makeshift family | shota aizawa fluff

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prompt: (Y/n) and Shota Aizawa are Eri's legal guardians

warning: none

word count: 865

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

Your knuckles rapped against the thin wooden door, long enough for someone to hear, but quiet enough not to give anyone inside a rude awakening. You heard no response. Slowly and carefully, you creaked open the door. You stepped into the dark bedroom and reached out to flick on the lights.

From underneath the pink flower-patterned covers, you saw countless baby blue strands of hair sprawled across the matching pillowcase. You smiled and softly nudged the body beneath the blankets.

"Hey," Your voice was as comforting and tender as you could muster. "It's time to get up now, Eri." The little girl stirred as you slowly peeled the blankets off her sleeping face.  Small hands rubbed her sleep-ridden eyes as she began to wake up and embrace the morning.

"Good morning," You said, making sure your smile was the first thing Eri saw that morning. "Let's get up now, okay? We have a big day today." Eri nodded her sleepy head and put her feet on the floor. She yawned. She was one of the cutest little girls you have ever seen. She was so sweet and genuinely kind. 

But when she first became a part of your family, she had been so very quiet and shy. It broke your heart to hear all the horrible things she had to suffer through. No one deserves that, especially not an innocent, scared, little girl. You will never forget the day your husband Shota brought her home.

You and Shota hadn't entirely explored the idea of what starting a family would really look like. With Eri, though, it was like you did have a little family. You had grown close to the little girl over the time you've spent together, and soon enough she became nothing short of a daughter to you.

"Here," You said as you placed the plate of breakfast in front of Eri. "I made your favorite!" She quickly began to eat her breakfast as you did the same. You easily cleaned up after the two of you, with Eri's eager help of course.

"What are we doing today?" She asked, her strawberry-colored eyes peering up at you with curiosity.

"Well, I have to go to work today," You told her, causing a frown to settle on her face. "But don't worry! You're going to visit Shota and your friends at UA!"

"Really?" Eri asked, letting signs of excitement show. You nodded your head with a grin. You both scurried off to her room. You helped her wiggle into some nice clothes and you brushed and styled her hair. You went to change into your work clothes. Eri wandered into your and Shota's shared bedroom.

"This one," Eri suggested, pulling a bright pink shirt from your closet.

"Okay then," You laughed as you took the article of clothing from her. You and Eri both slipped into your shoes, and you grabbed your bag before heading out the door. You helped Eri out of the car once you got to the UA building. You took one of her little hands in yours as you walked across campus to where the Class 1-A homeroom was located. You saw Shota waiting for you outside the classroom.

"Hi," You greeted him with a smile "Here is your angel, I hope you have a good day." You kissed your husband's cheek as Eri switched from holding your hand to holding his. You turned around and waved to Shota before taking your leave, knowing you had to start the day on time.

After you left, Shota walked Eri into the 1-A class homeroom. Eri was greeted with mostly kind and smiling faces. However, worry and horror overtook her expression when something very important dawned upon her.

"I forgot to say goodbye to mama!" Eri exclaimed, pulling on Shota's arm. Was Eri talking about you? Shota was shocked.

"Do you mean (Y/n)?" Shota asked as he knelt down to the little girl's level.

"Uh-huh," Eri nodded, frowning deeply. "She left and I didn't say goodbye... "

"It's okay, you'll get to see her later," Shota reminded her, attempting to be as comforting as he could, which was a challenge on its own.

"Wait, Eri, who's (Y/n)?" One of his nosy students inquired.

"She's the one who's with me when he goes to work," Eir explained the best she could while pointing to Shota. "She plays with me, and teaches me things, and keeps me safe like a mama is supposed to do! But I forgot to say goodbye and now she's gone!"

Shota's students all felt their hearts ache as Eri tugged on their teacher's sleeve, silently pleading if she could go catch up to you. You were probably long gone by now, Shota knew that much. Even Bakugo felt some sort of soft emotion when the little girl looked so distressed.

"(Y/n) will be home when we get there later, I promise," Shota stated, gently patting Eri's head to try and soothe her. Of course, the students were oblivious as to who you were. Shota was good at keeping his personal life very separated from his work life. Alas, he was certainly put under the line of fire of curiosity when he said he would come home to a female waiting for him.

It was going to be a long day.

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