing. One look and poor little Andy would probably faint". Nadia smiled sadly as she looked at an article, Kieran saw the distress on her face as he sat down beside her.

"We don't have to waste our time doing this, we could go see if everyone's alright?". She sighed softly "we should've been there with them, now they're all hurt and I have no idea what to do".

"Not all of them, Angel and Claire weren't even there when the place blew up and all they got was a few burns and bruises". Nadia leaned back "Andy's in a coma, I doubt that's a few burns and bruises".

Kieran looked outside the window "he's only in a coma because he took most of the blow from the ceiling falling on them. Ben told me himself, Andy pushed him out of the way before anything could even hit him. They would want us to be there".

Nadia stood up quickly "no, we have to solve the case. Agent Scully and Mulder do not back down from a case! We find the killer, no one else gets hurt and we can sleep better at night". Kieran leaned back on the bed as he sighed deeply "and how exactly do you think we'll do that? The police can't even figure it out, what makes you think we'll do it?".

Nadia smirked "because unlike the police we have this!" She grabbed a photo off the bed and pushed it into Kieran's hands. He looked down at the photo then back up at Nadia as she grabbed her coat "wait wait... so you're telling me your one solution to solving this entire thing. Is some guy?".

Nadia gasped "some guy! That's Corey Becker! If anyone's the expert on ghostface it's him! He's gone through this like six times! We're going, so grab your car keys!". She walks out of her room and Kieran groans before he stands up and follows after her.

"Nadia I think you should think this through, what if the guy doesn't even wanna help us? In stab eight his character literally ditches the helpless teenagers". Nadia rolls her eyes "stab eight is bullshit, they don't even follow real stories past the fourth one".

She stopped walking when she noticed her front door wide open "okay that's not weird at all". She turned and found Kieran was no longer standing behind her "Kieran?". She let out a heavy breath as she slowly walked towards her kitchen. She reached for her knifes only to find they were completely gone "what the fuck! All the knives are gone".

She screamed when a knife slammed into her arm, the figure looked down at her with such a creepy expression she whimpered as they grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the refrigerator.

She cried out as the knife was pulled out of her arm "mother fucker! You stole my knife!" she hissed as she pushed them back. She groaned as she pushed her hand onto her arm and quickly ran for the stairs.

"Never go for the front door, rule number seven!" she flipped off the killer before she ran up the stairs straight for her room. "Nadia?" she turned "Kieran?"she let out a panicked breath as she looked at her closet door. She saw the bloody handprint on it before she could even walk into the room fully.

The door pushed itself open slowly and Kieran groaned as he looked at her. She ran straight for him as she pushed the closet door shut "where did you even go? One second you were behind me then you were just gone?". The boy leaned into the closet wall as his hand held tightly onto his arm.

"I heard someone in your bathroom, I thought maybe check it out and then next thing I know I'm being stabbed. I heard you screaming". She let out a heavy breath "they attacked me in the kitchen, they took all the knives. We're screwed and trapped".

She heard the stairs creak and she grew tense as she leaned into Kieran. "Dia.... I love you" she looked at Kieran "what?". He let out a shaky breath "I had to tell you... just in case we don't make it".

"We're gonna make it... don't say that, we just have to get out of here and we'll be okay". She cried softly as he grasped her face desperately "I won't let you die, I couldn't live with myself if I let you die".

She cried "just stay here with me, we'll be safe in here" he kissed her quickly making her gasp for air. She held tightly onto his shirt as she closed her eyes, he moved back and then he opened the closet door.

"Kie don't..." she looked at him as he looked back at her "I'll be right back, don't move". He pushed the closet door shut and she heard him walk away, she held tightly onto herself "I love you too Kie..." She screamed when the closet door broke open, the pieces of wood shattered down onto her as she quickly pushed herself out the small opening. She screamed when the killer grabbed a hold of her and dragged her back.

"No! Let me go you fucker!" she cried out when the knife slammed into her back "no no no!". She grunted when she was picked up and slammed into her door. Her eyes widened in horror as the figure titled their head at her, they were taunting her as they pushed the knife against her throat.

"I'm sorry! Please don't.. I'm sorry! Kieran! Help! Kieran!" she gagged when the knife slowly pressed into her throat. She clawed at the killer's arms as the knife pressed deeper and deeper into her flesh. She screamed when the knife was pulled out of her throat and then she gasped when the knife stabbed her heart.

Her body grew lifeless as it weakly fell towards the ground. Blood spattered onto the girls walls and carpet as the killer angrily wiped the blood off the knife with one swift movement. The killer grunted when a baseball bat hit them harshly in the back, Kieran screamed as he ran straight at them and smacked them again. "Fuck you! Fuck you!".

He swung the bat again and the killer smacked into the wall as the knife fell out of there grasp. "Not so tough without your knife, you're gonna pay for what you did, you hear me! You're gonna pay!".

The figure dodged when the baseball bat hit the wall and they tripped over Nadia's body as they hit the ground. Kieran cried as he walked towards them "you didn't follow the rules! She's supposed to die last! Why didn't you just kill me! It should've been me!".

He gasped when a knife stabbed him in the back "what's your favorite scary movie?". He cried out when the knife twisted as he was thrown into the closet door. He grunted when he landed on top of the broken wood and it cut at his arms.

He looked up at the two figures as they both walked towards him "my favorite scary movie is fuck you!" he stood up quickly and ran straight for the figures. He grunted when the knives slammed straight into his back. His knees gave way and he fell down as the knives sunk more into his flesh.

The distant sound of sirens made his ears ring as he leaned his head back. He let out a heavy breath as the knives ripped out of his back and he was kicked into the ground. "Just kill me... just kill me".

He laid on the ground his body aching as he waited for the final blow from the figures. Only it never came and they walked out of the room leaving him completely helpless and alone on Nadia's bedroom floor as he cried.

authors notes:
so um...... No comment. I was gonna originally kill Nadia off at the Halloween bash but it just made sense to do it now when her and Kieran are staring to figure out clues and shit. We all knew from the start she was gonna unfortunately die, rip to a real baddie! She will ultimately be missed by all of us. Also two updates in a day! I need to go outside and touch grass!

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