Chapter 1

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love has no limit
I want an answer

"What do you mean you're not going with me?!" Usually, when you hear someone talk in a voice that sounds like they're downright heartbroken, it would be instinct to look over and confirm with your eyes what your ears just heard. But here, all you ever saw was the rest of the occupants of the room smiling and minding their own. This was almost a regular occurrence, Kwon Soonyoung aka Hoshi having an outburst. If it wasn't Soonyoung, it was Ryuahn and while the others had initially tried to keep them off each other's necks, now they just stuck to watching by the sidelines.

"It means that I'm not going with you Hoshi," For two people who were said to fit like gasoline and fire according to the world, there wasn't a pair of people who could be any more different than each other. They might've been the hottest modelling duo in Seoul but behind the scenes, it was a miracle if they were in the same place and did not at least get into a minor back and forth. "Then who're you going with?" Soonyoung sounded like someone had kicked his tiger plush right before his eyes. "Mingyu," The model answered simply, rummaging through the arrays and arrays of dresses, hanging from silver thin hangers, from the closet racks.

If you're a fashionista and you're in Seoul, there's a fat chance you have at least one piece from Your Choice in your closet. People from all over the world come to Seoul especially to visit Your Choice and maybe, just maybe leave the fashion house with a Your Choice original. And while the collections are endless, there is always a secret 'exclusive only' array of pieces, stashed in the brightly lit but dark-themed walk-in closet. "Minghao, what about this?" Ryuahn completely ignored the crest-fallen man as she pulled out a long blood-red velvet boat-necked dress from the dark tinted glass encasing where the dresses usually stayed, when not in use. 

"Yeah, this looks good! Do you know how you're gonna accessorize it?" He was sporting a pair of red circular pair of glasses with wispy white string holders on either side of his frame; a stark contrast to his otherwise monochrome outfit. A walking juxtaposition of subtle and attention-grabbing, no matter where he went, or what he did. There was an aura of elegance that he carried in his thin frame and his neutral thin almond eyes. You need fashion advice, you go to Xu Minghao in this household. Or, The8 as he was nicknamed. And if he's not available, good thing you have options~

"I was thinking maybe let the dress shine on its own and wear the black Jimmy Choos with the jewelled strap?" Minghao nodded, still in deep thought as he lifted the dress to its full length. "And add that snow white sparkly bag and you're good to go," Once he was done talking, you'd think Minghao had given her a solo modelling contract and not fashion advice. Ryuahn in full disclosure had no issues in wearing a piece of clothing and owning it but when it came to pairing one piece with another; she tended to make mistakes and that's when having a fashion genius best friend came in handy. "Thanks 8!" A soft kiss on the cheek and Ryuahn was swivelling off to hunt down the said Jimmy Choos that she knew was somewhere in the ginormous closet. 

"Can you believe her-?" "Hyung, why are you even surprised? I told you to ask her before!" "Yeah well, who am I supposed to go with now?" "Alone? I mean I'm going alone," 

Don't get it twisted, Minghao loves his Hoshi Hyung but sometimes, he is too spontaneous for his own good. Anyone who knew Hoshi knew that he relied on his instinct and the heat of the moment wit when it came to navigating through his life. Spontaneous and passionate whilst also being soft, cuddly, sensitive and sweet; Hoshi was...different and he was beautiful. Even Ryuahn, who has tried to strangle the man more times than one, could never deny that her frequent modelling partner was a fine specimen to look at. Oftentimes, the members of the team would find him lying sprawled on the couches and find themselves cupping both of his rounded cheeks in their hands and watching his shapely eyebrows arch up and sharp up-turned eyes disappear into his smile. He was that adorable, whether he was smiling or when he was in a cuddly playful mode.

"I guess I could always go with you," He shrugged, turning to move through the array of suits, to choose one for himself, a permanent pout present on his lips, eyes narrowed as though he was sulking. Minghao just smiled and moved away to stand beside yet another one of his Hyungs.

Slim, skilful fingers skimmed through a similar array of dresses as he hummed under his breath when Minghao softly nudged his shoulder against him. "Hmm?" Wonwoo turned his tall and lean frame to face the younger, sporting his pair of rounded glasses, strands of his wispy bangs sweeping over the top of his hooded eyes, the contours of his face soft. "Where is she?" Wonwoo's soft eyes became even softer at the mere mention of her, the corners of his lips curving up just the slightest. 

"On her way, her meeting ran long," Minghao's face twisted in a teasing smirk as he nudged his Hyung, "7 years of dating and you still turn red just talking about her! What a simp Hyung!" And cue the soft pinkish hue on the older's face. "Yeah yeah! Tease me all you want," Wonwoo playfully glared at the now-giggling Minghao. "Mark my words 8! When you fall in love, I'll have my revenge," Wonwoo teased back, nudging the younger with his elbow. "Don't hold your breath on it Hyung," Even though not a muscle moved in The8's face, Wonwoo's observant eyes caught the sudden change in his usually neutral eyes. But that piece of information had to be tabled for later, as the faint clicking of heels drew closer and closer and the door to the closet swung open, revealing the very exhausted but strangely bent forward form of the very celebrated Marie Claire editor as she struggled with something around her feet. 

