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it's always hard saying goodbye.



She only needed to visit three people, if Haru wasn't going with her, then four but there was no way he'd ever leave her side. Other than him there were only three people she actually, genuinely liked. Suigetsu in the eastern hideout, Jugo in the northern hideout and Kimimaro in the base hideout. She did want to stay with them, but she couldn't take being trapped anymore. She knew Orochimaru and Kabuto would be busy with Hatsu for a while, so this was her only opportunity.

Kiyomi teleported to the eastern hideout where Suigetsu was. She made her way to the his room and there was equipment scattered all over the room and a tank filled with water in the middle. "Hey Sui."

He popped out of the water tank with a grin. "Kiyo! What brings you here?"

"Can't I visit my favourite water boy?" She feigned shock.

Suigetsu smiled down at her affectionately and looked down at her, "did you just come back from a mission?" He hadn't seen her a few months so safe to say, he missed her. A lot.

Kiyomi nodded, "and as much as I wanted to visit you, that's not why I'm here."

"I knew it," the white haired male pouted.

"Sui, I'll be leaving soon," she announced.

He frowned. "Really? When?"

"Today, just saying good-bye to a few people." Kiyomi leaned against his tank, tracing shapes on the glass.

"You're the only person I actually talk to though, the only one I can tolerate. How dare you leave me?" He teased, a sad smile appearing on his face.

She rose an eyebrow, "you know how I feel about the truth. Spill."

He sighed, "I'm sad, so damn sad. I'll miss you so much."

A small smile appeared on her face," you're cute. I'll help you escape too. I'll figure something out."

"Promise?" He looked so vulnerable, so much like Haru.

Kiyomi nodded, "I promise. I'll give you my necklace as a sign of reassurance. I'll fetch it from you once I rescue you. Okay?" She tossed him the necklace she was wearing, it was a special necklace that contained her chakra. And even though she could fill other necklaces with her chakra, it was her favourite necklace, it was one she'd had since birth.

Suigetsu flashed her toothy grin and swam back down to face her. "I'll miss you so so much," he muttered, placing his hand on the glass.

The brunette aligned her hand with his, "I'll miss you too, Sui.."

He grinned, "I know you will."

"And you ruined the moment," she paused for a moment before reaching for her pouch, tossing him a scroll. It was waterproof, made especially for him.

"What's this?" He asked, tilting his head.

"A scroll, a special scroll that can summon me, I formulated it especially. I can be anywhere in the world and you can summon me.. Only for emergencies though, alright Sui?" She informed him.

Suigetsu smirked, "of course you did, smarty."

"It won't be the same without you," she murmured sadly.

"The same goes for you. Take care, I know we'll meet again," he winked, attempting to try and hide how distraught he was about the whole thing. It was so unexpected, and so sudden sadness filled him as he watched her disappear.





And the next person she had to visit was Jugo, in the northern hideout. When she teleported to him, she expected to see his face. All she saw was black. A sense of relief flashed through her when she saw his bright eyes in the dark. Though, she doubted he recognised her.

"Get out! I'll kill you!" He shouted.

Kiyomi focused her chakra to her feet and walked up on the ceiling. "Jugo, calm down it's just me."

He stopped moving, "familiar.."

"Katon: Tōrō Raito Boru (Lantern Light Balls)," she murmured and in seconds, lantern balls lit up the room.

"Kiyo— Kiyomi.." Jugo uttered, calming down.

"That's right, it's just me," she dropped down from the ceiling and enveloped him in a hug, patting his head.

"Why— why are you here..?" He asked, confusion laced in his voice.

Kiyomi sighed, "I— it's because.. I'm leaving.."

Jugo pulled away and stared at her, his eyes displaying signs of sadness, confusion and hurt, but not anger. "Why..?"

"I'll come back Jugo, I promise," the brunette held his hand. "Take care of Kimimaro for me. He's the hardest for me to say farewell.." He hesitated, but nodded.

