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𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙-𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬


Bakugo knew he had to keep you from finding out about his plans to ask you to marry him. He hated not being honest with you, but he had to do it for now. For the past three weeks, Bakugo had been clocking in more hours at work. There was a tough villain on the loose lately and Bakugo thought that pouring himself into catching that guy would relieve some of his stress. The failure at the restaurant really pissed him off, but he wasn't going to give up that easily.

Bakugo had planned an evening out with you: a walk throughout the park, maybe get a snack, then he would walk you down the dock and once you were at the end he would ask you to marry him. Another perfect situation! This time there wouldn't be any waiters or old ladies to interrupt him, and you would finally have that ring on your finger.

Bakugo knocked on your front door before putting his hands in his pockets. You and Bakugo both walked to the park together. You thought it was a bit odd that Bakugo was wanting to take you out to all these nice and romantic spots. You were starting to wonder if Bakugo secretly was a hopeless romantic underneath all those swear words and explosions. He was just a big sweetheart, wasn't he? A softie really, he only put up an angry exterior to scare off people who would use him. Or maybe not. Maybe he was trying to make up for a mistake he made you didn't know about or something.

"Hey, dumbass, want some ice cream?" Bakugo asked as he pointed to the little cart selling the frozen treat. You nodded your head enthusiastically. The ice cream was very good, and you finished it by the time you got to the lake. The sun was setting over the water and it looked so beautiful. The lake looked like liquid gold as it rippled in the light summer night breeze as you stood beside the man you loved on the wooden docks. As you were staring off at the sunset, he was staring at you. The bright golden light of the sun made you (e/c) sparkle like a night sky filled with stars. He was so in love with you, he could hardly stand it.

"(Y/n)... " Bakugo cleared his throat a bit nervously. "I've been meaning t--" He stopped mid-way through his sentence after hearing a scream break through the park. Panic echoed throughout the area as more screamed and people began running.

"Hold that thought," You told him. Both of you sprinted off in the direction of the chaos. Just as you had thought, a ravenous villain decided to strike. Bakugo was beyond frustrated that something interrupted his plans. Again. Of course, he had to do his job and you had to do yours. Bakugo was the first to jump into action, motivated by his pure rage to blow something up. And blow something up he did.

The villain was somewhat easily defeated, once you and Bakugo combined your strength there was no foe you couldn't vanquish. When you worked together there was nothing you could not accomplish, in fact, you and Bakugo were one of the most well-balanced hero team-ups in the country. You and Bakugo had been working with each other's abilities, quirks, and combat styles since before high school, so that had something to do with it.

Regardless, the villain was beaten and the day was saved. However, you and Bakugo got a little scratched up in the process and the sun was far behind the horizon. The moment was lost forever. Once again, Bakugo had blown it.


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