the x-men

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the nurse

made by obliviates
Name: Eleanor Josephine Kingsley
Nicknames: Elle, Ellie, Ms Kingsley
Preferred name: Elle (by those close to her), or Ray (by other mutants), and Ellie (only by Charles)
Alias: X-Ray

Faceclaim: Hayley Atwell (main), Zoey
Deutch (younger, if needed)
Backup faceclaims: Rachel Weisz
(main), Madison Davenport (younger, if needed)
Age: late 30s

Sexuality: heterosexual
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her

Weapon: mirages/duplicates
Costume: She keeps it simple with a black catsuit and coat. ( & 62c55m5jh)

Powers: Elle has the ability to create duplicates, and when focused, can highlight the subjects ailments or medical specificities with a dull red glow. This earned her the alias X-Ray, which was shortened affectionately to Ray by various students, confusing newcomers when they're expecting a male to appear when "Ray" is called.
She primarily uses these duplicates in healing and teaching, where the mirage is a bit more transparent, but in a battle or a fight, her duplicates (either of herself or others) can inflict damage too, as well as confusing her targets) when fully corporeal.

Role: the nurse / the mother hen
X-Men Role: essentially second in command
X-Corpse Role: not part of the group, but would treat them with kindness lest a time comes when they cross her
Hero Status: hero
Love interest: unavailable, she's committed to (and in a private relationship with) a certain someone

Likes: hot coffee on a rainy day while staring out of the windows of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, laughing, healing others, birdwatching in the gardens, using her powers for good
Dislikes: when the coffee goes cold, feeling lonely, wet socks, extremely messy classrooms
Fears: losing her friends, losing her love, losing herself
Hobbies: duplicating flowers or plants, reading, spending time with loved ones

Quirks: when Elle notices herself losing focus or her train of thought heading off the rails, she'll absentmindedly start clicking her fingers by her sides as she paces, muttering her thoughts aloud to herself to try and bring her back down to earth. She can also easily start rambling, over-explaining, and/or going on tangents. Occasionally, when she doesn't realise she's thinking hard about something, her thoughts can unwillingly materialise, and she has to quickly try to distract herself to dissipate them.
Power quirk: if unfocused or distracted, her mirages appear hazy, and lose their ability to move freely, sometimes unable to move at all. When highly focused however, she can conjure from thin air without needing to duplicate, creating an intense mirage around someone that only they can see, pushing the subject to their mental limits if needed, but this is incredibly draining for Elle and she rarely uses this.

Defining quotes:
"Why should I trust you?"
"I don't need you to trust me, I need you to do what I say. Now, give me your hands..."
"You created this school as a safe place for those who were different, lost, and scared. Why should these people be turned away?"
"Charles, come and look at this."
"What am I looking at?"
"There's no heartbeat."

Theme song: Wicked Game - Chris Isaak, Seven Wonders - Fleetwood Mac

Personality: Elle is very maternal. She loves her students (and her friends) with every fibre of her being, nurturing them like a mother would. She's the voice of reason for Charles; a binding lifeline for him, her best friend. But the prettiest of flowers holds the sharpest thorns. Betray or hurt her, and it you manage to live, you'll live to regret it.

Background: Elle met Charles only a year or so after the Cuban Missile Crisis, joining him as the school nurse then later an occasional professor in medicine and anatomy. Having lost her parents a few years earlier, and Charles having lost Raven, Erik, Moira, and others, the two became fast friends, confiding in each other over loss and grief. She's stuck by him ever since.
Elle's powers showed at a young age; from as early as she could remember, she'd been surrounded by her imaginary friends. Then when she was about twelve, her parents realised that she had never grown out of the phase.
It took them a few months to then notice that her imaginary friends appeared and disappeared at will, and shockingly, her friends that they thought were real were also products of Elle's mirages. Fearing their daughter would be institutionalised, or worse, they moved states and started anew, where Elle grew up learning to keep her powers hidden, and projected herself as normal as she could.


the guard

made by me
full name: Suzette Jimith
nicknames: Susie, Sue, honeybee, headphone jack
preferred name: Susie
alias: Muse

faceclaim: Ella Purnell
back up faceclaim: none

age: 23
sexuality: straight
gender: female
pronouns: she/her

powers: when Susie was born she sung so loud her mothers head exploded off. With the ability to listen to music and use the beats and tones from it she can harness the sound and let musical notes slip out of her hands or mouth. If powerful enough she can sing at the same thing and make the music stream in longer lines of musical sheets which can act as deadly weapons as the musical notes slip off the pages. She hasn't mastered the ability to use her powers without headphones on so she's almost always wearing headphones and practicing.

weapon: her musical notes she makes herself or drum sticks she stole from Maximus
Costume: the normal X-men suit but she forced them to dye it purple and black for her. Also a normal pair of headphones and thick combat boots.

