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It was quiet. The curtains blocked out most of the sun, but stray rays slipped in through the cracks. You did not know what time it was, but you did not exactly have responsibilities to attend to like a normal member of society.

You watched Shota's chest and shoulders rise with every small breath he took. He was deep in slumber and you tried not to wake him. Carefully, you brushed some strands of his hair away from his peaceful face. You noticed the worn scar under his eye. How did he get that?

You decided it was time to leave the warm confines of the bed. With a small stretch, you stumbled into the bathroom to turn on the shower. You were half expecting it, honestly, but you still laughed when you saw the two-in-one shampoo and conditioner sitting on the shower shelf.

When you felt awake enough--and clean enough--you turned off the water and dried yourself. Soon thereafter, you wandered into the kitchen in hopes of finding some breakfast. Even given the unprecedented circumstances, you attempted to behave as if it was a normal morning. While rummaging through the near-empty cabinets, you heard soft footsteps approaching.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" You asked him with an apologetic tone.

"Yeah," Shota shrugged, the remnants of sleep still trying and drag him back to bed. "But it's fine, I forgot to set an alarm."

"That makes me feel a little better," You remarked, though he could not see the small smile on your face. "If you tell me where all your food is, I'll cook breakfast. Consider it, uh, thanks for last night." Shota let out a light chuckle and pointed you in the right direction. He leaned against the kitchen counter and watched you begin to cook.

"I found where Hiroto's gang runs their operations from," Shota said unprompted. "We can infiltrate as soon as you're fully recovered." Your eyes jumped to look at him. He seemed to be serious.

"I'll be there in a day or two," You speculated loosely. "With a shit ton of painkillers, obviously." Shota nodded, of course. You so desperately desired to get Hiroto off the streets, mostly for your own sanity's sake. Nevertheless, you knew your own limits.

"What do you plan on doing now?" Shota wondered aloud.

"Hmm?" You hummed, not turning your gaze away from the meal you were in the process of plating.

"I mean, what do you do all day?" Shota asked curiously. You paused for just a moment. Shota looked down at the meal you presented him. It looked half edible and Shota had not seen you poison it, so he decided to take his chances. It tasted... good?

"Not sure," You shrugged honestly. "I never had the luxury of hobbies until recently. I, uh... I liked to draw a kid. Maybe I'll pick it back up." Shota placed his fork on the now empty plate and carried it to the sink.

"I have to go to work, I'll be back at around six," Shota explained blandly. You nodded, already beginning to wonder what you were to do while he was gone. Shota left the house a little after breakfast, leaving you alone with your thoughts. With a sigh, you began to wash the dishes.

As droplets of water bounced off the cutlery and onto your skin, you supposed you ought to swing by your apartment. Collect the essentials, grab the picture hanging on your fridge, and maybe burn some loose ends.

You opened the door to your apartment carefully. As you walked across the creaking floorboards, you noticed a dark lingering stain across the wood. Blood has the habit of sticking around. A sick feeling festered in the pit of your stomach. You did not like being around this place anymore.

You quickly pulled a bag around and stuffed it with some clothes, eager to escape the suddenly suffocating atmosphere. You slipped out onto the streets and hurried back to Shota's apartment. Perhaps it was best that you now had to move. A change of scenery might be nice. After a few trips, you had a sizeable pile in the corner of Shota's bedroom.

How the hell am I going to find a place to live? It's not like I have a job and I live off government food stamps. You dropped the bag to the floor with a huff. You awkwardly fidgeted with your fingers, hoping Shota would come home soon. Maybe he would have something for you to do.

You heard the sound of the front door opening. You quickly trot to the hallway to see Shota closing the door behind him. You hated that little bolt of excitement that shot through you when the doorknob clicked. What a house pet you had become.

"Grab your jacket," Shota instructed just as you had hoped. 

"Where are we going?" You wondered, putting back on your shoes.

"To get dinner."

The establishment was nestled deep within the city, probably run by folks who had grown up in the area. There were only two tables in the small restaurant and they had a very limited menu, but it smelled amazing once you pulled the door open.

"How was work?" You asked. Shota looked up from the styrofoam box in front of him. Were you serious?

"It was good," He shrugged. "Productive." Shota was not entirely sure what was happening. "What did you do?"

"Just hauled some stuff from my apartment," You told him casually with a small chuckle. "Spent most of the day walking." The small-talk felt odd for some reason. You lived together, slept in the same bed once, and you waited for him to come home as if you were some married couple. Not a probation officer and a convicted criminal.

Shota did not have many friends, four--well, three at the most. Maybe it was good for him to relax, heaven knows it was good for you.

"Your probation's almost up, ya know," Shota remarked.

"I've still got a few more weeks," You said with a small playful smirk. "You can't get rid of me that easy, Shota." He returned the smile for a brief moment. Then, his phone began to ring. He stepped away from the table to answer the call. You heard a few faint,

"Do you need something?" "What?" "When did they start?" "How long do we have?"

He hung up. He turned to face you, pulling some cash out of pocket and laying it on the table. He wore a stern expression.

"What's going on?" You wondered aloud.

"We've been monitoring the warehouse Hiroto operates from," Shota explained seriously. "All of a sudden they started packing everything up. If we're gonna arrest him, we have to do it now." 


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