spots | tadashi yamaguchi (slightly angsty) fluff

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A/N: Personally, I have always had a huge thing for guys with freckles I don't know why they just UWU, but anyway I love Yamz so much and whenever he's being insecure I just, ya know, ÙWÚ

Prompt: Yamaguchi has always felt insecure about his freckles, but his girlfriend (Y/n) finds them irresistible

Warning: Just talk of negative thoughts, but nothing too serious

Word count: 853

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

The teenage boy's fingers gently slid across his face. The pads of his fingertips outlined one of the things he didn't like about his face; his freckles. Yamaguchi struggled to think positively about himself. Maybe it was because he had been stuck with himself for the same face and body for so long that he had grown tired of it, but that probably wasn't why he felt this way. The harsh words of his former classmates echoed in his head,

"Pizza face."

It was a silly insult, but it still haunted him. Those kids were so mean and amplified all the insecurities he already had. He frowned deeply and sighed, deciding it would be better to look away from the mirror and go on with his day. Yamaguchi had plans to hang out with you today, seeing as how there was no school or volleyball practice today.

"(Y/n)!" Yamaguchi called and waved. He saw that you were waiting outside your front door for him like you always did when he would come to visit. He thought it was sweet that you'd always eagerly await his arrival, even if you had seen him as soon as a few hours ago. Yamaguchi only wondered why you did such a thing for him.

"Yamz!" You smiled brightly when you saw him approach, then you jumped from the front porch and welcomed him with a big hug. "I missed you."

"You saw me yesterday," Yamagchui pointed out with a small chuckle.

"I know," You stated completely seriously, which only made your boyfriend laugh more as you walked inside. Yamaguchi didn't know what it was, but being around you made him feel really happy. He forgot all about the negative thoughts he was having earlier, you lifted his spirits even it was just for a little while. However, as much as being with you put him at ease, those negative thoughts crept back in.

You had left to use the restroom while Yamaguchi waited in your bedroom. His insecurities always hit hardest when he was alone, even just for a moment they would flicker in his mind. Then, he wouldn't be able to snuff it out. Why did you find him attractive? It made no sense in Yamaguchi's mind. How could someone so amazing and beautiful find him desirable?

You returned to find your boyfriend staring at one of your bedroom walls, sitting on the floor. You smiled and sat down next to him, latching onto his arm and kissing his cheek. Yamaguchi blushed but quickly frowned. You noticed this and frowned yourself.

"Hey, is something wrong?" You asked, concern lacing your gentle voice.

"N-No... " Yamaguchi hesitated, but sighed and continued, "A-Actually, there is something on my mind." You shifted and looked him directly in the eye, urging him to go on. Yamaguchi stared into your (e/c) eyes that he loved so much. He sighed again and looked away.

"(Y/n), do you find me attractive?" He asked hesitantly. Your brain paused as you struggled to understand why he asked such a thing. Did he think he was ugly? Your eyebrows furrowed and you leaned back.

"Of course I find you attractive!" You nearly exclaimed. "I think you're the most handsome boy I've ever met, Tadashi." You used his first name so he knew you were being serious.

"B-But I have all these freckles and--" You cut him off, the gears in your head turning away. You refused to let him speak about himself like that.

"I love your freckles, baby," You said passionately as you held his face in your hands. "Every single one of them is exactly where they're supposed to be. They make you who you are and I love who you are." Yamaguchi felt tears prick his eyes as you forced him to look at you as you spoke honestly.

"D-Do you really mean that?" He muttered and you nodded your head.

"Yes, I wouldn't say it if I didn't," You told him, scooting closer. You sheepishly smiled and blushed at what you were about to say, but you wanted to make him feel better at any cost.

"Do you want to know an embarrassing secret?" You asked after a few moments of silence. Yamaguchi nodded his head and leaned into your touch further.

"I've always had a thing for guys with freckles," You admitted in a hushed tone. With a sly smile, you began laying kisses on his cheeks, one on every freckle you could find. In all honesty, you knew exactly how many he had because you've counted them on more than one occasion. You heard the sound of Yamaguchi's sweet innocent laughter as you smothered him in kisses.

"I love you," You said proudly. "Don't ever forget that. You're amazing and wonderful in every way." Your boyfriend smiled and wrapped his arms around you in a secure hug. His head tucked into the crook of your neck and your arms tightened around him as well.

"Do you want to know an embarrassing secret?" Yamaguchi asked. You nodded your head and smiled, glad he would trust you the same way you trusted him.

"I have freckles all over my body, not just on my face."

"Tadashi... take off your shirt right now."

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