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the group ran and they ran fast. arabella was struggling to run because of her injury, she was behind everyone else, clarke noticed and helped arabella by throwing her arm around her shoulder almost dragging her.

"clarke it hurts." arabella muttered.

"i know it's okay. i'll be able to help when we're back at camp." she promised.

they carried on running but monty tripped over a tree root falling straight to the ground.

"monty get up."

"we gotta go."

arabella let go of clarke, going to help monty up, her jaw dropped when she saw human bones moss slightly covering them.

"who are they?" finn asked.

clarke picked up a skull, but it didn't look human. "what are they."

"we are so screwed." octavia muttered.

a loud scream was heard from the direction they had run away from. arabella's mind immediately went to jasper, she took off back to where jasper was, arabella didn't even think about her leg she just ran and she didn't think she could run that fast.

arabella ignored the shouts telling her to come back, she stopped where the trees ended, he wasn't there, jasper wasn't there.

"where the hell is he?!" arabella shouted when she heard the others behind her.

"b, shush it's okay. we'll find him." octavia hugged her friend.


finally, the group decided to walk back to camp, arabella was behind because of her leg, she had pushed it when she had run back to find jasper.

they arrived back at camp wells and murphy were having a literal knife fight.

"wells." Clarke shouted slightly to get his attention. finn, arabella, and clarke walked over to the two.

"murphy stop it!" arabella shouted.

wells pushed murphy to the ground, this angered the boy even more so he lunged at wells only to be held back by arabella.

"i said stop." arabella warned the boy, gently shoving him away.

arabella was tired she felt like she was going to collapse any second, she saw octavia and monty walking down the small hill she limped over to her friends helping octavia.

"octavia." bellamy ran over to his younger sister. "are you alright?"

octavia muttered out a small 'yeah'.

"where's the food?" bellamy asked.

"we didn't make it to mount weather." finn answered.

"what the hell happened out there?" bellamy raised his voice, glancing at arabella who was squinting in pain.

"we were attacked." clarke told him

"attacked?" wells asked Clarke. "by what?"

"not what. who." finn answered for clarke. "turns out, when the last man from the ground died on the ark, he wasn't the last grounder."

"tt's true. everything we thought we knew about the ground, we were wrong. there are people here, survivors." clarke confirmed. "the good news is that means we can survive, radiation won't kill us."

"yeah but the bad news is the grounders will." finn muttered so only the people close to him could hear.

sells looked around at the people who had just arrived back. "where's the kid with the goggles?" he asked.

"jasper was hit. they took him." arabella told him tiredly.

clarke was stood closest to wells and she had noticed his wristband was gone. "where's your wristband?"

wells shot a nasty glare to Bellamy. "ask him."

this angered clarke, arabella didn't think she had seen the blond girl this angry. "how many?" clarke asked.

"twenty four and counting." murphy answered for him. arabella turned to her best friend.

arabella shook her head, trying to hide her smile.

"life support on the ark is failing, that's why they brought us down here they need to know the ground is survivable again and we need their help against whoever is out there. if you take off your wristbands you're not just killing them, you're killing us." clarke announced to the 100.

"we're stronger than you think." bellamy told clarke. "don't listen to her she's one of the privileged. if they come down, she'll have it good. how many of you could say the same?" he shouted. "we can take care of ourselves, that wristband on your arm, makes you a prisoner. we are not prisoners anymore! they say they'll forgive your crimes i say your not criminals! you're fighters, survivors. the grounders should worry about us!"

Everyone cheered, shouting 'yeah'.

"idiots." arabella spoke to herself


arabella was cleaning her wound, wincing from time to time, bellamy spoke up gaining her attention. "what the hell was it?" he asked.

arabella glanced up at the man and shrugged.

"i don't know, the others said it looked like a giant snake." octavia answered.

"you could've been killed, both of you." bellamy told the two girls.

clarke walked over to the trio. "she would've been if arabella hadn't risked her life to save her." she told him.

bellamy looked at Arabella with wide eyes. "told you i'd protect her with my life." she smiled, pulling octavia into a quick side hug. arabella continued cleaning her wound, bellamy stared at the girl in awe, he noticed how when she concentrated she would pull in her bottom lip and her eyebrows would slightly crease.

arabella lifted her head. "if you guys are leaving to save jasper i'm coming too." she told them, standing up brushing the dirt off her jeans.

"me too." octavia added.

"no, no way," he told his sister sitting her back down. "neither are you, sit your asses down."

"i'm sorry? you don't give me orders" arabella sassed crossing her arms over her chest.

"he's right you'll slow us down." clarke told the two girls. "i'm here for you." she told bellamy, arabella ignored clarke and she walked next to her and wells, she was going and she wasn't going to take orders from bellamy or clarke.

"clarke what are you doing?" wells asked the blond girl.

clarke ignored wells. "i hear you have a gun." she confidently claims.

bellamy slightly lifted the side of his shirt to reveal the butt of a gun sticking out from the waistline of his pants.

"you could have just simply said 'yes'." arabella scoffed rolling her eyes.

"good. follow me." clarke ordered, she began walking away then ellamy spoke up.

"and why would I do that?" bellamy sassed, clarke turned to face him with an aggravated look on her face.

"because you want them to follow you," clarke motioned to some delinquents near the dropship. "and right now, they're thinking only of us is scared." she told him raising her eyebrows slightly, the blond girl took off.

"murphy." bellamy gained the boy's attention. "come with me. atom? my sister or arabella doesn't leave this camp. is that clear?" he told the boy.

"i don't need a babysitter." octavia rolled her eyes.

