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The doors flew open suddenly. The receptionist's head shot up, ready and alert to aid in any emergency being brought through her door. She was sorely disappointed when she saw it was a perfectly healthy teenage boy who entered the hospital. She returned to the book in her lap, hidden by the high desk.

"Where the hell is she?" Katsuki demanded once he laid eyes on his homeroom teacher. He marched to where the tired man sat in the waiting room. Shota got to his feet, reaching out to try and soothe the boy.

"Keep your voice down," Shota instructed him slowly, resting a hand on the teen's shoulder.

"No!" Katuski shook out of the man's grip. "What the fuck happened?"

"I don't know," Shota sighed, letting his hands fall into his pockets. "(Y/n)'s fine, unconscious, but fine. When she wakes up, we'll get the story."

"Take me to see her." His tone was harsh and angry, but Shota noticed the way his voice shook and wavered. The boy was begging, worried out of his mind for someone he cared about deeply. Shota sighed again, gesturing for Katsuki to follow him down the hall.

The teacher opened a hospital room door and allowed his student inside. Katsuki stood still, looking at the bed in the center of the dull room. The quiet beeping of the heart rate monitor created a steady rhythm in the otherwise silent room. Shota was unable to read Katsuki's expression.

"She looks so... " Katuski hesitated, "vulnerable." It was a somewhat pivotal point to see someone you look up to--someone so strong and reliable--lay nearly lifeless in a hospital bed. It was not the first time Katsuki had seen you in shambles, physically and emotionally, but for some reason, this time felt different. It felt scarier.

"She cares about you more than you know," Shota told Katsuki softly, coming to stand next to him. "She was shot, stabbed... the shit was beaten out of her. She could've used her quirk to protect herself." Katsuki looked at his teacher in confusion. "But that would be a violation of her probation. The police wouldn't let her see you again after that."

"So you mean to say... " Katsuki choked out quietly, "it's my fault she's in here."

"In a way, yes," Shota spoke truthfully to the boy. "But that's only because you encouraged her to become a better person. It's your fault she's trying to rehabilitate herself in the first place." Katsuki swallowed thickly, trying to dissolve the lump in this throat. Shota placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You've been good for her," Shota told him. "And I think she has been good for you too." Katsuki looked up at him. "You opened up to her pretty quick--latched on, trusted. I haven't seen you do that before."

"Tch," Katsuki scoffed, shifting his gaze to his feet. "She earned my respect. Not my fault she did it fast." Shota let out a dry chuckle as his arm fell to his side. The clock ticked away. The two sat in relative silence, though Shota had let Katsuki know he could return home anytime. Shota almost chose not to call Katsuki to inform him what happened that morning.

"So you just walked in a found her there?" Katsuki wondered, his arms folded over his chest.

"It's not the first time I've seen someone half-dead on the floor," Shota nodded his head solemnly. "And it won't be the last, but this was particularly... disheartening."

"Why's that?" Katsuki wondered aloud idly. The man took a moment to respond.

"It was brutal," Shota recalled, his eyes falling closed. "And it was clear she had been there for a long time. If I had gotten there any later--" Shota stopped himself. He should not give his student the impression that the what-if mindset is acceptable as a hero.

"But she's fine," Katsuki semi-interrupted, "so it doesn't matter." Shota smiled softly. I guess I did something right, then. Shota leaned further back against one of the uncomfortable chairs in the room. 

Katsuki stood over your limp body, making sure there were no stray strands of hair dangling in front of your face. Shota began to wonder if Katsuki really had nothing better to do than wait for you to wake up. To be fair, the same could be wondered of Shota.

Then, you began to stir, slowly and barely noticeable at first. Your fingers twitched and you started to take deeper breaths as you gradually emerged into consciousness. It was only when your eyelids peeled open that the two boys realized you were awake. 

Katsuki leaped over to the side of the bed, eagerly watching you pull yourself awake and Shota joined him. Shota was shocked that you were up so soon. The doctors had speculated it would take at least a full day for your body to turn on again.

"Ow," You mumbled, your throat remarkably dry. Your eyes adjusted to the light, and you saw Katsuki leaning over you and Shota right next to him.

"Do you feel alright?" Shota asked attentively. "Or should I go get a nurse?" You shook your head weakly, instantly recognizing that you needed to stretch. Every inch of your body ached.

"I'll be fine," You told him with a faint smile. Without missing a beat, Katsuki jumped into the conversation,

"What the hell happened?" The boy wanted to know. You let out a shallow sigh. You planted your hands on the mattress and tried to push yourself into an upright position. However, a soft hand was pushed against your collarbone. Shota prevented you from sitting up, a firm look in his eyes.

"A day or two before I met you, kid, I pissed off a pretty powerful drug dealer," You explained, leaning back against the less than comfortable hospital bed. "His name's Suoh Hiroto. He's the one who sent those guys after us at the diner a few months ago."

You knew damn well that every action has consequences, intended or otherwise. A frown settled onto your face as your eyes dropped to your lap. Both Katsuki and Shota noticed your somber expression.

"Now, uh... " You paused to swallow thickly. "I think they know I've started helping the heroes. Chances are, Hiroto isn't the only one who wants me dead. Or maybe he just did all this to send a message to everybody else."

"Where the hell is this guy?" Katsuki exclaimed, balling his fists in rage. "I'll make sure--"

"You won't do anything, Bakugo," Shota interrupted the boy, though his attention quickly shifted to you. "And you won't either. Neither of you are in a position to pursue anyone. Not now." Shota let out a tired sigh. "I'll find Hiroto and his men."


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