Chapter 7: Big eighteen

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TW: Smut in this chapter, now you're warned.


I walked into the cafe Harrison had asked me to meet him at. Harrison and I had never hung out before. Last time I had seen him was at Tom's party a few weeks ago. Tom and I had been secretly "dating" for quite a while. I was really falling for this man. Never would I have guessed that underneath his tough facade, was a kindhearted little boy. The way he could change from being a dominant tough guy to being the sweetest person on earth made me weak. I was beginning to think that he was kinda boyfriend material. 

Anyways. Harrison had texted me the day before, asking if we could go grab lunch. I was a bit flustered as to why he had asked me. We had never hung out before and I assumed he didn't know about Tom and I since we had held that a secret. So why he suddenly wanted to grab lunch with me? I don't know.

"Heyy." I smiled and sat down at the blonde haired boy's table. I felt my body starting to sweat - I was not used to talking to boys and even though I had Tom, I was still kinda nervous.

"Hi Y/N. It's lovely to see you." He said making me calm down. Just a little. He beckoned the waiter over to our table and we ordered our food. 

We talked for about an hour and he really seemed like a nice guy. I had gotten some sort of "fake" vibes from him as he dared me to kiss Tom back then, but that's just a part of the game I guess. It had just took me by surprise that he greeted me so politely and then almost made me do something I didn't want to. Something I didn't want to back then. 

We talked about everything from what we were doing in a usual day to what our favorite color was. He actually studied economics at the University of Cambridge which was something I really wanted to do in the nearest future. Considering Haz was Tom's best friend, bonding with him could also have its pros with in the future. 

Harrison asked for the bill and gladly paid for me even though I insisted on paying myself. 

"Y/N, there's something you need to know.." Harrison started, knitting his brows and looking at his hands in his lap.

"Hey bitch!" A voice exclaimed full of enthusiasm. I already knew who it was before looking.

"Hey you git." I said, my eyes connecting with Harry's. 

"What are you doing here?" Harry started. "And why are you here with Harrison?" He smirked, switching his look from me to Harrison and back to me. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"No you dumbass. You don't need to get involved in everything." I exclaimed and rolled my eyes.

"Aw come on, you two could make a great couple." He stated, knowing how it would make me feel. Harrison was quietly slumping back in his chair enjoying the show. 

"Piss off." I groaned, silence hitting just after. 

"Well, I've got to go anyways." Harrison got up from his chair.

"Eventful evening?" Harry questioned pushing his buttons. 

"Do as your girl told you and piss off mate." He said annoyed and turned to me. "It was fun today Y/N."

"Bye Haz." I waved as he left the table. Yes, I was now calling him by nickname. 

"Do as your girl told and piss off mate." Harry muttered and took a seat across the table.

"What's your problem dude?" I kind of defended Harrison.

"What's my problem? Bitch taking sides I see." He said throwing Harrisons used napkin at me. 

"I swear to god I'm gonna stab you in the throat." I threatened him shoving the dirty napkin away. He started laughing, making me even more annoyed.

"I don't have a problem, Harrison and I are just messing around." He shrugged and continued "Why don't you go spend your money on a brain instead of lunch with my brother's best friend." He pouted. 

"Okay, so you do have a problem." I said and laughed. He rolled his eyes and reached in his backpack.

"So I've thought about the theme and.." He started, slamming his to-do-list for our birthday party on the table. 


A week and a lot of planning later, we were finally ready. Harry and I have always celebrated our birthdays together and now that we were turning 18 it was gonna be a massive party. Usually we just invited close friends to stay the night, as Harry respected my disliking with parties, but this year we were gonna throw a real party. Harry loved partying of course and yeah then there was me.

"Hey. Happy birthday." I heard from downstairs, Harry greeting them.

"Y/N, the guests are arriving, get your old ass down here." Harry yelled and clapped making sure I heard him.

"Is this where the party's at?" I heard some dudes yelling from downstairs way more hyper than the people who walked in before them.

"I'll be down in a minute." I yelled back frustrated that he was rushing at me.

I quickly put on lipgloss, sprayed on some perfume and fixed my skirt. The music turned on and I rushed down the stairs, getting flashbacks to Tom's party. At least, his friends weren't coming that night. Although I wished Tom was there.. 

As I got down and Harry and I had opened the presents, mostly filled with alcohol I turned to Harry.

"I wanna get drunk tonight." I said making a big smile grow on Harry's face. It was like he was proud of me.

"Who's ready to get druuunk?" Harry turned around throwing his hands in the air. People started cheering and the music turned louder.

"Wanna play beer pong?" Harry asked pulling me, Jake and Audry over to a table with red and blue cups on it.

"I guess I have no choice." I said lifting my brow at him.

"We're doing it with shots instead of beer." He said making eye contact with Audry and Jake across the table.

"No way, you're sick." Audry said and poured up beer in their cups.

