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𝓈𝓃𝑒𝒶𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓀𝒾𝓈𝓈𝑒𝓈,

( second-person point of view  )

The pen scribbled across the paper as you filled out the proper paper-work. You were doing the somewhat boring part of your job while in-between leads. Someone needed to do it, and you often found yourself getting the brunt of the paper-work. You were busy with your own thoughts alone to file the papers away after they were finished. However, you suddenly felt something soft press against your cheek.

"Huh... " You turned your head to see your boyfriend, L. He had kissed you, unprompted no less. A nervous chuckle bubbled up and spilled from your lips, a laugh that L had fallen in love with.

"Hey," You drug out the word in a somewhat embarrassed manner. "What was that for?"

"Am I not allowed to show my girlfriend affection?" L asked in a very hushed tone, a small smirk on his face. Certainly, you thought he was allowed to, but it took L a long time to become comfortable with such affection.

"I suppose you can," You said playfully. Leaning up, you were about to press your lips against his when you heard the doorknob turning. You instantly backed away and pretended to return to your paper-work as someone entered the file room.

"(C/n)," Aizawa said, causing you to turn around to see him. "We got a potential lead, come with me."

"Got it," You said, nodding your head awkwardly. You quickly finished the paper you were working on as Aizawa left, tucking it away. You went to the door, but before you left an idea occurred. You swiftly pounced back to L. You kissed him quickly and then slipped out of the room with a smile.

. . .

L was at one of his usual spots, typing away on his computer doing who-knows-what when you entered the room. Working with L was more than wonderful and you loved it. You now got to spend every day with your boyfriend whom you loved. Most of the time when L worked a case, he would usually stay at a hotel near the place of the crime until the case was solved. When he worked, you and L hardly spent much time together. He was always careful to take long breaks between cases so you could be with each other.

Now, however, you got to see him so much more than you usually did, every day in fact. You were a little surprised at how happy it made you. It was simply common sense that being around someone you care about deeply will bring you greater amounts of joy. You wore a genuine smile when heading into work.

"You seem awfully happy today," L pointed out, keeping his eyes on the computer screen in front of him.

"Hmm," You hummed, approaching the odd-sitting man with an amused smirk. "I wonder why." You looked around quickly to see if anyone was within the line of sight. Knowing the coast was clear, you laid a small kiss on his cheek and giggled. L seemed thrown off by your gesture. He always got somewhat flustered when you would show him affection without warning. He was so cute sometimes.

. . .

You carried the papers across the room nonchalantly. You found L minding his own business, probably deep in thought, signified by his thumb resting gently against his lower-lip. His little habits were certainly adorable.

"I have these for you, detective," You got his attention as you held out the papers for you.

"Thank you, detective (L/n)," L said, taking the papers from you. However, he slipped his hand around the pages and grasped your dominant hand. He brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of your palm. A sputtering smile spreading across your face. You saw L's small smile, his dark eyes glancing up at you.

Hearing someone's footsteps approaching, you rapidly jerked your hand away and jumped back. Taking the hint, L quickly returned to doing what he was before you came in. You both moved just in time to prevent any suspicion when someone walked in. That was a close call, but it was worth it. He always gave you butterflies without even trying.

. . .

"We caught a lead!" Matsuda announced rather enthusiastically. "I thought I would let you know before we left to check it out, Ryuzaki."

"I will be going with you," L said, standing up from his chair. While walking through the halls after completing one task to start another, you overheard their conversation. You saw the boys, and quickly got their attention,

"Hey, Matsuda!" You called out with a small smile. "Can I borrow Ryuzaki for a second?" Matsuda just laughed. You pulled L aside and around the corner, grasping onto his signature white shirt. As soon as you rounded the corner, you yanked L toward yourself. Your lips crashed onto his somewhat passionately. After calming down from being startled at first, L wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you closer. Your hands held his face as your lips moved in sync for several seconds before pulling apart.

"What was that for?" L asked in a whisper, your bodies remaining close for a moment after.

"Am I not allowed to show my boyfriend affection?"

𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹. . .

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