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His slouched back was leaning against the wall. His phone was in his hand, mindlessly scrolling on social media. He found it odd how long he had been waiting. Usually, his mentor finishes his work efficiently. The boy found it ironic. Wasn't his mentor the one who was constantly chastising him about being late? His eyes snapped up when he heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Katsuki barked. Hitoshi Shinso wondered why he was always so angry. What had Hitoshi done? The Sports Festival was a long time ago, surely, Katsuki was too brain-dead to remember it. At least, that was what Hitoshi figured.

"Waiting for Mr. Aizawa," Hitoshi stated coldly, looking back down at his phone. "What the hell are you doing here? Class has been dismissed for two hours."

"I'm waiting for (Y/n), dumbass," Katsuki scoffed. He came to rest on the same wall Hitoshi leaned against. Katsuki propped his foot up on the wall and folded his arms over his chest. He glared at the large door with a big crimson inscription that read 1-A.

Hitoshi suddenly looked up from his phone, a confused expression written across his relatively sleep-deprived face.

"Mr. Aizawa said he was grading papers," Hitoshi recalled curiously. "Does Ms. (L/n) help him with that?" Katsuki looked at the lilac-haired boy near him.

"No," He spat angrily, though he was also perplexed. Hitoshi hummed. Maybe you wanted to meet him in the hall and you were not in the 1-A classroom like Hitoshi had assumed. There could be other reasons Katsuki was waiting in the same area.

"What do you do?" Hitoshi asked, allowing curiosity to get the better of him. "Does she help you with something?"

"What the fuck does Mr. Aizawa help you with?" Katsuki bickered with the boy. Hitoshi rolled his eyes, wondering why he bothered at small talk in the first place. They waited in silence for their respective mentors. After what felt like ages, the classroom door opened. Hitoshi and Katuski's eyes flickered up to observe what happened next.

You left the classroom with Shota closely behind you. You ran a hand through your somewhat messy hair, letting out a deep exhale. Katsuki's eyes narrowed. Something did not seem right. You looked flushed and you had this stupid grin on your face.

Hitoshi saw the way Shota swept hair away from his face. He looked carefully, the way Shota had taught him to. Is he sweating? Why? He watched Shota look at you. He gave you a small smile when locked eyes. His attention then turned to Hitoshi.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting," Shota said almost sarcastically. He gestured for the boy to follow him to the UA gym.

"Just for a little bit," Hitoshi stated, remnants of confusion in his voice. You walked over to Katsuki and pushed him playfully.

"Yeah, we didn't mean to take so long," You confessed in truth. Katsuki watched as you shot his homeroom teacher an odd look. Katsuki had noticed the limp in your step. She never told me she got hurt.

Wait a minute...

Katsuki looked to Hitoshi, though they were being guided in opposite directions. Their eyes shared the same terrified look. Shock and dismay filled their bodies, a deep feeling of disgust settled into their souls as they simultaneously came to the same conclusion:

Their mentors were fucking.


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