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   it was a quiet night for the Becker family, the soft hums of music could be heard through the cracks of the boys door. A light breeze slipped in from his open window as he leaned back on his bed.

He laughed lightly as he blew out a puff of smoke from his lips, the boy beside him protested in annoyance when it hit his face. "Relax Stuart, your face isn't gonna fall off from a little smoke".

Stu Macher rolled his eyes as he pulled the joint out of Corey's lips. He held it in his fingers as he watched the ceiling, almost as if he was plotting something.

Corey looked so out of it, his eyes red and irritated as he pushed his arms behind his head. He licked his lips to cease away the dryness they held, it didn't do much. Stu turned, his eyes looking at the side of Corey's face as he put the joint in the crack of his lips.

He let it sit there, his eyes taking in every detail of the lines on Corey's face and neck. The boy laughed weakly, letting himself look away from Corey as he handed the joint back to him.

Corey took it with no hesitation, putting it in his mouth as Stu hummed along to the song. He thought about what it would feel like if he just turned over and stabbed Corey. Watching the boy bleed out as he tried to scream for help, Stu sighed softly.

He couldn't kill Corey, that wasn't the plan for tonight. When the time was right he'd slip out for the night, meet up with Billy outside the Beckers backyard and then he'd take out Steven while Billy handled Casey Becker.

Stu was generous enough to let Corey be free of this plan, the boy made sure he was high enough to not even question the screams of his sister. He was out of it already, Billy would've killed the boy but he knew deep down, Stu had a soft spot for the boy.

Ever since Casey dumped Stu for Steven, Corey refused to stop hanging out with him because Casey didn't want him around. They were best friends long before Stu even dated Casey, Corey wasn't going to ditch his friend just because Casey demanded it.

It's not his fault she decided to date him out of nowhere, sure Stu was over a lot on the weekends and half the time after he started dating Casey. He would be too busy watching scary movies with her so now it felt nice having the boy to himself again.

Corey missed the company of Stu, he didn't have many other friends aside from Randy who he worked with most weekdays. Corey let out a soft breath as he looked at the Halloween poster on his closet door.

"We should watch a movie, man, I bet Casey has a shit ton hidden in her closet". Corey sat up and Stu looked at him angrily, Corey didn't even notice the look.

"Nah, I should probably get heading out soon. You should just sleep this high off anyways, I'll bring a few movies next time though, preferably ones that aren't Halloween. We watch that too much".

Corey laughed as he stood up off his bed, he threw the joint outside his window as he pushed it shut. "You're so lame Stuart, you never do anything fun with me. Your girlfriend would totally watch movies with me".

Corey smiled when Stu threw a pillow at his face "leave Tatum out of this dude, she's way out of your league and so is half of the school".

Corey rolled his eyes "you sound jealous Stuart, it's almost as if you wanna bone me or something". He rubbed at his eyes as he walked towards his door, Stu pushed himself off the bed so fast he nearly tripped.

The distant sound of the phone ringing in the kitchen made the hair on the back of Stu's neck stick up. Corey's eyes widened when Stu gripped his arm roughly and tugged him back from the door.

"You're being weird Stu, gosh can't a guy go get water in his own house". Stu huffed "just stay up here, I saw your sister's boyfriend's car outside, they could be half naked on the couch down there".

Corey rolled his eyes "yeah right, Casey's not like that, she knows I'm here and Steven is respectful of her boundaries. Unlike you when you were with her, gosh I'm still traumatized from walking in on you two idiots when I got home from work. I had mom buy an entire new couch and I burned the old one".

Corey moved past Stu and grabbed the door knob, he was stunned when Stu gripped his face and kissed him. For a moment he relaxed into the kiss, let his body melt as he closed his eyes and held onto Stu.

He shivered as he felt the boy's hands slip under his shirt, the kiss deepened. Corey inhaled sharply as he let his lips mend more into Stu's.

It faded away when he heard Casey scream "Case!" he ripped the door open and ran into the hallway. Casey screamed again as she ran straight for the stairs, her hands shaking as she grabbed a hold of Corey.

"Stevens dead! Oh god... someone's outside" she sobbed and Corey gasped at the sight of a figure emerging from the front door. His adrenaline had kicked in so fast, he pushed Casey behind him.

A scream ripped out of his chest when the knife stabbed into his stomach. He groaned as he inhaled sharply "Case go! Go find Stuart!" he watched his sister run straight up the stairs. Felt his vision go blurry as blood ran down his lips, he slumped into the stairs as he used all his strength to push the figure back.

He screamed as he pulled the knife out of his stomach and threw it over the railing. He heard it clack along the wooden floorboards as his ankle was grabbed. He gasped as he was dragged down the stairs, his body burning as he felt himself being tossed into the couch.

He heard Casey shout as she ran down the stairs and slammed a baseball bat into the figure's side. "Stay away from my brother, asshole!" Corey pushed himself into the wall as he pushed his hand into his stomach. He let out heavy pants as blood coated his hands rapidly he couldn't focus on anything.

His body burned like crazy as he cried softly, he ignored the pain as he forced himself to stand upwards. He inhaled sharply as he tackled the figure towards the ground, Casey lifted the bat upwards.

