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are we?

published: March 6th, 2024
closed: March 23, 2024

A group of people were kidnapped in broad daylight by an unknown organization. Each were injected with a mysterious substance that turned them into mutants.

They were made to become a task force that personally took down the X-men from the inside by breaching the school and pretending to be mutants in search of refugee. They'd see to it that all mutants were killed and or taken prisoner for the sake of humanity being normal again.

However before the squad could even begin the mission they all slowly began to die for unknown reasons. The organization claimed it was likely side effects of the substance that was injected into there veins and they deemed the squad a failure.

So they began another operation the second the last experiment died. However experiment H47 didn't die fully, she came back and alongside her so did her entire squad. Daze and confused and withholding no memories of how they ended up in a cemetery they seek out the X-Men in hopes of help.

It's there they discover the truth of who they once were and how they're all dead. They were walking corpses, experiment H47 makes it her mission to find the people who did this to them and stop them before they harmed more innocent people.

They became known as the X-Corpse, a task force made to stop the organization who turned them into mutants. The only issue is they can't remember where the organization even is let alone who runs it.

Turns out this mission wasn't going to be easy, and experiment H47 needed all the help she could get.


full name: Jennifer Blake Hollows 
nicknames: Jen, Jenny, Jen-Jen, Cupcake
preferred name: Jenny
alias: The Cupid or Cupid

faceclaim: Renee Rapp
back up faceclaim: none

age: 24
sexuality: lesbian
gender: female
pronouns: she/her

Experiment number: H47
powers: the ability to transform her emotions into a chemical that make people feel whatever emotion she portrays into their subconscious. Also withholds the ability to turn her emotions into any weapon she thinks of but she mostly uses a heart shape due to her alias being the Cupid.

weapon: Heart shaped ninja stars she made herself
Costume: a basic white and pink suit with a heart in the middle with Lace gloves that are thin so she can easily create weapons. Wears pink sunglasses and keeps her hair down to cover her face slightly.

Role: the rebel
role of the x-corpse: the leader
hero status: antihero
love interest: open

likes: Valentine's Day, the color pink, roses and sunflowers, hot chocolate with marshmallows, apple juice, sunsets and stars, leading people, bubblegum, mutants, pumpkin patches and candy shops

dislikes: needles, hospitals and labs, the color green, her powers, thunderstorms, fast cars, hamsters, eggs, children, makeup, bald people, being told what to do

Fears: small spaces, the dark, herself, doctors and nurses, being kidnapped again, death, failing everyone on her squad, crows and ravens, balloons popping

hobbies: shopping (stealing), crafting (tends to switch to something new every other week), playing video games, reading romance novels, hacking

quirks: bouncing her leg up and down when she's anxious or biting her fingernails

power quirk: when she gets really emotional her powers latch out causing her to hurt herself by accident

defining quote:
"We're like the X-Men, only we're cooler because we're like dead"
"Has that guy always been bald? Kinda creeps me out that I didn't notice that before"
"I was turned into a mutant inside a lab, nothing fazes me anymore, literally nothing"

theme song: Cherry Bomb by The Runaways

personality: Jennifer is a very closed off person until you get to know her. She has a bold personality to herself that is easy to detect even when she doesn't acknowledge you. She's always surrounding herself with people and this is a flaw and big part on how she was kidnapped and turned into a mutant. She's a social butterfly and can be rude easily, she isn't ashamed of her actions or bad decisions until after she realizes what she did. She's friendly but also bitchy when she's feeling emotional and she's really good at communicating in stressful situations.

background: Jennifer grew up in a household with two moms and eight siblings. She's mainly learned to fight due to having to always fight for the bathroom when someone tried to use it before her. She was pretty smart for most of her education until high school when she dropped out due to thinking it was useless. She started stealing things and getting in trouble by the police a lot which made her parents kick her out. She lived in a cheap apartment for months and stole a car that she somehow managed to not get caught for. She works as a bartender at nighttime and a coffee shop during the daytime. She was kidnapped in broad daylight when she was kind enough to help a man carry his groceries to his car. She's considered dead in her hometown due to her being missing for years only she isn't aware of this information due to her memories being lost and confusing. She took action of the x-corpse when she woke up buried alive, she somehow managed to crawl her way to freedom and it is there she saw her other squad members who also suffered the same fate as her.

password: read the rules!


1. no problematic faceclaims! And please have some diversity and no influencers! Lastly make sure the person you choose is at least 18+ they can also be old in this one, so be spontaneous with age!

2. The password is your favorite X-men character and X-men movie

3. Please be respectful of others and don't be rude

4. If you're picked to be apart of the cast please interact and don't just disappear after you're picked, because I have your oc be taken off so fast.

5. please be sure you fill the form completely and that it's on this chapter, you can enter as many Oc's as you'd like just don't go overboard with it and don't use an Oc you've already used for your own story or other apply fics, that doesn't make much sense if you do.

6. if you have any questions please feel free to ask me and I'll do my best to help you when I can

authors notes:
this was suppose to be published so many days ago but I hated the summary so much and kept rewriting it and I still hate it. But I didn't want to gatekeep this anymore so I'm finally publishing it, and I can't wait. I'm a big fan of X-men and after my Tik Tok fyp decided to show me rouge edits this masterpiece was created and I've never been more excited. Anyways forms will be in the next chapter, go apply!!!!

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