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wolf moon

The boy sat alone, his back turned away from the doorway as he hummed along to the music that blasted into his eardrums. On his desk piles of flowers laid in a heap, some missing peddles but overall they appeared neat, almost peaceful.

The loud knock on his doorway made him take his headphones out and look at it. "Stiles, I swear to god if you drag me out into the woods, I will personally kick your ass myself!".

"Oh come on! You never do anything fun with me and Scott!" Miles opened his door glaring down his brother. "That's because I value my life dumbass, if dad even knew what you were doing he'd flip!".

Stiles rolled his eyes "you're lame, it's not my fault your date ditched you! I told you she wouldn't show". Miles huffed as he looked at the flowers on his desk, the note was sloppily written.

Seeing he only written it hours prier "she had an emergency, one that had her in the hospital. In case you cared to know, and her names Erica, I've been crushing on her for months jackass!".

Stiles threw his hands up in surrender "my bad I didn't know, you gotta give her the flowers at school tomorrow?". Miles slammed the door shut walking back towards his bed "you won't tell dad I left right!" he could hear Stiles pacing back and forth. "You better not do anything stupid!" with those words he could hear the loudness of Stiles running down the stairs.

He rolled his eyes as he put his headphones back into his ears. He was used to this, Stiles running around doing dumb things and of course dragging Scott along with him.

Miles personally didn't wanna run around all the time, he enjoyed the comfort of his room. Even if Stiles and Scott were more closer, he had other friends, people who actually didn't try getting him killed in the middle of the woods.

Friends who knew about his crush of Erica Reyes, who he finally asked out after Issac practically forced him to. It was humiliating at first and then she actually said yes, and he felt relief.

He wasn't upset with her not coming, he knew she had medical issues, one's that didn't bother him. He did research in case she ever had a seizure while he was around her in school or just in general.

It was probably weird, but he knew it would be helpful at the end of the day. Most people just freaked out in moments like that, Miles wanted to be prepared, he wanted to be helpful.

He couldn't sleep, not until he knew Stiles was back home and okay. His brother may have been annoying like all the time, but he still cared about him. He sighed deeply as he looked outside, he'd wait until the jeep was back, even if it was all night.

"Miles get up!" the boy jumped awake his body aching from the way he slept. He pushed the flowers away from his face as he stood up from the chair rubbing at his tired eyes.

He opened his door sighing "I'm up dumbass, it's not my fault you got caught by dad last night. I was being the responsible one and stayed home".

Stiles rolled his eyes "whatever just get dressed, and for your information you sneak out all the time, which I'm sure dad knows about".

Miles pushed his door shut "sure he does! I'm not stupid like you Stiles! I don't get caught!". Although the two were brothers, Miles didn't get along with Stiles very well. It was just something that was always a thing for the duo.

Some moments between them were peaceful and actually normal sibling bonding experiences. They faded a lot as the years went on, Stiles was always with Scott and Miles was on the sidelines.

He pushed his backpack over his shoulder as he walked down the steps. "Would it kill you to have a bit of a pep in your step! I gotta talk to Scott about very important business".

Miles glared at Stiles "you two make no sense sometimes, you act like it's the end of the world if you don't see Scott McCall before class. He's literally in most of your classes Stiles, I doubt you'd be missing much".

Stiles walked out the door "if you don't hurry up I'm leaving your ass, and you're walking!". Miles huffed as he walked out of the house "you're lucky I can tolerate you Stiles, you may be older by a year but I'll still kick your ass".

     Stiles practically ran straight towards the school, Miles pushed the jeep door shut rolling his eyes as he walked along the sidewalk. He knew Stiles was likely talking with Scott, or obsessing over Lydia.

Either way he didn't feel the urge to check up on him, he'd see him after school. He walked inside the building, holding his bag tightly as he looked along the lockers.

He could see his from a distance and he noticed someone standing beside it, the more he walked. The more he noticed who it was, she looked sad.

Her hair was pinned back in a loose ponytail as she nibbled at her lip. Her hands were pried together as she picked at her sleeve, her eyes brightened when Miles appeared in front of her.

