umbrella | fumikage tokoyami fluff [female-reader request]

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Prompt: (Y/n) and Tokoyami are good friends, but are often mistaken as a couple

Warning: I use one swear word

Word count: 494, it's a short read

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

There is an old saying about assumptions, assuming makes an ass out of you and me. Assuming something about a stranger can affect the way someone behaves around them and could alter how someone views them without a proper reason to do so. Speculation can be dangerous. Thankfully, you have never been particularly harmed by the assumptions often made about you. Especially in regards to your closest friend, Tokoyami.

Everyone who did not know the two of you, always assumed that you and Tokoyami were dating. But, in reality, you were just very good friends. It never bothered you much, you always took it as a compliment and so did Tokoyami. You and your half-raven friend went almost everywhere together and did almost everything together. You two were inseparable from a very early point and you liked it that way.

It had begun to rain that late afternoon. The steady sound of the pittering water droplets against the school roof was soothing for some. However, some found the noise to be upsetting and stressful, seeing as how those some forgot to bring an umbrella. You had been one of those very unlucky few. The bell had rung and everyone was dismissed for the weekend. You frowned, sighing as you rose from your desk.

You quickly packed your things and strode for the exit, hoping that rain would lighten up, or at the very least not get any heavier. Like he always did, Tokoyami met you on your way out. He noticed your distressed demeanor almost instantly, keen when it came to observing your moods.

"Something wrong?" He asked, glancing in your direction.

"Yeah, I totally forgot an umbrella," You admitted, supposing you'd just have to pull your jacket over your head and walk home like that.

"We can share mine if you'd like," Tokoyami offered, to which you enthusiastically nodded your head. You were sure to thank him greatly. Tokoyami held the umbrella between the two of you. You had to walk closer together than you normally did, but neither party minded. You walked together down the sidewalk in the direction of your home. You passed by strangers on your way, not paying them much attention. You and Tokoyami were too busy carrying on a casual conversation.

However, you couldn't help but overhear an older woman swoon, "Oh look at that, that young man's such a gentleman. I'm sure he treats his girlfriend well!" You smiled as you passed her. Shaking your head, you chuckled.

"What is so funny?" Tokoyami asked, rather entertained by your sudden laughter.

"Nothing," You said. "I just appreciate your companionship, Toko."

"A little unprompted, but I appreciate you as well, (Y/n)," Tokoyami stated, smiling slightly. you smiled as well, returning your attention to the path in front of you. The rain fell from the sky to the ground in rhythmic patterns, patterns similar to the timed steps of your and Tokoyami's feet. Aside from the rain, the weather was lovely, and even then, the rain was not so bad.

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