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Her hand smacked down on the alarm clock as she sat up. The sun was bright making her huff in annoyance as she shoved her pillow over her head. She hated waking up, but for some reason she needed to have a job interview this early.

She had practically begged for one later in the day but the man refused. She didn't even care if she got it or not, at this rate she was ready to give up.

She pushed herself off her bed groaning in annoyance as she walked towards her bathroom. She lived alone, which made mornings less stressful. She had a roommate once but they moved out.

Apparently she was too dull, Cassidy didn't mind them leaving, they left messes everywhere. She rubbed at her face as she grabbed her toothbrush.

She could hear the distant sound of the birds outside, they were always so loud this early. She looked at herself in the mirror, imagining a girl who wasn't slowly falling into despair.

She's been a wreck ever since she was a little girl, she couldn't remember the details fully. Her mother claimed it was likely something that scared her enough to make her forget, whenever she tried to remember her mind went blank and fuzzy.

She gave up on it years ago, even her therapist couldn't help her remember her past. She rubbed at her face as she yawned, time felt slower as she made her way towards her shower.

An interview this early felt wrong, but she would endure it for the sake of being desperate. She would take anything if it meant she could leave this town, she had spent her entire life here but she didn't want any part of it. After her father died in a plane crash she stopped caring about people.

Her mother moved and left her here alone to fend for herself. She survived but she was barely holding on at this rate, she needed more time and then she'd finally be free of this nightmare of a life.

"What's your current status of availability?" the man's words had left her mind minutes ago. The chair she sat on was uncomfortable and kept digging into her back as she tapped her hands on her thigh.

"Anything works really, I'll take whatever you have" she looked at him as he flipped a page in her file, it looked so thick from where she sat. "Okay well it says here you've gone through ten jobs this year, a lot of places let you go due to conflicts with customers and a few colleagues of the company".

She cringed "misunderstandings and I resolved them personally, even with the bad reviews and the lack of positive feedback. I can do anything and I'll actually do better this time, I really need this job".

The man pushed the file closed and smiled "well you're in luck, I have one job that would suit you, and you'd only be in the presence of one other colleague. You'd be a security guard for a company that shut down years ago, apparently the owner doesn't want to shut it down, it'll be easy and it's a night shift".

She leaned back "a night shift? Define exactly how long that'll be, I just want to be prepared". He smiled as he handed her a folder "midnight to six, you'd just have one job, keeping an eye on the place and keeping people out". She chuckled "that's two jobs but I can do it, what's this place called anyways?".

She pulled open the folder and she felt tense "Freddy Fazbears pizzeria, sounds creepy" she looked away from the folder and towards the man. "Well it isn't a very pleasant place, but it's perfectly safe. Although most people quit after the first night".

She couldn't help but chuckle "it's that bad? I mean it sounds creepy but it can't be that bad, it's just five nights at Freddy's anyways, I can handle five nights".

The man smiled "I think you'll be a perfect candidate then, you can start tomorrow night and you'll find that another young man is working the same position as you. He's been given instructions to watch the office and camera, you'll be on the main floor keeping people out and making sure things run smoothly".

She smiled "sounds easy to me" she stood up grabbing her jacket off the back of the chair. "Oh and miss, I'd recommend staying awake, sleeping on the job isn't productive and you'll be fired".

She looked at him slightly. "I used to sleep all day and stay awake all night when I was sixteen, this will be the easiest job I could do. I won't sleep and I'll make sure it's well protected from anyone".

"Good, the last few workers have just left in a hurry and that means the owner is desperate for anyone who can help. You'll be given instructions at your arrival and be sure to bring your own lunch if needed".

Midnight, it came sooner than expected and Cassidy was already driving in the darkness. She passed the pizzeria twice before she finally found it, it looked creepy as she parked her car beside the only other one here. She let out a nervous breath as she climbed out of her car and looked at the sign.

It was covered in dust and dirt and yet it still looked so bright as the creature smiled down at her. It waved its hand back and forth and she looked away as she approached the doorway, she rubbed her eyes as she unlocked the door in a fast manner.

She flinched at the suddenness of the lights flickering as she walked into the entranceway. She looked around at the old tables and the price counter, this place seemed so familiar. She kept walking but stopped at the suddenness of a flashlight beam going straight into her eyes.

