jealousy, jealousy | hari kurono fluff

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prompt: (Y/n) is the latest Precept, and someone isn't too happy about the type of attention they're receiving

warning: suggestive themes

word count: 772

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

It was not often Hari confided in you about his work. But when he did, he left no gruesome detail unsaid out of patronization. He trusted you with the information about his... lifestyle. He trusted you with everything the same way you trusted him with everything. You were always honest with each other, and that kind of trust you would not trade for anything.

Though you knew very much, you were shocked when Hari mentioned offhandedly that you could replace for one of the Eight Precepts who recently died. Hari knew better than anyone that you could give even the best fighter a run for their money. As shocked as you were at his job offer, Hari was even more shocked that you agreed rather quickly. You were thrilled to get to spend more time with the man you loved. Still, first-day jitters were unavoidable.

"Everything is going to be alright," Hari whispered to you, his hand resting gently on the small of your back. You smiled gratefully at him and kissed his cheek quickly before entering the building by his side. Hari never mentioned you were his girlfriend when he suggested you for the job to Overhaul. You both thought it would be better to keep your relationship quiet for the time being, at least until you were settled in and comfortable. However, because no one knew of your status, certain individuals had unsavory ideas.

"Hey, (Y/n)," One of the other Precepts purred as he slid beside you.

"Hello," You greeted politely, trying to focus on the task in front of you.

"So, what are you doing tonight?" He asked, looking you up and down.

"I'm going home to start packing," You stated. There were still boxes that needed moving from your apartment to your new home with the rest of the crew. However, the part you happened to leave out was the fact that Hari would be staying the night as he often did.

"I can help if you need it," He offered. "But really, I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest person on earth tonight." You laughed nervously, becoming very uncomfortable by his comment. With a smirk, the man's fingers grazed your hip.

"I bet you'd like that," The man said in a low volume. That was the last straw for Hari. You marched over to where you stood and grabbed the man's wrist, affectively pulling his hand off you.

"That's enough," Hari warned sternly. You could tell by his voice Hari was seriously considering murdering that man where he stood.

"Hey, Chronostasis, relax," The man said, hanking his arm out of his grip. "I was just shooting my shot."

"I think it was more of a misfire," Hari said, placing a hand on your shoulder to keep a reasonable distance between the man and yourself.

"Misfire? You're getting on my case when you're touching them right now!" The man accused, only making Hari more upset.

"I'm only on your case because you were obviously making them uncomfortable!" Hari said, raising his voice ever so slightly. You nodded your head, affirming Hari's words.

"I don't see what the big deal is," The man said, reaching out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"They're mine so back the hell off," Hari nearly growled.

"Wait, what?" The man was visibly confused.

"He's my boyfriend," You stated, taking his hand and intertwining his fingers with yours. You felt almost proud that Hari had stood up for you like that. You tried to fight the smile back as the man put his hands up in surrender and backed away. As soon as the man was gone, Hari took your chin in his hands and kissed your lips fiercely. From that day forward, not another single soul hit on you ever again. Hari could be scary if he tried, and you were beyond thankful for that. Hari personally escorted you home to your apartment.

"I don't feel like packing," You admitted, tossing yourself onto the sofa in your living room.

"Then don't," Hari said, joining you on the sofa. "Just stay here with me." Hari wrapped his arms around you and pulled your back against his chest. You hummed and nodded your head, snuggling closer to your boyfriend. You opted to watch TV and cuddle instead of packing or doing anything else for that matter. It was nice. You loved the calm and peaceful moments you and Hari shared, even if everything else in your lives weren't exactly all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows.

"Hey, Hari," You muttered.

"Yes?" He asked, tucking his head into the rook of your neck softly.

"I love you," You said. Hari chuckled lightly and hugged you just a little bit tighter.

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

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