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"Well, well look who finally decided to join us" Eleven turned around looking at the man before her. "Someones a sleepyhead this morning" he smiled at her as the door behind him opened.

A girl walked inside and Eleven recognized her, Violet. She neared the duo smiling at Eleven.

"Im sorry, am I in trouble?" The boy laughed lightly "trouble, no? Why do you think that?".

Violet hummed lightly as she looked at Eleven "don't worry Eleven, you're not in trouble. You're just missing all the fun".

She moved forward "come on let's go to your usual spot before Papa comes back, training will start any minute now".

"Okay" Violet gripped her hand looking at the boy in front of her "Peter why don't you go ahead and help the others, I'll make sure Eleven is okay".

He nodded before walking off but Violet still looked at him with a sadness. "Why are you sad?" Violet looked down at Eleven.

"Papa hurt my friend" her hand touched something on her neck for a second "papa hurt me".

The door opened and Papa walked inside making all the children stand up "good morning children" everyone gathered into lines.

"Good morning papa" Violet let Elevens hand go "go ahead and join the others, don't be nervous". Eleven walked towards the line.

"How are we feeling today?" Violet walked towards Peter handing him a red chip that had fallen on the floor beside him.

"Good papa" Peter laughed lightly as he grabbed hold of it "number twelve would you be so kind and open the door?".

A little boy neared the door opening the door "please follow me" everyone left the room in a single file line.

Eleven was at the end and paused for a moment her little eyes looking through the small hole in the door. Violet leaned into Peter "I'm sorry I couldn't help you" her finger touched his neck.

He hummed lightly at her words as he gripped her cheeks "I'll be alright Violet" she smiled at him "we should get to the children before anyone notices we're missing".

"What's a few more seconds, they haven't noticed us before. Why would they now" Violet laughed lightly at Peters words.

"Talk like that in front of papa and he'll punish us both, and I don't want that happening to you again".

He kissed her, they moved apart from one another at the sound of something in the hallway, Eleven quickly ran away.

Violet often skipped training when Peter would attend, she felt it wasn't necessary to have more than one person helping. She sat on her small bed looking at her wrist.

The bold tattoo she once hated was now forced to be covered up at all times around the children. She smiled sadly as she looked at it.

It was nice finally having an name, but at what cost? She sighed as she laid down looking at her ceiling listening to the distant sounds of people walking around.

Her door opened making her sit up quickly, Peter smiled at her as he held onto a tray of food. "You missed lunch" he moved toward her.

"I must've lost track of time, I always do that" he sat down beside her and she took the tray from him. "Do you ever wonder what would've happened if we still had our powers?".

"All the time" he hummed after saying that, like he had a twisted plan in his head all planned out. "I wish I could've stopped them from putting that thing in your neck, maybe if I was fast enough we could've escaped".

"Perhaps we can still escape" she frowned as she looked at Peter "we don't have our powers, they'll never just let us walk out of here".

He set her food tray on the small table beside her bed "unless we get help from someone, I mean you've noticed Eleven has been watching us for a few days now".

Violet smiled sadly "what if we fail and she doesn't help us, we'll get caught if we mess up". Violet was so overwhelmed with it all, if they ruined even one little step.

They'd both surely be killed, Peter saw the worry behind her eyes and gripped her hands "it'll work, once we're out of this place, it'll just be me and you, no one else except me and you".

Peter felt stuck as he carried Violets dead body along the walls of the place they called home. Even in death she still looked peaceful.

It was as if she was sleeping, he placed her against the attic floor letting the vines pick her body up. He just needed to help her one last time.

Since he failed with Max, he'd get a new victim. One with enough power to allow him to bring Violet back to him.

Patrick felt like the perfect choice, he let himself focus on his victim unknown of the others in the real world standing in the same spot he was in.

They all held onto flashlights pointing them up at the ceiling "he's here" everyone gasped as there lights all shattered one by one.

The glass shards hitting them harshly making them all wince as blood coated there cheeks. For others it was there hands or foreheads.

The blood itself went down there flesh harshly and mended itself together when it landed on the hard wood floor, it was odd to watch.

But none of them noticed it. It dropped down the cracks of the floor landing into the upside down, it made a rather large puddle dripping down into crack after crack.

Time felt slow as Peter watched the blood land on Violets corpse, the vines that held her moving slightly around her.

He watched as her body mended itself together, the stab wound disappearing as her eyes opened and she gasped loudly.

She began to fall but Peter caught her in time and she let out a shaky breath as she leaned into him. His warmth comforted her as she watched the vines go back towards the ceiling.

"Why'd you waste that power to bring me back? You could've gotten stronger and stopped them". She looked at him after he set her down.

"We're a team Violet, which means we stop them together, that's how it's always going to be".

She shock her head moving forward "you could've been so powerful, I'm holding you back Peter".

He gripped her cheek "I am strong because of you Violet, you are not holding me back, you are the very reason I even keep going forward. I will not lose you again".

She smiled softly as she placed her hand over his, the warmth of it making her feel safe. He lifted his sleeve and placed his arm beside hers.

"We're alike Violet, we will always be together because of that, they can not pull us apart". He kissed her and she melted into his arms.

She felt like a teenager again, always sneaking around with Peter. Hiding away in the storage closet and kissing one another for hours.

She missed those days, where it was just her and Peter and no one else. But now she was so afraid she'd lose Peter this time.

Last time she failed him, so now she'd die all over again if it meant he could live longer then her. She moved back smiling as she pulled her sleeve down.

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