"We are doing shots." Harry whispered to me and poured up shots in every cup.

After a few rounds and only four cups left, three on their side and one on ours, I took a shot very confident that I would hit.

"Okay watch me. This is gonna hit no doubt." I said, sticking my tongue out and shooting the ball not even close to hitting the cup. Harry laughed and padded me on the back.

"Maybe next time birthday girl." 

"I'd like to see you do better. Birthday boy." I huffed sticking my nose at the ceiling. 

"Yeees!!" Jake and Audry exclaimed when they hit our last cup making my mouth drop. 

"Here you go." Audry said pushing the three cups of beer against Harry and I. 

"The rules says that the last one to miss a shot has to chug the rest." Harry obviously lied, but I didn't care, I wanted to be wasted. Downing the beers made my eyes water and I went to the toilet, Harry following behind. 

"I think I've had enough for tonight." I said, fixing my makeup and started feeling a little lightheaded. 

"Get over yourself, it's only been an hour and you're not drunk enough. You told me you wanted to get drunk, and that's what I'm gonna get you." He said pulling me out of the bathroom starting up some drinking games.

2 hours passed and I felt amazing. I was jumping around having fun with people I had barely ever talked to and just enjoying the night. I downed another two shots with my new shots-mate Katy, Harry standing next to us cheering. The shots kept getting better and better and the nauseating taste of alcohol slowly faded away as Katy and I took another round. I turned to tell Harry I would be right back. 

"Don't you want me to go with you?" Harry said and laughed at my absence. 

I told him no and headed tottering towards the toilet, everything spinning around. Turning around the corner leading to the toilet at the front door I saw it open and a literal god stepping inside.

 • Tom's POV •

"Tom!!" She exclaimed throwing her empty cup away running into my arms. I didn't know Y/N drank alcohol.

"Hey." I said hugging her back but pulled out of the hug just after. She pouted when I did that, her adorable puppy eyes making me feel mean.

"Why are you here? I mean I'm so glad you're here, but I didn't invite you, and Harry didn't invite you. Hi Haz!! Oh my god pls don't say Tailor is.." I put my hand before her mouth making her stop her muttering. She had definitely drunk too much.

"Happy birthday." Harrison greeted her as he and the others walked past me and her. She smiled at him. Her smile did something to me. Tailor walked by too and her smile disappeared. She turned to me pulling me down to almost kiss me. 

"No no no princess, you don't wanna get caught do you?" I said pulling away making her pout again. I grabbed her by the thighs lifting her up and into the bathroom. I placed her on the sink making my hands rest on her thighs. My fingers slowly slid underneath her skirt, making her let out an approving hum. I tried to connect eyes, but as she kept looking at my hands under her skirt I pulled them away and grabbed her hair, ripping her head back to look me in my eyes. 

"Tell me birthday girl, what do you want?" I whispered in her ear my fingers trailing down her sides. She said nothing. My hands spread her thighs apart and slowly moved up her skirt. I moved my head to her other ear.

"Tell me." I whispered softly starting to kiss her neck, moving down slowly.

"I-" She stuttered grabbing my hair.

"You what? Use your words baby." I said lifting my head to look in her eyes.

"You. I want you." She said pressing her lips against mine aggressively. I pulled away from the kiss, moving my hands under her skirt and up her thighs again. Reaching her panties I curled my finger to move it aside. She moved her hips against me, but I held her back with my free hand, smirking at her. 

"Please." She begged closing her eyes letting her head fall back onto the mirror behind her. 

I inserted a finger starting slowly to move in and out of her. Her gorgeous face bit her lip trying not to make too much sound. Seeing her like that. Wow. My lips hovered over hers as her legs started trembling even more. "Like that baby?" I hummed smirking at the sight of her letting me please her. 

"Hmm." She hummed. 

"What about this?" I said, inserting another finger, making her moan and nod. She was now pushing herself against me and I let my fingers move faster. As she let out another moan assuring me that she was reaching her high I smacked my lips against hers, muffling the sounds. 

"You need to be more quiet baby, you wouldn't want the whole world to hear us would you." I said against her lips, slowly pulling my fingers out of her. She shook her head no, letting out a gasp and then smiled.

"What is it that I always tell you?" I said grabbing her wrists and pinning them against the mirror.

"Use your words." She mocked me and rolled her eyes jokingly.

"I don't like that attitude." I said curling my fingers around her throat, making her roll her eyes in pleasure.

"Sorry sir." She said quietly.

"Good girl." I let go of her neck. She jumped down stumbling around trying to find her balance. I smirked knowing what I had done. I lifted her up against the wall sparing her from standing on her own wobbly legs. She definitely wasn't used to this.

"Taking advantage of drunk girls now? What a dick move." She said, her lips hovering over mine.

"It's not like you wouldn't beg for me." I said, reconnecting my lips with hers.


Hey I'm sorry if you don't like smut but I warned you!! Thanks for reading this chapter<333

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