"I gave Suigetsu one too and I'll give you one as well," she reached for her pouch and gave him the exact same scroll she'd given to Suigetsu. "This scroll can summon me, wherever I am. It's reusable. Only for emergencies."

"What if I just need you?" He asked, a small teasing smile on his face.

Kiyomi placed a hand on his cheek, "Then I'll allow it as an emergency, only for you. I forgot to mention, don't just take care of Kimi, take care of yourself as well.." She whispered, kissing his forehead. "Shoton: Kurisutarushado (Crystal Shard)." She uttered, watching as a blue crystal shard formed in her hands. She attached it to a piece of rope and placed it around Jugo's neck. "It will remain blue unless I am dead or dying, in which case it will turn colourless."

He looked at the necklace with the cutest smile on his face and began fiddling with it. "Thank you."

"Remember Jugo, this isn't a goodbye, but more of a see you later." Kiyomi reassured him.

He pulled her in for a hug, a tight hug. "I'll miss you.."

"I'll miss you too, ya big lug," she patted his head.

"So so much.." He whispered.

"Take care," she cooed and teleported back to the main hideout, the brunette was feeling more than a little bit hesitant, Kimimaro was one of her dearest friends and saying goodbye wouldn't be easy.





She made her way to his room and took a deep breath before knocking on his door. She wasn't going to tell him the truth, unfortunately. No matter how deep their bond was, his devotion to Orochimaru was greater.

"Come in." Kimimaro spoke.

She took a deep breath and walked in. "Kimi.."

"What brings you here, my love?" He smiled, greeting her with a hug. It hadn't been that long but he missed her, thought they weren't a couple that was all over each other, they could go days without seeing one another or however long a mission takes.

"No reason," she shook her head and hugged him back.

Kimimaro's smile widened when she didn't flinch, he always found it cute when she didn't flinch even though she hadn't flinched in awhile. "And the mission, how was it?" He asked, leading her to his bed.

She rested her head on his shoulder, "It was fine."

He chuckled, "you need more challenging missions."

Nodding silently, she murmured a "yeah."

Kimimaro frowned at her answer and though she wasn't much for ranting or talking, usually, he felt as thought something was off, "What's wrong, my kichōna (precious)?"

"I— I just want to be here with you more." Kiyomi admitted truthfully.

So cute.. "You should just come, anytime, nothing's stopping you," he wrapped his arms around her. "I'd love to see you more, I'd never get tired of seeing you."

"How are you, kitsune? I'm worried about you," she asked, changing the subject.

He shook his head, "don't be worried."

Kiyomi saw he was about to cough, so she quickly grabbed some tissues and he coughed into it. When she went to throw it in the bin, it had bloodstains. Frowning, she nuzzled into his neck.

"Yomi.. I'll be fine. I'm sure Orochimaru-Sama will cure me," he said confidently.

"High doubtful, Kiyomi.."

"He's right, kid.."

"I'm going to go train with Haru, he has to build up his endurance," she lied and stood up.

He stared at her with sad eyes, "I'll see you soon?"

She kissed his forehead, "take your medicine."

Kimimaro nodded, "I will. I love you, Kiyomi."

"I love you too," she shot him one last smile. As soon as she exited his room, she felt her tears threatening to spill. She loved him so much.

"Kiyomi?" Rinji called out, spotting the brunette in the middle of the hallway. For a second there it looked like she was crying but, he dismissed the thought because no one had ever seen her cry.

Quickly wiping her tears, she turned to the male. "Rinji. What do you want?"

"Where are you headed?" He asked with a smirk.

She rose an eyebrow, "that concerns you how?"

He pouted and wrapped his arm around her waist, "C'mon doll."

Kiyomi pried his arm off her waist, "I tolerate you at best."

"Aw, you love me, Ki," he grinned.

"Say what you will, Ji," she sighed.

Rinji stayed beside her, "wanna spar?"

"Oh please, I'll beat you in a heartbeat." Kiyomi scoffed.

"Yeah right," he grumbled.