Corey screamed when the figure slammed their fingers into his wound. He was thrown back, hitting a small table near the doorway. He winced when the lamp fell towards the ground and shattered.

Casey screamed when she was pushed back slightly, Corey couldn't keep his eyes opened. He could hear the noise of Casey running past him, and then everything was fuzzy after that. He let out soft breaths as he felt his head start to slump forward.

"What the hell man! I told you Corey was off limits" Stu walked down the steps as he looked at Corey, the boy's eyes were closed and he was covered in blood. Billy Loomis rolled his eyes as he pulled his mask off "he got in the way, was I supposed to just let him pass me! I told you to keep him upstairs, you had one simple task to take care of!".

Stu sighed deeply "oh man this is bad, what if he like dies!" Billy smacked Stu slightly "focus man! Get your head out of your ass, we gotta move the bodies. The Beckers could get back at any second, and can't afford any more victims tonight. I'll move Casey, you go ahead and grab Corey, since you like him so much". Billy stormed off outside and Stu sighed deeply as he walked towards Corey.

"Shit, I'm sorry Corey... this wasn't supposed to happen, you were gonna be safe from all of this". He gripped the boy's face for a splint second then he let his hand drop when he heard Billy in the distance.

  Sidney Prescott had walked past the Beckers house every single morning. Today she was greeted by police tape and the stench of blood and bleach. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of police cruisers and news vans near the front of the house.

She would often see Corey Becker whenever he ran outside of his door in the morning. Sometimes he would greet her with a wave and then he'd climb onto his bike and zoom straight past her.

Today she wasn't greeted by anything, just a sight that made her feel uneasy as she kept walking towards the school. She didn't know what happened, but from the looks of vans outside the school, it wasn't good.

Sidney jumped when Tatum Riley popped up beside her "holy shit Sid, did you hear what happened last night!". Sidney frowned "I saw the Beckers house all messed up, is that what this is all about?".

Tatum let out a heavy breath "apparently Casey Becker and her boyfriend were murdered last night! Stu told me he was there when it happened, he was hanging out with Corey when it all went down. Corey's in the hospital and Stu was lucky enough to slip out the upstairs window to call for help, gosh I can't even imagine Corey's reaction when he wakes up in the hospital and finds out his sister is dead".

Sidney smiled sadly "I hope he's okay, I saw so many news vans all over the place". Tatum wrapped her arm around Sidney "hey, it's gonna be okay. I'm sure we'll get updates eventually, Stu will likely visit anyways".

Corey Becker had spent his entire night inside the hospital, his eyes felt dry when he opened them. He inhaled sharply as he felt panic slip into his body. He let out a weak breath as he tried to sit up, but he felt weak and he groaned as he pushed his head back.

Sweat coated his forehead as he looked around the hospital room, so many cards and flowers were on the table beside his bed. A few teddy bears and gift baskets were on the window seal making him cringe as he looked at the doorway.

It clicked open with a soft creak and his eyes locked with Stu's. The boy was holding onto a stick of licorice and his backpack in the other. "Brought a few reinforcements, the food here sucks ass" he ripped open his bag showing off the snacks he packed.

Corey let out a shaky breath "Stu, what... what happened?" he leaned back as he pressed his hand against his stomach. Stu sat down beside his bed "what do you remember?" Corey looked at Stu.

"A mask, someone wearing a mask and they attacked me and Casey" he rubbed at his face as he sighed "is Casey alright? I passed out, I can't remember much of what happened after that".

Stu looked tense, Corey could sense the discomfort in the boy as he leaned back in the chair. "Uh... she" he paused as he licked his lips slightly.

"She's dead man, the cops found her body dangling off some tree behind your house... I ran off to find help, I should've just stayed and helped her... I'm sorry".

Corey was silent, his face went blank as he picked at his fingers. "Case is dead? But... I saw her get away" he sniffled slightly as Stu grabbed his hand.

"Fucker must've chased her, you lost a lot of blood Corey, you were probably just seeing things". Corey sighed as he leaned against the headboard "she's just dead, I don't understand why someone would do this to us? Why attack us in the middle of the night".

He winced as he pressed his hand into his stomach "damn stitches hurt". Stu watched as the blood seeped through Corey's hospital gown, "I'll get a nurse".

Corey gripped Stu's arm when he stood up "wait, don't... I just need a minute before some random nurse comes in here trying to pity me".

Stu let out a soft breath before he nodded and sat back down beside Corey. "It'll be alright man, I'll make sure you're comfortable here for the next few nights".

Corey smiled "so you brought snacks? Please tell me they're at least good ones" Stu chuckled as he grabbed his bag. "I grabbed everything I could find from my house, parents are off on a trip for the week so I can camp out here with you until they release you".

Corey rubbed at his face "think they'd let me stay at your house? Don't really like the idea of going back home, at least right away". Stu handed Corey a gummy bear "yeah, you can stay as long as you want, they don't care anyways".

author notes:
Corey is iconic in every aspect of his story, he could fall down a flight of stairs and make that shit sound angelic. I was writing this all night, but then my headphones decided to die so I just never finished the last half. But now I'm back and I finally finished. I can't wait for the next book I publish for bookmas, it's obviously another scream fic, but no Corey. He'll be mentioned but he's not like a main character for it. Anyways enjoy this first chapter!!!

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