my kind of beautiful | hajime iwaizumi fluff

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a/n: this one is similar to one I've written before, but I have found a much better way to say it

prompt: Hajime and (Y/n)'s nice Valentine's Day gets a little side-tracked

warning: some insecurites

word count: 1874

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

It began in the early hours of the morning when your doorbell rang during breakfast. You had not been expecting a y visitors, nor packages. How odd. You slowly slid off the chair and walked over to the front door. You peeked out the window to see the coast was clear, because no one was there. With some hesitancy, you opened the door. 

Before you could step out onto the porch, your foot bumped something solid. Swiftly, you withdrew your foot and looked down to find a vase filled with colorful flowers. For a brief moment, you were utterly perplexed. Then, you recalled two very relevant facts: you had a boyfriend and it was Valentine's Day.

What a strange concept this holiday was. Why was there one day of the year dedicated to showing your love to someone you have with you every other day of the year? Regardless of whether it was popularized by capitalists looking to comodify personal relationships or well intentioned folks hoping to provide people a reminder to apreshiate the ones you love, the holiday is not going anywhere. So why not try to enjoy it, just a bit?

You hauled the vase of flowers inside, kicking the door shut behind you. You displayed the bouquet on the kitchen counter proudly, gently combing through the stems to find some sort of note tucked away in the stalks. It was a small folded white card with a shimmery good barrier. Inside the note was a few poorly written lines.

I know I promised not to go all out this year like I did last year, but I just couldn't help myself. I got your favorites, I hope you like them. Also, we have plans tonight and I won't tell you what they are--it's a surprise. Love, Hajime.

A smile spread across your face. Though he had a rough and tough exterior, Hajime was a loving and gentle man. You made sure the vase of flowers could feel some rays of sunlight before you left for work. The day went by rather quickly, in a flurry of red and pink decorating the office. Perhaps at noon, you received a phonecall.

"Hey, Haj," You greeted the man on the other line enthusiastically. "Happy Valentine's Day! How are you?" He could hear the smile on your face and it warmed his heart.

"I'm good," He told you truthfully. "Did you get the flowers I sent you?" Hajime's ears were met with the sweet sound of your laughter through the phone.

"I did," You nodded your head, though he could not see. "That was very sweet of you, thank you." As you recalled the flowers, your mind conquered the image of the note he hand-wrote to you. "I know you said what we're going tonight is a surprise, but can I at least have a hint?"

"Wear something warm," Hajime said with a smirk lingering in his voice. "That's all I'm gonna give you." Again, you let out a light hearted chuckle. Hajime had always remarkably stringent when it came to surprises. You knew that was all you were going to get.

"I'll let you go now," Hajime spoke casually, with an aura of calm he seemed to always possess. "See you tonight, babe."

"See you soon, Hajime." The short phone call ended peacefully. The second half of the day flew past equally as fast as the first had. You were thankful that the hours had not drug on too terribly, otherwise you might go crazy with anticipation for whatever Hajime had planned.

Once you were home, you picked out, per his recommendation, something warm to wear. Your mind could not help but wonder where he was going to take you and what you were going to do. Hajime liked to know something you did not, or at least that was what you assumed given how often he chose to surprise you. He came to pick you up precisely when he said he would.

"You look great, (Y/n)," He stated when his eyes had landed on you softly. With a small smile you thanked him. Your own eyes instinctually raked down his body in search of something you could return the compliment with. A nice button-down shirt was tucked into his well tailored jeans and covered with blazer that matched his heart-melting irises. He was stunningly handsome, as per usual.

"You clean up pretty nicely yourself," You told him with a small smirk, one of your hands reaching out to touch his chest. "Is that a new jacket?" Hajime looked at, holding eye contact effortlessly.

"It is, you like it?" He asked curiously. You nodded your head.

"I do, it brings out your eyes." You joined Hajime in climbing into his car. If you knew where you were going, you would have offered to drive. Hajime would have said no, as he always did, but you would have offered anyways. Several miles down the road, you began to make guesses at the destination.

"Are you taking me to dinner?"


"Is it something outdoors?"

"Depends on your definition."

"Is it somewhere we've been before?"


"Why can't you just tell me?" You exclaimed childishly. "You're killin' me here, Haj!"

"Fine, I'll give you one more hint," Helet out a heavy sigh with his eyes focused on the road. "Where did we have our first date?"

"At the... " You instincually began to answer before your mind realized he just gave you the answer. "We're going to the old drive-in theater?" Hajime heard the sentiment lacing voice, the tone he had hoped for when he planned the night. He nodded his head with a confident smile.

