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𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈𝒶𝓇𝓎,

( second-person point of view  )

Waking up this morning was almost a pleasure because you knew what day it was. Today was the day you and L had your very first date four years ago. It seemed so long since then, and you had both grown up quite a deal. Regardless, it was your anniversary and you were excited to spend it with him.

You, for once, happily got out of bed to prepare for the day ahead. You entered the bathroom connected to your bedroom and instantly noticed the note hanging off the mirror. It read: My dearest (Y/n), these past four years of my life with you have been wonderful, and I intend to make the future we have together even better. Please meet me at the park in ##### this evening. Happy anniversary. Sincerely, L.

You smiled at the detective's little note and tucked it away in a drawer somewhere to always cherish. You smiled as you got ready. You had some time to kill and most of it was dedicated to working. All throughout the day, although the others were oblivious, you and L had been exchanging looks. Anticipation and admiration filled those looks you shared, but no one around you was any the wiser.

The time passed and passed before you figured it would be a good time to leave. L had left some time earlier, making up some excuse as to why he had to go. You didn't have to make an excuse, for it was nearly time for everyone to go home. When you arrived back in your bedroom you quickly began to get ready for your evening with your boyfriend of four years.

You wore something nice, and appropriate for the nice weather outside. You had been wondering all day what L had planned, and you were finally going to get to find out. You arrived exactly where he asked to meet. There was no set time on the note, so you only hoped you had not kept your love waiting.

"(Y/n)!" You heard L call for you. You easily found him waiting for you, surprisingly wearing something other than a white shirt and jeans. He was dressed sharply, something that was highly rare, but he looked very nice.

"This is for you," L stated as he held a single flower in his hand. You accepted it with a big grin. It was one of your favorite flowers, and you were happy he remembered. Of course, he did, he remembers everything! You gently tucked it behind your ear, ensuring you wouldn't lose it somehow.

"They're beautiful," You said, sniffing them slightly.

"Just like you," You grinned at L's words as he reached out and took your hand in his. You both began to walk through the park. The sun was nearing the horizon line in the distance as you approached a tall, white, and arching gazebo. You peered inside from around the corner and saw there were a few musicians with instruments playing a soft song, which you heard the closer you got. Your heart nearly melted as L took your hand and guided you to sway with him to the music.

"You are single-handedly the greatest boyfriend in the world," You told him as you slow danced to the music. "This is all so amazing, I wish I had something planned for you too..."

"That fact that you are still with me is far more than enough," L stated sentimentally. "I know I can be somewhat difficult in certain areas. I appreciate you sticking with me for so long."

"You've made it all worth it," You said, feeling such a natural and pure smile spread across your face. You rested your head against his shoulder, with one hand in his and the other placed on his shoulder. He held you close as you sway in tune with the melody.

"I love you so much, Lawliet," You whispered. When you referred to him by his real name, it surprised L. He hadn't heard the name spoken aloud in... he can't remember how long it's been. He knew no one else could have possibly heard but him, and it made the detective hug you just a little bit tighter.

"I love you too, (Y/n). Now and forever."

𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹. . .

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