"What...are you...doing?" "What?!" Yeseul whipped her head up, one of her black kitten heels in her hand to look at her oldest friends, minus her boyfriend of course. "What are you doing?" Now Yeoreum was full-on laughing, holding onto the wire racks for support, the loose tendrils of her wispy black hair falling on her face. "You spend 6 hours on your feet with these torture devices on and then I'll see how much you laugh!" Yeseul laughed, aggressively pulling off the other shoe and shoving the pair away. "I hope you spend more days with your editor!" was all that Yeoreum could get out before she went back to laughing her head off. "Rumi, it isn't funny!" Yeseul scrunched up her nose, a tell-tale sign of her getting mildly embarrassed. "It's so funny!" Yeoreum giggles some more, shaking her head before resuming to scan through dresses. 

"I swear, you guys are Tom and Jerry sometimes," Wonwoo laughed, reaching for his girlfriend's hand, who still was sulking. "You too?" Yeseul's voice went down a few pitches as she welcomed the gentle embrace that Wonwoo pulled her in. "You know I'm just pulling your leg," His large palms cup her face and that makes her break into a wide smile as he gently shakes her face around, which he tends to do with objects he finds stinking adorable. 

"Long day?" He asked as they proceeded to scan through Wonwoo's picks. "Somewhat, what about you? How was your day?" They weren't touching by now but at the mere sight of them, anyone with a heartbeat could tell that this was a pair of people who had each others' hearts safely kept and guarded. Even if one wasn't looking to be in a relationship, the sight of them together would make your heart tighten with the need to have what they had. 

And if you're someone who's stuck in a situation similar to Yeoreum's, you'd know the state of contradiction her feelings stood at. On one hand, her heart warmed up at the sight of her best friend happy and securely in love and on the other, the overwhelming feelings of jealousy and self-pity somehow just crawled back up no matter, how hard she ignored them. It was so sweet, yet so bitter. 

Swallowing thickly, Yeoreum held up the two options she was stuck in. "Oi lovebirds!" A smile curled up on Yeoreum's lips as she watched the couple sport matching red tints on the apple of their cheeks. "What?" Yeseul shot barely biting back a smile. "Which one?" She held the two dresses up to give everyone a good look. Instantly, Yeseul slipped into fashion editor mode. "Hmmm...they'd both look good with your skin tone. Who're you going with? That might help," 

"Uh...." Yeoreum looked around the closet, as though she was looking for someone to point at. "Did you seriously not decide on a date yet? The party is tomorrow, Miss Summer!" Even as he walked and talked, the newcomer didn't look up from his iPad. But there was no stinginess in the sass and teasing tilt and the Jeju satoori to his voice as he addressed the older woman. Usually, he'd roll his eyes as he talked in the sassy tone he did, but even without it, he sounded right in his element. And it worked like magic as Yeoreum let out an exasperated breath, rehanging the dresses in her hands before turning to face the man. 

Hand on her waist, hip pushed out, she addressed the sass mobile, or so she liked to call him. "I very much have a date to bring, thank you very much Mr Boo!" And there was the Jeju satoori that both of them shared and something instantly slid into place when needed. "I just can't see him anywhere, for your information," A teasing smirk graced the younger man's lips as he settled his work and turned his full attention to the older girl. "You can't see him 'cause he's non-existent! Just say the word and I'll come with you Noona!" "BOO SEUNGKWAN!" Seungkwan giggled as he swiftly avoided the punch Yeoreum aimed at his bicep. 

Despite being dressed to mean business in his crisp white shirt, black waistcoat and slacks, Seungkwan knew just how to hold that adorable image of his. Today was his parted hair and round-framed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose that complemented his rounded yet sculpted cheeks that always made him look younger than he already was. 

"Ouch ouch! Noona ouch!" Yeah well, turns out Yeoreum wasn't the type to give up after one failed attempt since now one of Seungkwan's earlobes was trapped in her thin fingers, twisting and squeezing with all her might. "How you like that Seungkwan-ah?!" She teased, grinning ear to ear. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Noona, please!!" And as much as everyone liked teasing and messing with Seungkwan, he still was one of the youngest boys and everyone secretly held a soft corner for the resident Casanova of Your Choice.

"You better keep that in mind the next time," Even in that murderous glare, there was a handful of affection that clearly showed and both Seungkwan and Yeoreum knew that neither had seriously offended the other. "Oh, I will, but seriously though," All humour gone as he gently took hold of her elbow. "Do you have a date for tomorrow? Cause I will go with you, if not," 

"Hyung! Why are trying to steal my date!?" All heads turned to acknowledge the lowkey winning voice that entered the room. Despite him almost mirroring Seungkwan's outfit in a white shirt and tan checkered tie and slacks, there was a hint of playfulness in the way he walked and talked. Part of his thick bangs brushed against the metal frame of Dino's spectacles as he walked towards the previously bickering duo and zeroed his attention on the two dresses in Yeoreum's hands. "This one Noona, you'd look great in this." Rumi slightly blushed before agreeing to the maknae's pick. 

