pda | kotaro bokuto fluff

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A/n: this one fell off at the end in my opinion, but I'm still satisfied

Prompt: Bokuto is certainly an affectionate boyfriend, but his girlfriend (Y/n) is unsure how to handle public displays of affection

Warning: None

Word count: 614

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

There was nothing more you loved than your Bokuto. He was childish and silly, which always made you smile when you were feeling down. He was kind and caring, with big strong arms that never failed to make you feel safe and warm. He was invested and determined to succeed at whatever he put his mind to, and that includes making you feel like the most special girl in the whole world. You loved him, and you were so grateful that he loved you too.

It was a chilly autumn afternoon, and a slight breeze blew through the streets as you enjoyed a day out with your boyfriend. As dedicated to volleyball as he was, Bokuto did his absolute best to make time for you. You had just left a lovely café with now full tummies. Bokuto rambled on about how he day was going before you met up and you listened with great interest. His eyes honey-like eyes sparkled as he spoke enthusiastically, something you noticed happened fairly often.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" You asked when there was a lull in his speech. Bokuto shook his head.

"Just practice," He shrugged, but then perked up. "Why? Do you wanna do something tomorrow?" 

"I was just curious," You said with a small smile. "But I-I wouldn't say no... " A light blush covered your cheeks as Bokuto grinned at you. You looked away, fully aware that you got embarrassed easily. Bokuto smiled and watched you with a loving expression, he thought you looked so cute. Bokuto reached his hand out but stopped himself. Bokuto knew better then to just grab your hand, even if he wanted to. It would probably fluster you out of your mind, and Bokuto would never want to make you uncomfortable.

"Um... " Bokuto asked, getting a little shy himself. "Would you like to hold hands with me?" You looked up at your boyfriend, who was already peering at you with anticipation in his eyes. You hesitated. You were just walking down the street and there were lots of other people around to see you. What would they think? Would they stare at you guys? Would they judge you? Would you get funny looks, and eye rolls? Would you make someone uncomfortable? Would you remind someone of how they don't have someone?

Questions swirled through your head, and you struggle to form a response to your boyfriend. You looked at Bokuto and saw his almost anxious expression. He hardly ever got anxious. As you gazed at him waiting for your answer, your heart almost melted. How could you say to that face?

"I get it if you don't want to, though," Bokuto said, feeling like you were going to reject his offer. "People would see us."

"N-No, I-I would like th-that," You stuttered, reaching out gingerly to touch his fingers. His warm hand quickly embraced yours as a grin broke out across his face. Bokuto pulled you closer and you began to smile as well. Something about the way Bokuto looked at you made all your worries vanish.

"Now everyone knows we're together!" Bokuto said with a proud expression. You held his hand tighter and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure they do," You muttered, feeling your cheeks heat up.

"I wish there was a way I could tell everyone how much you meant to me," Bokuto said enthusiastically. "I'll shout it."

"Bo, don't," You said, completely seriously.

"I'm gonna do it."

"No, I'm serious--"

"I love my girlfriend!" Bokuto shouted at the top of his lungs, instantly attracting the attention of every single bystander. You hid your face in his arm as Bokuto grinned wildly.

"I hate you," You mumbled, obviously not meaning it.

"I love you too, baby."

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