compensate | katsuki bakugo fluff [female-reader request]

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A/n: I feel like I lost it after the first three or four paragraphs, but I still hope you enjoy it! There's an important message in here somewhere, I just did not do it much justice <3

Prompt: (Y/n) is over confident for a reason, and Bakugo is determined to get her to slip up

Warning: Strong language, sexual content (not anything happening, just talk about sex in a mature way)

Word count: 1029

✮*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✧*˚ Second Person point of view ˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮

When it comes to confidence, some of the best advice you can give is "fake it 'till ya make it." In essence, if you pretend to be confident for long enough, you might actually start to develop real confidence. This idea is support by other proverbs such as "you'll have what you say." You weren't aware of any scientific proof that this strategy worked, but you were in too deep to stop now.

Strangers would remark about your confidence, sometimes even claim it was misplaced. In the end, you always dawned on a fearless grin no matter what. If you were honest with yourself, what others saw as your confidence was anything but. You were compensating. Compensating for what you saw as a lack of experience, knowledge, and desirability when it came to relationships. You always talked a big game, but little did anyone know, you couldn't back up a word of it. The only person who suspected you might be all talk was Katsuki Bakugo, someone who shared the same level of your so-called confidence.

Bakugo suspected that was part of the reason he liked you so much, your confidence that is. But of course, he'd never admit that. You were willing to stand up and face any challenge and act as if it were a walk in the park, even if it left you half dead. He supposed he admired that about you. You spoke your mind regardless of what others would think, and you always held your head up high, preventing the crown on your head from even thinking of falling. It wasn't until you were alone that he began to suspect the real reason you kept your head so high was that you were terrified of that crown slipping.

"I could easily have him begging for mercy," You remarked, pride dripping from your words. The other girls laughed, not because they thought your claim was silly. They laughed because the image in their heads of the all-mighty Bakugo begging for mercy during sex was all too amusing. You internally sighed in relief that they didn't doubt you. You knew it was probably untrue, but you said it anyway to come across like you knew what you were talking about. Truth be told, you had no clue what anyone begging for mercy in that sense would even look like, let alone how to get someone to actually do it.

"Really?" You heard the man in question scoff from behind you. "If you knew how stupid that sounded, you wouldn't have said it." Something about him not raising his voice gave you the impression that he was extremely angry.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did that hurt your pride?" You teased, turning around to face him. "Don't worry, that won't be the only thing you'll be swallowing." You winked as you heard the girls behind you giggle. You saw Bakugo's jaw lock as he stepped closer to you.

"Keep talking and I'll make you regret it," He threatened, getting a little worked up.

"Don't threaten me with a good time," You folded your arms over your chest. On the outside, it appeared you were cool as a winter breeze, but on the inside, you were panicking.

"Begging for mercy, huh?" Bakugo clarified, speaking through gritted teeth. "Prove it." This comment made both you and your friends remain silent. Tsu made a joke about how Bakugo only likes to get under your skin because he had a crush on you, that was how it all started. You were confused by his challenge, but it was a challenge nonetheless, wasn't it? He'd see right through you if you denied, but he'd also see right through you if you accepted, right?

"You're on," You stated, somehow successfully keeping your voice from shaking. Your heart felt as if it was about to beat right out of your chest. This was what you were good at, it seemed, overstating your capabilities to appear what you thought was "normal." You felt a sudden grip on your arm, and you were pulled from the dorm common room. Before you could weasel out of Bakugo's grip, you had already arrived at his room. You felt your stomach drop, metaphorically of course.

"I was lying okay!" You blurted out as soon as the door was shut. "I-I-I don't actually believe anything I said, I just said it because... " You didn't finish, too embarrassed to admit it. Bakugo didn't appear to be surprised at all.

"I know," He stated in victory. "Your whole routine is a bunch of bullshit, that's why I called your bluff." You sighed, your eyes finding your feet to be quite the sight. "The only question I have is why. Do you really want to seem cool that badly?"

"N-No, that's not it," You said, struggling to pick up your crown. "It's because I'm not exactly... eperienced in that department."

"That's stupid," Bakugo told you, not hesitating in the slightest.

"Hey!" You got offended by his comment. "It's embarrassing!" You crossed your arms and sat down on his bed with a huff. Yout truly disliked that you were confiding in him like this. Part of you doubted that he cared at all, rather, you thought he just wanted to prove you were only as strong as your words.

"No, it's stupid because it's nothing to be embarrassed about!" Bakugo clarified, sitting down beside you. "Just because everyone else is doing, or has done something doesn't mean you need to too! Espesailly when it comes to something as important as that! And if your friends make you feel bad for not moving as quickly as they do, then they're shit friends!" You thought about his words for a moment. He was right. Everyone moves at their own pace, and that's okay. Faster doesn't always equal better, and something that important ought to be thought about before it's given away.

"Thanks," You said, smiling just a bit.

"Tch, whatever," Bakugo rolled his eyes. "You shouldn't feel the need to compensate because--because it can't get any better than you!" You felt color rush to your cheeks and you laughed.

"Oh, so you're admitting I'm better than you, huh?" You said playfully.

"No! Shut up!" Bakugo quickly shouted. You laughed again and kissed his cheek.

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