Role: the guard (she's protective of the school)
role of the x-men: safety guard (if an emergency were to ever happen; she knows all the exit routes and procedures to get the students to safety)
hero status: hero
love interest: taken by Maximus

likes: musicals, the color purple, Daisy's, pop rocks, beaches, tea with a lot of honey, bees, classical music and pop music, quiet things, cats, butterflies

dislikes: loud noises, frogs, snow, the color blue, earbuds (the ones that go inside your ears), oranges, coffee with sugar, being awake early, messy areas

Fears: not protecting the school, dying alone, rats, her powers disappearing, mutant haters, being alone, noise canceling headphones (she's traumatized lol)

hobbies: singing, in a band, swimming, combat training (she literally does it everyday), teaching kids about the school and her powers (she's always bragging), scrapbooking

quirks: blushes when overwhelmed or embarrassed

power quirk: sometimes if she sings to fast she can cause multiple notes to rip out of her skin which can cause her to bleed due to the process going fast.

defining quote:
"Try that shit again and I'll sing Lady Gaga and give you a reason to be mad at me"
"Wait... Shakespeare isn't a singer? My entire life is a lie, I'm never singing again!"
"Max, I think you should leave the singing to me. You sound like a dying cat when you sing"

theme song: cryin by Aerosmith

personality: Susie is kind to almost everyone at least everyone, she hates humans with a passion like if you even mention a human she'll probably murder you. She's very passionate about mutants and the school due to it being her only home her whole life.

background: Susie had been sent away when she was born after she killed her mother and practically almost everyone in the room. She was going to be killed alongside other children who were captured but she was rescued by The x-men and they gave her a home. She's been there ever since and she's never left it once, not unless she was needed for a mission which is really rare for the girl. She's almost always watching over the school when people leave.


the geek

made by me
full name: Maximus Prime
nicknames: Max, Maxine, Maxi Pad, Optimus
preferred name: Max
alias: Hero

faceclaim: Archie Madekwe
back up faceclaim: none

age: 24
sexuality: pansexual
gender: male
pronouns: he/him

powers: has the ability to turn any of his body parts into a mechanical weapon at will. He can also change his appearance if he understands the structure of one's body mass and atoms. He can only hold shape of someone else for a short period of time before he's forced back to his original form. Which is a medal robot, due to his insecurity he works extra hard to maintain a human appearance when around others. Despite his machine like manners he holds emotions and can do anything a normal mutant or human could do. He does need to charge at least twice a week or else he'll malfunction and break down. He can't die and he can rebuild himself if damaged.

weapon: he tends to use a machine gun he makes out of his arm or sometimes a sword
Costume: he tends to just wear whatever clothes he has on; half the time though he's wearing a robot like armor to protect himself

Role: the geek
role of the x-men: the science/mathematics teacher
hero status: hero
love interest: taken by Susie

likes: math and science books, experiments that are safe, things that blow up, the snow, thunderstorms, stars, volcanos (he jumped in one once and survived), metal and scraps, tea with ice and sugar, rock music

dislikes: turtles, sweet drinks, swimming, his appearance, the color yellow, when it's cold outside, the number 13, turkey, pop rocks (never again), shoes but he wears them regardless, when someone's in his space while he's working

Fears: heights, hurting someone he loves, never being loved, losing the school and students, losing Susie, spiders and cobwebs (long story), planes & cars

hobbies: doing science experiments, writing math problems, solving puzzles and quizzes, bothering people (if it counts), reading and learning, secretly video games but it's a secret so shhh, climbing

quirks: sometimes he scratches his elbow when thinking or lost in his own world

power quirk: if he doesn't focus when trying to change his appearance it can cause a malfunction and he's stuck until he repairs the damage manually

defining quote:
"No I'm not a transformers..." Turns toward susie and frowns "what is a transformer?".
"Well I can't exactly combine dumbass with smarts, so sorry dude I can't exactly be you and fake a date with some chick I don't even know"
"Susie says I'm like robocop, another reference I'm not familiar with. But if she says it's me then I'm robocop now, you say any other wise I'll turn into you and break your mom's back!".