Kiyomi pinned him to the wall. "What were you saying?" A smirk graced her lips before she dropped him, "you're lucky you're cute."

Rinji smirked and stood up, "I'm cute?"

"Don't even," the brunette groaned.

He grabbed her wrist, "Kiyomi. I just wanna spend time with you."

"I'm training with Haru, I don't want to be interrupted, okay," she pushed him back and ran to the scroll room. It was ginormous.

Rinji sighed as he watched her figure slowly disappear, "Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen..?"

Kiyomi duplicated all the scrolls, one for herself, one for backup and the original would be kept in the hideout. When she walked out, she encountered Menma, someone she tolerated, he was nice.

"Kiyomi," the blond smiled.

"You're not usually here, what's up?" She asked.

Menma held up a scroll, "just a messenger."

She ruffled his hair, "was nice seeing you."

"You too Kiyomi," he hugged her, causing her to flinch but he took no note of it.

She walked back to her room and wrote a note, so the suspicion from Orochimaru would be delayed. She placed the note on her bed and headed outside where Haru was waiting. "Ready?"

He turned to her and nodded, "I'm ready. Let's go!"

"By the way, why are you so scared of Orochimaru?" She asked, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

Haru looked down, tightening his grip on his bag, "I'm just not strong.. Not like you." He looked up to her so much when she was with him, he already felt better than he ever did alone.

Kiyomi scoffed, "If he touches you, I'll kill him. He knows that. You're one of my weaknesses.."

He grinned, "I'm one of your weaknesses?"

"Mention it again and I'll cut your tongue," she threatened.

Blinking, he covered his mouth. "Mhm.."

"Damn right." She growled, looking ahead.

"Where are we going, Ki-Chan?" Haru asked.

A small, hopeful smile appeared on her face. "Konoha."











━━ 𝑬𝑿𝑻𝑹𝑨 !

Pein leaned back on his chair as he looked up at them. "I want you to keep an eye on someone."

"Who, hn?" Deidara asked, moving his bangs out of his face. He was curious as to who it was, who was that important to have all of of the Akatsuki keep tabs on them.

Hidan rose an eyebrow. "Yeah, who the fuck is it?"

"Kiyomi Ōzoku," the orange haired male revealed.

"Oh my, sweet little Kiyomi." Kisame grinned, flashing his sharp teeth. I miss her, little brat.

"She's in the bingo book, such a young age too." Kakuzu commented, shaking his head. "A dangerous feat."

Hidan smirked, "you know, she's called the murderous angel now? Are you serious Leader? She doesn't need us looking after her." He wouldn't mind seeing her again.

Pein glared at them, "does it look like I'm kidding?" A more sullen and serious expression appeared on their faces when he glared at them.  "Good, I want you to take turns. As partners," he ordered. "Dismissed."

Kisame nudged his parter, "you haven't said anything Itachi. At least you get to see Kiyomi again."

A sigh escaped from his lips, "I suppose."

Deidara grinned, "yo, danna. I'm actually excited to see her again." She was one of the few people who appreciated his art.

"Me too, brat." Sasori murmured, agreeing with his partner for once.

Hidan clapped Kakuzu's back, "I see that look on your face, you old fucker, you're excited too."

He scoffed and brushed his hand off, "shut up Hidan."

Once the rowdy bunch had left, he turned to Konan and Zetsu. "I trust you both know what to do?" They nodded and disappeared. Once he was sure he was alone, he opened a drawer and took out a photo album.

The photo album had two hundred pages, but only twelve were filled. They all had something in common, each photo included the young brunette, smiling. She had a photo with each of them. Hidan, Kakuzu, Itachi, Kisame, Deidara, Sasori, Konan, Zetsu, Orochimaru, Pein, including a group photo and one by herself,  before she left.







yes kimimaro n her are an item.
i was unsure bc yk how he ends
up right? but they rlly like each
other >< rinji gets hot tbh, like
have you seen shippuden? hhh
menma isn't the one from the
movie, look him up.

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