"You're too sweet, this is so thoughtful!" Hajime reached out and placed a sturdy hand on your knee, his thumb gently stroking the joint.

"You didn't want anything fancy and we haven't been in a while so," Hajime ended his sentence with a shrug. You placed your hand over his carefully, squeezing it lovingly. Before you knew it, Hajime was pulling into the property. There was a large projection screen standing tall at the head of the grassy field, you could see it through the windshield clearly. Hajime opened his door.

"Come on, let's get something to eat." You followed his lead as you fled to the building not too far from where you parked. Hajime bought you enough food to consider it dinner, as well as something to keep himself satisfied throughout the film. You did not know the title that would be playing, but given the date, you assumed it was something romantic.

As you were leaving the consestions building, however, Hajime recegnized someone. And she recognized him.

"Oh my gosh, Hajime?" Her tone sounded excited, but it felt somewhat forced. "Wow, it's been forever!" You paused to watch her approach your boyfriend. She looked familiar--beautiful, but familiar.

"Oh, Emica, didn't expect to run into you here," Hajime portrayed the feelings that perhaps this Emica was trying to mask: unpleasant surprise. Hajime gestured in your direction.

"This is (Y/n), my partner," Hajime introduced you and you waved politely. "(Y/n) this is Emica, my ex-girlfriend." That's where you knew her from.

"Oh wow, I didn't know you were seeing someone!" Emica looked at you and smiled. "I guess it's been a while, though. It's real nice to meet you, (Y/n)."

"You too," You lied through your teeth.

"I hope he hasn't told you anything too bad about me," She laughed playfully, but something told you she was geuninly worried.

"Hajime isn't the type, don't worry," You looked to the man standing by your side. He glanced at you with a little smile, one that let you know he was pleased you knew him so well.

"We should go, don't want to miss the movie," Hajime stated, gently holding onto your arm. "It was good to see you again, Emica."

"Yeah, we should catch up some time!" You and Hajime returned to his car. You opened your mouth, about to comment on the interaction. However, you were swiftly cut off when the opening credits of the film began to roll. A frown was settled on your face. One Hajime noticed.

"Is something wrong?" He asked over the movie's score.

"I don't think wrong is the right word for it," You explained vaguely, keeping your eyes on the projection screen. "Running into her was just weird."

"I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable," He apologized, even though it was not in the slightest his fault. "If I had known she was going to be here--"

"You have nothing to apologize for," You extended an arm and took his hand. "Let's forget about it and enjoy the rest of the night." Hajime nodded in agreement. Even though you were the one who suggested it, it was a struggle.

It had nothing to do with anything Emica had said, nor Hajime had said. It had everything to do with some particularly troubling thoughts you have had since the start of your relationship with the man sitting next to you.

You never doubted that he loved you. You never even entertained the idea of him cheating on you. You knew he meant every word he spoke to you. You trusted he would not up and leave you suddenly. None of those fears nestled in your heart. You were afraid of Hajime realizing he had settled for you, that he could do so much better.

It was not until Hajime took you home that he again saw the wrong he mentioned before the movie. He took off his jacket and rolled up his shirt sleeves. He patted the seat next to him on the bed as you were changing your clothes.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked the question again so gently. You slowly came to sit beside him with a soft sigh.

"I love you," You told him, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "So much. Sometimes I wonder what I've done to deserve you." One of Hajime's hands, worn by the years of playing volleyball in his youth, turned you to look him in the eye.

"I should be the one asking that question," Hajime's voice was low, but so so devoted and sensitive. "Is that what's wrong? You don't feel like you're enough for me?" Very gently, you nodded your head while closing your eyes so he could not see the fear that lingered in them.

"You're everything to me, (Y/n)," Hajime whispered against your skin.

"I know you believe that, Hajime," You told him with a shaky breath in. "But you could find someone who gives you everything I do and more. Someone beautiful and--"

"Don't even say that, let alone believe it," He cut you off, a quiet anger in him that was forgien to you. "You are beautiful, just in a way many people aren't. Someone else might be delicate, soft, and flawless--like a rose. But you... " Hajime shook his head with a stupid grin. How could be possibly describe you? How could be put into words everything that you were. He was willing to give it a shot as you peeled your teary eyes open.

"You're like a waterfall," Hajime told you. "You're intense, bright, and so full of life. A rose and a waterfall are both beautifulBut you can't compare them. I didn't settle, I found the kind of person I want to be with. You're like a waterfall." He pulled your face closer to his to kiss you. "And I want to drown in you, (Y/n)."

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