"Woah! Easy with the flashlight" She covered her eyes with her hand as the man looked at her with confusion. "Who the hell are you? How'd you get in here?" She moved back to avoid the light.

"With keys obviously" she showed him her set of keys and smiled weakly as she looked at him, "I work here, or at least I'm supposed to, definitely love being greeted by nearly being blinded by a light".

He lowered the flashlight "you work here? No one told me anyone else was working here, it was just me". She chuckled "well it's my first night here, don't worry I won't be in your way, gonna keep an eye out here and just wait till morning".

"It's my first night here too, they didn't mention another worker. You the janitor or something?". She walked past him "no I'm a security guard like you, I keep people out and you watch the cameras, it's easy work even if this place is creepy".

She wiped dust off the price counter with her hand and coughed as it entered the air "this place really has seen better days, gosh I remember the day they shut it down. It was practically all over the newspapers".

The man frowned "really? I don't know much about this place, just that it's old and has creepy animatronics". Cassidy looked at the closed curtains and sighed "apparently some kids went missing in this place, so the police did an investigation. Nothing was found but it got shut down for safety protocols".

The man frowned "and you just happen to know about this? No one mentioned that to me". She grabbed a hold of a plushie off the counter "I've been here before, I have memory issues. But being here, I've definitely been here before".

She touched the nose on the plushie and it squeaked "my mom used to take me here when I was little, I used to beg her to bring me whenever she could. I won a prize just like this, only it was the bear and not the bunny". She set it down as she looked at the stage with curiosity "I wonder if they're still here".

She walked towards the touch "if who's still here?" She touched the curtain "Freddy and the others, I for the life of me can't remember the names, just Freddy's since this place is named after him. The fox used to be my favorite when I was little, or maybe it was the duck". She shrugged as she tugged on the curtain, but it wouldn't move, she turned "so what's your name anyways? Seeing we're work partners".

The man rubbed at his eyes, he looked exhausted "it's Mike, and what about you?". She smiled "Cassidy, and don't worry I won't get in your way. We can both agree we're here to work and that's it. You can sleep for all I care, just wake up if I tell you too".

He nodded weakly "right, well I'd better get back to the office, keep an eye on the cameras and what not". She looked at the doorway "I'll stay out here, watch the doors. I'll get you if anything happens. Try not to sleep the entire time, at least be aware".

He walked off and Cassidy looked at the stage with a frown "why won't it open...". After she stood in silence she walked towards the counter and saw a folder with her name written on it.

She ripped it open and grabbed the vest out of it, she wiped the dust off of it as she put it on over her jacket. This place was freezing and she would definitely bring a thicker coat on the second night.

The first night is always the easiest, she kept watching the entire time and she didn't sleep once. She didn't know it was morning until she heard the sound of an alarm going off, she frowned and stood up from the chair she sat in. She walked towards the office and pushed the door open, Mike smacked his hand over the alarm clock. For him sleeping half the night he still looked miserable and exhausted.

"Would you look at that, you've survived the first night" he turned jumping at the sight of her. "I forgot you were here, it was quiet" she leaned into the doorframe "I was watching the door".

He stood up and grabbed his car keys from his pocket "gonna assume no trouble since you didn't wake me". She nodded as they walked towards the exit, the lights clicked off as she made her way outside.

"See it'll be easy working with me, I won't even get in the way of your slumber and if someone does happen to wander inside. I'm sure I can handle it, if not I'm sure you can find a mop to attack them with".

She unlocked her car as Mike shut the gates, she looked at the sign as it turned off "this place is still creepy though, but surviving five nights at Freddy's is better than any other job out there".

Mike smiled weakly "it's not so bad, uh it was nice meeting you" he awkwardly waved at her as he drove off. She got into her car and drove off, this job would be easy, if she kept this up for a few more weeks she'd be set to start moving out of town.

not edited!

authors notes:
a part of me wants to follow the movie plot but then another wants to follow the game plot. But then another wants to just do my own thing, but idk yet so far it's leaning towards the movie but then it's also not so... I'll figure it out eventually, anyways enjoy!

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