ice-skating | tsuyu asui fluff [female-reader request]

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prompt: (Y/n) and her girlfriend Tsu go ice-skating

warning: None, it's safe

word count: 380

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

Though it was cold, your heart was very, very warm. With the full and secure hand of your girlfriend's in yours, your feet easily glided across the solid ice of the skating rink. Tsu gripped your hand tightly, due to that fact that she was a bit shaky on her skates. She had admitted to you before you arrived that she was not very confident in her ice-skating abilities, but you assured her it was perfectly alright.

"Careful!" You called out, reaching to grab onto Tsu's jacket to help her regain her balance before she tipped over.

"Thanks," She said a bit sheepishly with a pink tint to her cheeks, you guessed that was not from the cold, though. You chuckled lightly and only held her closer. You loved spending time with your girlfriend, it was probably your favorite thing to do. Tsu was just such a sweetheart; thoughtful, kind, open-minded, smart, level-headed, etc. etc. You loved her more than you could explain, coherently that is. Who wouldn't love the frog-girl? It was impossible to resist her wonderful charm, at least for you it was.

"You're really cute, ya know," You remarked with a smile.

"Thank you," Tsu said with a small ribbit. "But I think you're even cuter." You chuckled again and felt your face grow a bit warm. You tucked your arm around her waist and her arm carefully crept to wrap around yours as well. The metal blades of your skates drifted over the frozen water as you and Tsu enjoyed your time together.

You spoke of this and that, anything that came to mind really. Any time spent alongside Tsu was time well spent in your humble opinion. Perhaps you were a bit biased when it comes to such a topic, seeing as how you were dating her. But that's beside the point.

"We should do things like this more often," You stated, an unshakable smile on your face. You were a sucker for cute dates like the one you were currently on.

"We should," Tsu agreed, much to your joy. "We haven't spent as much time together as we normally do. I've missed being with you (Y/n)... " You felt your heart swell and you embraced her tighter.

"I've missed you too," You gushed. "I love you so much, Tsu!"

"I love you too."

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