set-up | shota aizawa fluff

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prompt: (Y/n) and Aizawa are set up on a date

warning: none

word count: 857

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

"Excuse me," You heard a familiar voice ask. You looked up from grading papers, your eyes meeting the student before your desk. You gave her a kind look.

"If you're not too busy," Ochaco said with a nervous smile, "I could use some help on our latest assignment." You nodded your head, placing the paper pages onto your desk.

"Of course, how can I help?" You asked, giving the young girl your full attention. 

"W-Well, I have something to do right now!" Ochaco exclaimed, waving her hands in front of her. "Can we meet somewhere in an hour?" Her request wasn't necessarily odd. Professors from universities meet with their students. So, you agreed. It was your job as a teacher to help her in any way you could.

The small bell hung above the door rang as you entered. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and miscellaneous baked goods swam through the air to meet your nose. Your eyes scanned the inside of the shop, easily identifying the girl you were there to see. She looked like she was on the verge of bouncing out of her chair. You sat down across from her.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting," You told her. You placed your bag beside your chair, opening it to pull out the assignment Ochaco had mentioned earlier. School had been dismissed some time ago, so helping Ochaco was a form of overtime. You were ready to get to work, hoping to be in bed at a decent time.

"Not at all!" Ochaco responded cheerily. "But I have to use the bathroom!" Ochaco swiftly jumped to her feet and ran off. As if experiencing whiplash, you blinked a few times in a row. While waiting for her to return, you decided to order something to drink. The small bell hung above the door rang as two familiar boys entered.

"Hi!" Yet another cheerful student greeted you. You smiled at Midoriya who approached the table you sat at. You also smiled at the man who accompanied him, by the looks of it, enthusiastically: one of your co-workers, Shota Aizawa. His messy long hair fell loosely around his head. His tired eyes soon met yours, your smile shrinking slightly under his intense gaze.

"What a coincidence," You laughed. You couldn't help by notice the nervous demeanor of the teenage boy.

"Mr. Aizawa, wh-why don't you sit!" Midoriya blurted out somewhat stiffly. "I'll--I'll be right back!" You watched as he scurried off, leaving you alone with Aizawa. You didn't say anything. And just as you expected, he didn't say anything either. You didn't know your fellow teacher very well, you had only been working at U.A. for a couple of weeks. 

Though, you gathered it didn't matter how much time you spent there. He struck you as the type to not easily make friends. You softly drummed your fingers against the mug you held, desperate to find something to say. 

"Where did those kids go?" You wondered aloud, realizing how long it had been since the teenagers mysteriously vanished. This seemed to get Aizawa's attention. You watched as his expression altered, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"This is a setup," Aizawa stated with an odd sense of admiration. "I honestly didn't think they were capable of doing something like this behind my back."

"Wait, set up, as in a date?" You asked, a nervous chuckle bubbling in your throat. Aizawa nodded his head, folding his arms over his chest. You would be lying if you said you weren't interested in the man sitting across from you. His reserved, almost secretive, nature made you curious. By sure luck alone, you managed to convince him to stay. Perhaps he was too tired to put up a fight.

The coffee shop was a pleasant atmosphere, one of peace and friendliness. The clock seemed to disappear from your mind as you sparked up a conversation. You were surprised by how much you and Aizawa had in common.

"I'm sorry, no," You told Aizawa with confidence. "The correct answer is Norwegian Forest." Aizawa shook his head.

"You said objectively the best cat breed," Aizawa reminded you while shaking his head. "And I told you; Orange Tabby."

"Have you held a Norwegian Forest?" You asked seriously. "They are so fluffy."

"Sure," Aizawa scoffed, rolling his eyes. You laughed. You could see a very faint smile playing on your companion's face. You liked it. The way his hair would ever so slightly sway when he moved his head, the light scruff he always had, his dark eyes, and the even darker circles under them; you liked it all.

Chairs were turned up on top of tables. Most workers had gone home. You and Aizawa were the only customers left in the building. But the two of you only realized it when a polite barista asked you to leave. The early night air was refreshing, but the cold breeze couldn't shake the warmth from your cheeks.

"I really had fun," You told Aizawa honestly. "And I, uh... would like to do it again sometime."

"I'd like that too," Aizawa said, glancing at you.

"Does Saturday night sound good?" You suggested.

"Sounds great," Aizawa tucked his hands into his pockets, fighting back a smile.


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