"You're going with him?! When I'm literally here?!" It wasn't Boo Seungkwan if he wasn't being dramatic about something. "Hyung, again! It's my date you're trying to steal!" And of course, Lee Chan wasn't having it. Being one of the youngest, there was always a playful vying for Yeoreum's attention when it came to Dino and Seungkwan. Yeoreum's position in the company required her to often coordinate with the maknaes and while 1 of the 3 stayed out it, the other two made quite a stir! But it wasn't just Seungkwan who was surprised at Rumi's choice of date

"Okay relax the both of you," In full transparency, it was a difficult choice for Yeoreum since both of them were adorable. "Seungkwan-ah, you have to deal with it. Dino asked me first!" "And I thought you were going alone!" Hoshi whined from the far corner of the room. 

"That's because I thought most of us were going alone! Now it's just me, Shua Hyung and you! Mingyu Hyung isn't even here and he has a date!" "Well turns out he doesn't need one," "Vernon! Where were you?" It was Yeseul who first acknowledged the newcomer. Two of the PR people are dressed in office attires, you'd expect the third to follow suit, right? And that's where you went wrong with Vernon Chwe Hansol, as he waltzed in the closet dressed in the most distressed pair of jeans known to man and a simple white t-shirt under an army green jacket with large gaudy grey patches. Anyone else wearing that, and they'd look homeless but Vernon? He somehow made it work! But of course, when you looked as good as he did, anything worked. 

"Wait hold up Hansol!" Ryuahn came barging out of the changing rooms, dressed in the red velvet dress she went in with, heels clicking and echoing throughout the room. "What do you mean Mingyu won't be needing a date?! Where is that giant?" She was asking for Mingyu and here Vernon looked like he was looking for the nearest entrance to bolt for his dear life! "Noona..." His almond-brown eyes went wide with alarm as he tried to step away from her. "Mingyu Hyung...uh....he said that he was gonna be home late and to tell you he was sorry for ditching!" The look on Ryuahn's face was enough for Vernon to take several cautious steps away and out of her reach as she went on a silent rage rampage! 

"Now who am I supposed to go with?!" Wildly waving her hands around, she glared at Vernon, who was now huddled behind Wonwoo and Yeseul, who barely kept the smiles off their faces. "I mean you could always go with Hoshi," Yeseul lightly suggested not wanting to enrage the already fuming model. 

"Why would I-" "I mean, if you go alone and separately, everyone's gonna think you two are fighting and you know how they get when their favourite modelling duo's fighting," Dino gently reminded, knowing all too well how these two were always difficult getting along when a camera wasn't clicking away. But being the PR team of one of the biggest fashion houses in Seoul, they knew exactly what buttons to push.

Defeated, Ryuahn turned to glare at the only person who'd deal with her glaring and not hit her with hard facts; something she knew all too well in her mind. The said was grinning from ear to ear, holding a full outfit in the air for her to see, "You think this will look good on me?" And there was something in the way his slanted cheekbones expanded and his sharp eyes turned into half-moons as he smiled that made Ryuahn accept her faith and sigh. "Doubt it, Kwon!" She rolled her eyes, "Lemme change and I'll help you pick a decent outfit!" Hoshi in return childishly stuck his tongue out at her but put the suit back in its place, all the same. 

"And that's about as nice as they get," Vernon gently muttered, making the rest of them giggle. "You'd think they lay off it after bickering 24/7..." Wonwoo smiled, seeming rather enamoured by the bickering duo. "This either ends in them killing each other or kissing each other's lives out..." 

And everyone else turned to look at Yeoreum with wide eyes. "What?!" She whisper-shouted the best she could, in an attempt to not alert the other two. "Don't tell me we're the only one who thinks they've got killer chemistry?!" Everyone opened their mouths to refute Yeseul but closed them again as though they couldn't find an appropriate response. 

"If you guys end up being right Noona..." Minghao started in an equally hushed tone, " that would be a show!" He shook his head, as though the mere thought of those two together was difficult for him to handle and he had to physically shake them off. "Wow..." Seungkwan exclaimed from behind them and all heads turned to look at what he was marvelling at. At the sight of it though, the room collectively sucked in a breath simultaneously as the door swung open....

to be continued...

Coming up next;

"How could you do this to me?!" An Mei jumped at his angry, shaking voice; the deep timbre and the tremble on it were foreign to her ears. "Oh get over it!" She snapped back, feeling little to no guilt, despite everything she saw. Despite, seeing just how much damage she'd inflicted, she didn't feel too bad about it. "What, did you think I was gonna settle with you?! When there are people bigger and better than you?! Wake the fuck up! I was just playing! I thought you'd be smarter-" It was the shift in his eyes that made her stop at her rambling. Something dark and angry came over those ever-so-familiar almond eyes, the same eyes that held so much care and love for her, once upon a time. Gone was the sweet, silly man who knew how to trust. He was dead and An Mei had murdered him; without so much of wounding her conscience. 

A New Year's gift from me to you guys. Happy New Year guys. 
Good job getting through 2023. I hope 2024 treats you well.

All my Love;

Fay <3

published: 01/01/2024
2:04 am

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