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The police officers' grip on your shoulders was tight enough to keep you from straying. They both pushed you into an uncomfortable chair. Knowing the drill, you reached out and took hold of the plastic phone attached to the wall. You looked forward and smirked as your visitor picked up the other phone.

"Long time no see," You greeted the blond boy who sat across from you, a thick sheet of glass between you.

"Shut up, I was here last week," Bakugo rolled his eyes at you, although he was smiling ever so slightly.

"Time works differently in here, kid," You jested, although there was some truth to your statement. Time felt like it was slugging along inside a prison cell, yet, the months almost flew by. Six to be exact.

"How's school going?" You asked, changing the subject. You made small-talk for as long as Bakugo could bear it. Bakugo tapped his foot against the ground. He only got to see you once a week for less than an hour, so he didn't like wasting time with meaningless chit-chat.

"What happened to your eye?" Bakugo asked. You reached your hand up, gently touching the bruised skin. You tensed at the mention of your black eye.

"When you say this place is a shithole, you don't know the half of it," You told him vaguely. You glanced to our sides, your eyes darting to the prison guards standing near. Bakugo frowned, understanding what you were insinuating.

"Ya know," Bakugo paused, "UA's offer is still on the table." You sighed, looking down at the metal table you were seated at. You drummed your fingers onto it, a rhythm sounding steady. You chewed on the inside of your cheek.

"I know, but... " You shook your head, unaware of how to articulate your hesitation. 

"Why won't you accept the offer?" He challenged, leaning forward. "It's practically a get out of jail free card!" You then felt two braced hands get placed on your shoulders. You locked your jaw, knowing it was the officers who escorted you from your cell. You knew it was because of what Bakugo said, and the boy sat up straight, furrowing his eyebrows.

"If you're going to use this time to scheme, you'll lose visitor privileges," A short-tempered guard told you seriously.

"We're fine, thanks," You told him through grit teeth. You shook your shoulders, getting them to let go of you. You clenched your fist. Bakugo noticed the way the prison guards treated the inmates, which was one of the biggest reasons he continued to urge you to accept UA's offer.

"I don't think you are," The guard insisted, his hand returning to your shoulder.

"Back off," You told him sternly, shaking his hand away again. Suddenly, both officers pushed you forward. You kicked the chair out from under you as they pinned you to the table. You bit your tongue, resisting the urge to cuss them out. 

Bakugo jumped back, startled by the abrupt motions. You hated how they pushed you around. You hated how the power went to their heads. You hated being treated like an animal. You looked up to see Bakugo with a concerned expression. Mustering up enough voice so he could hear you, you told him:

"I want out. Tell UA they've got a deal."


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