the movie | shoto todoroki fluff

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prompt: Shoto finally asks (Y/n) on a date, even though he has never been on a date

warning: none

word count: 730

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

Shoto tapped his pencil against the paper rhythmically, his mind on something other than the lesson being taught. It wasn't his fault, truly, it wasn't. It was yours. You were always kind to him and for no real reason too. Your effortless smile never failed to make his day. It wasn't his fault he was falling for you. Shoto tried to focus on the lecture, but it was no use.

His mind clouded with thoughts of you. Most of the time you would only consume his psyche whenever he looked at you, saw your beautiful face. But, today wasn't most days. He found himself staring off into space at his desk, fantasizing about a person sitting in the same room. Shoto came to a striking conclusion, today was the day he was finally going to ask you out on a date. He simply waited patiently for Aizawa to dismiss the class.

When the sweet release of the bell ringing echoed through the room. After tucking away the one or two objects on his desk, Shoto stood up. He walked directly to where you sat chatting with some classmates.

"(Y/n)," Shoto got your attention easily, his tone as serious as always. You looked up at him, a smile on your face. Your expression was curious as ever.

"What do you need?" You asked casually, tilting your head to the side. Shoto took a deep breath.

"Would you like to see a movie with me tonight?" Shoto requested, looking you right in the eye. You were taken aback, stunned at his out-of-nowhere question. You laughed nervously.

"Yeah, sure!" You agreed with a bright grin and a nod of your head. "What time? And what movie are we going to see?"

"I'll text you the details later," Shoto explained plainly before leaving the classroom. Truth be told, Shoto never expected you to agree. The only thing he decided was to ask you out, not thinking at all beyond that. He still had to plan the rest. Shoto exhaled, finding the task he just completely far too difficult.

That night was not the first time you and Shoto have hung out outside of school, but it was the first time you were alone. It was only when he stood outside of the movie theater that Shoto realized you might not be aware that this was a date.

"Todo!" You called out as you saw him awkwardly waiting for you. The nickname made his stomach churn. It wasn't a sick feeling, rather, a fluttery weightless feeling.

"You're early," Shoto remarked, somewhat surprised. He watched a smirk play at your lips.

"So are you," You pointed out with a shrug. Shoto felt the ghost of a smile on his face, a subtle expression you almost failed to identify. It made your heart skip a beat. You entered the theater, the smell of buttery popcorn meeting your noses. Shoto offered the buy the tickets and any snacks that caught your eye. You got to see how generous the young hero was. You chose to sit in the back of the theater.

The previews began shortly after you got comfortable. You leaned over to Shoto, pointing out the trailers you thought looked entertaining and the others you thought looked silly. Shoto found your interest amusing, cute even. Shoto knew his feelings for you were far more than platonic. He wasn't entirely sure what they were, but he had the desire to explore them.

Perhaps thirty minutes into the film, you shifted your weight onto the armrest of the theater chair. Shoto was only half paying attention to the movie, so he noticed when your hand was placed dangerously close to his. He felt the overwhelming urge to gently place his hand over yours. He knew it would be disastrous if he gave in to this urge and you didn't feel the same. But if you did feel the same, well, he had never done anything like holding hands before.

Something suddenly broke your immersion in the film. Warm fingers carefully drifted over your own, lacing gently between your fingers. Shoto placed his left hand over yours. You felt blood rush to your face as you looked down at your intertwined hands. You could hardly see anything through the dark, but you knew what was happening. Your heart rate became erratic. You looked up, catching Shoto already looking at you. With a shy smile, you turned your hand around so your palms touched.

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