theme song: this day we fight by megadeth

If there's one thing Maximus is then it's brutally honest, he's rude and doesn't hold back his thoughts or opinion. Although he's sweet but for the most part he doesn't trust easily due to having massive trust issues. He's very loud and brutal to strangers but behind closed doors he shy and quiet and mainly busy working to even notice the time passing. Once he gets to know you he'll approach you with the same energy you hit him with due to him process whatever emotion you're showing him.

Maximus was born a mutant by his human mother who was forced to wed a mutant. His father was very controlling of him as he grew up so he ran away and hid inside an orphanage where he meant Susie. She used to sneak there at night to play games with the boy. Then one day she let him turn into her so she could attend the school for mutants. Of course he was caught right away and ended up being allowed to go to the school as himself regardless. He's been there ever since and some say he's older than the school but he says that's fake gossip even though it's true.


the mother

made by me
full name:  Christina Walker
nicknames: Chris, Chrissy, Tina
preferred name: Christina
alias: Wisdom

faceclaim: Winona Ryder
back up faceclaim: none

age: 48
sexuality: straight
gender: female
pronouns: she/her

powers: she has the ability to read a book or any form of paper and process it perfectly through her brain. She can even use that information and push it into others heads through touch or even with words and thought. She doesn't use it as a weapon but she could by stealing memories and knowledge from others and also if used right she could form the knowledge into a long string of weapons/shields. Most of the time she makes shields around the school with old books no one reads anymore, nothing besides fire can break it apart due to it being formed with paper along the words. She uses her powers for good and she rarely uses it to help others unless they need information on someone for a mission.

weapon: she never uses any but if forced she'd likely make two shields and let others fight
Costume: basic jeans and t-shirt with a cardigan she must be protected at all costs

Role: the mother
role of the x-men: the librarian (self explanatory) she also sometimes runs detention
hero status: hero but for the most part she doesn't call herself one she's just a mutant
love interest: none (she's a widow)

likes: children, books, coffee, the woods, swimming, lakes and oceans, the color yellow, bright things, old computers, library's, dogs and cats, hamsters, birds

dislikes: loud noises while she's working, being sick, missing work, using her powers to fight, people being hurt, when the school is under attack, cold tea

Fears: having to defend herself against others, being alone in a fight, fire, small spaces, losing control and hurting someone, spiders and ladybugs

hobbies: reading, writing, scrapbooking, babysitting (she's almost always doing it), photography, birdwatching, diving and climbing

quirks: when she's annoyed or upset she'll snap her fingers together or whistle

power quirk: if she overthinks while reading something it can cause a big cloud of words to form all over the place and it's a mess to clean up

defining quote:
"Wait you want me to put the entire graphic novel of Star Wars into your head? Is that even allowed?"
"Come with me if you want to live... wait I stole that from terminator... my bad"
"Well when life gives you powers you don't like using, just dramatically dance while using them?"

theme song: a pearl-Mitski

personality: Christina is a sweetheart, she takes everyone in as her Owen despite how they treat her. She's very much the definition of mother at the school and you'll always see her in the nurse wing checking in on the students who are hurt. She's very Loveling and gives off bright and good energy.

background: Christina is a widow, she unfortunately lost her husband in a fire that was caused by a group of mutants who were harassing her family. Her husband and two children unfortunately died in the fire and she swore to never use her powers against anyone again. Charles took her in and she's been at the school ever since helping him aid his students while also taking care of herself by slowly healing over the trauma she endured.

—LOVE INTEREST (not available)

authors notes:
Once again I spent all day putting this together, I got sidetracked by stardew valley again. This could've been up way sooner but oh well. Also the other normal X-men are obviously sort of the X-men but I'm not gonna go through and add of them here. So I just put the new ones I personally made aside from the one made by obliviates . The next casting is the last one then I'll post the prologue and so forth. In the meantime I'm gonna go play stardew valley and work on the next page of characters when I can. I'm also making these characters up on the spot so.... That's why it's also taking so long lol. Proud to say I made up all these characters on this page in under like ten minutes. Anyways this is long sorry!


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