20 : acts of the weakest

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The wind tickled at his hairline whipping back messy strands of Izuku's green hair, making his hair even more tangled.

The wind cut at his lips, drying them up no matter how many times he wet them. Closing his eyes against the sharp gusts of wind Izuku spread his arms wider as he flew, the bones within his wings on his back working to keep him adrift. Finding a nice breeze he coasted letting the moon guide him down to the top of a building.

Once you break her out, we’ll go out and fly together. Promise, just get out of there alive.

Hawks had promised to teach him how to fly better. And Ocha was several feet below him. If things went well, Izuku could have the life he had always dreamed about.

A nice home, family, people to care for.

Then his thoughts flicked to Todoroki, he was also on this mission with Izuku, yet they would only make contact once they had left the premises, but by then Ochako would be by his side and he would be nothing more than a speck on his rear view mirror.

Raising my wrist to the moonlight Izuku studied the barcode, letting his fingers trace the numbers slowly before bending over to work the grate away from its holder and slip in.

He dropped into the dark room soundlessly. Wings tucked into his back and he rolled on to the balls of his feet, knees absorbing the impact of his short free fall.

Soft gasps alerted Izuku that he was in the right room.

Straightening up he took in his surroundings carefully with the meager amount of moonlight the open grate offered. Mutants sat, pressed up against the bars as they watched and waited. Their wide eyes took Izuku in slowly and his gaze ran over them one by one, looking for a familiar set of brown eyes.

No, no, there

His breath caught in his throat as Izuku saw the mass of brown feathers huddled in the corner. The figure wasn't caged, startled by this he edged closer still hesitant in believing that Ocha was really only a few feet away from him.


Izuku called softly crouching. Who knew what horrors they had subjected her to.

What if they had brainwashed her, made her forget him? What would he do then?

These horrors slid their cold slimy fingers over Izuku's heart but I didn't let them show. He watched as the figure rustled, the sound of chains making him shudder.

The pair of Tawny eyes caused Izuku exhale with relief and he reached out slowly. His own eyes had started to well up.


“You actually came”

She whispered shying away and refusing to meet his gaze. Confused,Izuku leaned against the flat of his palms, legs tucked underneath him so he could gaze at her better.

Betrayal, sadness, regret

Things he didn't want or expect to see at their reunion.

“Ochako, let's go home”

Izuku said offering a hand but she only swung to the side as if he had struck her and she huddled against the wall.

“There...There is no home Izuku, it's over”

The hairs on the back of his neck pricked and in a heartbeat he had dove to the side, the soft aggressive whistle of an iron bar tickling the boy's ear teasingly as he rolled to a stop on the other side of the room.

Izuku's heart rate spiked, palms growing sweaty as adrenaline rushed through his blood, staggering to his feet he assessed his attacker.


Izuku cried panic nearly blinding his vision. The blonde grinned Menacingly as he searched for an an exit, he was standing directly underneath the grate he had come through.

The lab was too dark for Izuku to escape, so the only option was to stay and fight.

But Katsuki only reached down, yanking up the chain up, Ocha as the dead weight. The lower half of her body was splayed on the ground as her arms were raised over head, her guilty face tucked between her arms.

“Let her go!”

Izuku cried, fear choking his ability to speak properly. Katsuki, surprisingly, let her fall. She didn't make a sound only scrambling to her feet to stand beside him her head lowered.


“I'm sorry, they made me do it”

She sobbed raising her head, Izuku staggered back at the sight of the large teardrops spilling down her cheeks. Her lips wobbled as she stared him straight in the eye, and he saw that her claim was true.

She had allowed herself to be used as bait.
His other half had just betrayed him

Izuku's legs felt like limp strands of spaghetti, his knees buckled underneath him and he could only watch as Katsuki advanced, Ochako's pathetic sobs barely audible over the sound of the iron bar scraping along the floor hauntingly.

“It was my idea you know? I knew you'd find a way to the lab, and using the little brown piggy as bait would surely work even if it was simple”

Izuku gazed down at the space between his legs, at the hands that once had been curled into fists, ready to swing for Ochako now lay useless in his lap.

At this point, what was the use in fighting?

“Not gonna put up a fight deku boy?”

The iron bar clattered to the ground and Katsuki crouched grabbing him but the hairs on his head and yanking him back viciously so he chin tilted up nearly parallel to the ceiling.

He stared up at his wolfy features silently regarding the way his eyes burned with trumpith.

Katsuki had been waiting years to get me into this position. Him the alpha dog and Izuku his prey. That's how the world saw Izuku since the day he was born, and to the very last minutes of when he died. Nothing would change.

Why did he ever bothering fighting in the first place? The world was a dark and cruel world, and the only person he could truly count on he realized,

Was himself

But that wasn't enough, it never would be,Ihe had grown up protecting Ochako with no intentions of caring for himself

And Todoroki, would he react to him being captured? Would he even care? Izuku uwas being delusional, Shoto wouldn't bat an eye.

“No, you've got me, good job,im glad it's you of all people Katsuki. At least I get to make one more person happy”

he smiled and Katsuki's beady red eyes widened in shock, he was clearly not expecting this response.

“Before I take you out, i want to know, why did you leave me so long ago? ”

Confused Izuku stared at him. Frustration began to build up the tension in Katsuki's shoulders. Without warning he let go of Izuku's hair slamming his fist against the boys cheek and Izuku careened back, tossed like a ragdoll across the floor.

His cheek ached and he sat up cradling the throbbing spot as he spit out a tooth watching it skitter away, the warm metallic taste or blood flooded Izuku's mouth as he choked out a startled cry. His eyes pricked with tears as he hunched over unable to ward off another blow if it was to come.

“All those years ago, when you escaped, you didn't bother looking in my direction. Was it because I was different? Was it because I wasn't a bird like you?”

The blonde snarled and Izuku finally understood what he was trying to say. Spitting out a wad of blood he gazed up at him.

“You had a mom, Katsuki, I didn't want to take you away from her”

Izuku choked out and the Katsuki froze. All those years ago, before he had known who ms.Katsuki really was, Izuku had known her as one of the kinder scientist who had experimented on hin.

The bar clattered to the ground, as katsuki stared down at him. This was the answer he wanted to hear right?

Before Izuku could raise his head he felt something slam against the side of it, his chin snapping to the side as the world around him cut to black.

One last through rushing through his mind.

He had stopped fighting, would that mean he'd die?

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