"Erica, I hope you're not here to apologize for last night, because I'm not upset about it at all". She smiled weakly "you're not upset?".

He shock his head as he unzipped his backpack "I was going to give you these last night, but I figured why not wait till now, they're a little crushed cause I accidentally fell asleep on them".

He handed her the flowers, the stems awkwardly bent as he smiled at her. Down the hallway Stiles pushed his locker shut while Scott stood beside him. "Nice to see Miles talking with a girl".

Stiles looked down the hallway "that must be Erica, they had a date last night I think, something happened so she couldn't make it".

Scott winced slightly as he found himself hearing the conversation between Miles and Erica.

"They're beautiful, thank you Miles".

Miles let out a light chuckle "they looked better before I crushed them, but you're welcome I figured you deserved something nice".

Scott sighed weakly as he leaned into his locker "I feel like I'm going crazy, what am I going to do?". Stiles looked at Scott "hey, I'll help you man! We're gonna figure out what's wrong with you. I would ask Miles for help, but honestly I don't want him involved especially if this takes a dark turn".

"I agree with you on that, let's just leave him be for now, if we really need his help then we can ask. He's happy and I'd rather he'd stay like that".

Stiles smiled "he's a pain in my ass but I want him to stay far away from this, glad you agree with me on something Scott, come on let's get to class".

They walked off down the hallway and Miles was opposite of them walking beside Erica. "Why don't we just hang out at my house sometime, we can get a movie and just hang out".

Erica smiled "I'll have to see if it's okay, but even if my parents say no, I'll just sneak out". Miles laughed "you're a real rebel Erica, just be careful sneaking out. This one time I accidentally fell off the roof, I didn't notice it was slippery".

Erica giggled "that must've hurt" he shrugged his shoulders "I broke my arm, my dad grounded me for an entire month, it was worth it though".

He stopped in front of class "I'll see you around Erica, maybe at lunch?". She nodded and he walked into class sitting down as she walked off.

    "Scott! Please tell me you told coach I'm not gonna make practice today". He approached the boy who sat at the lunch table with Stiles.

"I did, and then he was like "I don't even know a Miles" it was pretty disturbing, but yeah I told him". Miles let out a breath of relief "thank god! I forgot to tell him this morning and then I didn't bring my gear anyways".

In the distance Erica appeared and sat down near the corner of the cafeteria. "Hope you guys don't mind if I ditch you today and sit with Erica".

"Go ahead! I doubt you'd wanna hear Stiles going on about Lydia again". Miles laughed as he walked away, he held onto his lunch tray tightly.

Erica looked up at him when he approached the table and sat across from her. "Hope you don't mind me sitting with you, figured you'd like the company and I find it I'm the best company you can get".

She laughed lightly "you don't have to sit me with, I normally just sit alone, no one really cares to sit with me so I'm used to being alone".

"Well I wanna sit with you, I meant what I said the other day when I asked you out, I really do like you, and hey even if we don't do anything we can still be friends, you're good company Erica Reyes".

She blushed hiding her face for a moment as he smiled at her. He grabbed a fry off his tray "you ever seen Star Wars? My brother forced me to watch it the other night and it's pretty good".

"That one movie with laser guns and glowing sticks?" he smiled "yeah that one, although the term is lightsabers, I do enjoy the way you said glowing sticks though, sounds very cheesy".

She giggled "maybe I like cheesy" she grew silent her body growing still for a moment. "Erica?" then it happened, her body suddenly began shaking, her eyes flickering as her lips quivered.

Her body tensed up, her fingers locking as she landed on the ground. Her teeth chattered and foam lined along the cracks of her lips. Miles acted fast and kneeled down beside her, placing her on her side.

"It's alright, I'm here" he pushed her hair out of her face as he held onto her. When she grew still and let out a weak breath he lifted her off the ground.

She felt dizzy as he walked her down the hallway "I'll get you to the nurses office". She let out a whimper as she leaned into him.

"I'm sorry" her voice cracked and he grew still for a moment as he looked down at her.

"I forgive you".

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