"sorry bellamy there is no way I'm staying here, my leg is fine and i am not your sister." arabella walked upright in his face, despite being a lot smaller than him she wasn't intimidated by him. "is that clear?" she mocked him, before walking out of the camp with a limp, following clarke and wells.


murphy and bellamy had caught up to arabella quite easily, only because of her very injured leg.

"since when are we in the rescuing business, huh?" murphy asked bellamy.

"the ark thinks the prince is dead. once they think the princess is, too, they'll never come down." bellamy informed clarke must've heard their conversation because she turned around to glare at the three.

"wow, how long did it take for you to think of that?" arabella teased. "because that totally wasn't already obvious."

bellamy ignored the girl. "m'm getting that wristband. even if I have to cut off her hand to do it." he finished before walked ahead of murphy and arabella.

"well, that's a bit barbaric." arabella sent a look to him. "asshole."

"bella?" murphy put his arm around the small girl.

arabella hummed, running her hand through some plants.

"happy birthday." he smiled at her, placing a kiss on the top of his best friends head.

"thank you, murphy." she gave him a genuine smile. "i can't believe i was going to get floated today, and it was gonna be my dad doing it." she spoke quietly, her voice slightly breaking. she wasn't going to mention the nightmare she had the previous night, she just wanted to forget it.

"i'm just glad you didn't, i don't know what i would do without your annoying ass." he laughed pulling her into a side hug as they walked.

"asshole." she muttered.

"bitch." he muttered back.

"dick." she sarcastically smiled, throwing up her middle finger at the boy as she attempted to quickly walk away from him.


"hey, hold up." bellamy hollered, trying to slow down clarke and wells. "what's the rush?" he aimlessly waved his gun in the air like a crazy person. "you don't survive a spear through the heart."

"put the gun away, bellamy." wells scolded.

"well, why don't you do something about it, huh?" murphy chimed in shoving Wells with his hand.

"wow john murphy, being someone's little bitch, i never thought i'd see that day." arabella laughed, murphy turned around sending her a glare. "come on, no violence today please." she sweetly smiled at the boy pulling him away from wells.

"jasper screamed when they moved him. if the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly. it doesn't mean we have time to waste." clarke informed bellamy, the two were less than a meter apart from each other.

before clarke could move bellamy harshly grabbed her wrist. "as soon as you take this wristband off, we can go." he sarcastically smiled.

arabella walked to clarke's side. "bellamy, let her go."

bellamy glared at the girl, slightly pursing his lips then harshly dropping clarke's wrist.

"the only way the ark is gonna think i'm dead is if i'm dead. got it?" clarke snapped, making bellamy smirk.

"brave princess."

"hey." finn appeared from the bushes. "why don't you find your own nickname?" he sassed. "you call this a rescue party?"

the group began to walk again, arabella staying with bellamy, murphy who was way in front and wells slightly in front, and clarke and finn walking with each other.

"guess we got more in common than meets the eye, huh?" bellamy spoke up when he noticed wells staring at finn and clarke.

"we have nothing in common." wells bluntly replied back to the man.

"no?" Bellamy questioned. "we both came down here to protect someone we love." when bellamy didn't get a reply. "your secret's safe with me. 'course, for you it's worse. with finn around, clarke doesn't even see you. it's like you're not even here."

Arabella was listening in on their conversation, she turned to bellamy. "leave him alone, bellamy. can you not been an asshole for once?" bellamy didn't reply, making arabella hum.

wells softly smiled at the girl and walked away, leaving just bellamy and arabella on their own.

the two walked next to each other in silence, it wasn't awkward it was comfortable.

"happy birthday, gorgeous." bellamy spoke, slightly nudging the girl in the shoulder.

a small blush rose on her cheeks hearing the nickname. "thanks, bell." she sheepishly smiled.

"arabella kane? are you blushing?" he dramatically gasped

"piss off, bellamy" she scoffed, struggling to hold in her laugh.

"i heard about the shit you did on the ark, it's nice to put a face to a name." he glanced down at her. "you know? i don't get why people are scared of you, i mean look at you." he gestured to her small body. "you're too small to be mean and violent."

the two stopped walking and faced each other. "well i am mean and violent. you'd be very, very surprised at what i'm capable of, bellamy. didn't you hear what i did to two guards at once?" she looked up at the man, a fierce spark in her eye.

"you think you could take me?" he asked, his voice sounding rough.

"please." she scoffed. "one of those guards was twice the size of you."

"oh yeah?" bellamy teased.

"yep." she nodded with a smile

"prove it." he dared.

arabella said nothing as she quickly grabbed his arms, pulled him closer towards her, and simply used her foot to swipe at his ankles making him fall onto his back, the wind getting knocked out of him in the process.

"never underestimate me, darling" arabella smirked at bellamy who was still on the ground.

"noted." he coughed.

arabella softly laughed at the man, moving her hand towards the boy so he would take it. he grabbed her hand and she helped pull him up, when bellamy was stood up the two were practically chest to chest, arabella's breath hitched in her throat.

bellamy was looking down at the nervous girl "do i make you nervous, gorgeous?" he whispered in her ear.

"no." she whispered, feeling shivers across her body.

"then why aren't you looking at me, hm?" he asked.

"i'd rather look at the ground, it's prettier than you." she joked, bellamy just hummed.

finally, arabella stepped away from bellamy, who's hands were on her forearms, she inhaled. "right um, we should go catch up with the others."

"right, yeah." he sighed, arabella began to walk away from him but he grabbed her hand, which made arabella's eyes widen, she wasn't used to the affection she didn't even know if she could call it that, they were only friends, right?

"i want to ask you something." he told her.

"yeah what is it?" she asked not being able to even look at him, he dropped her hand.

"are you and murphy like a thing?" bellamy asked, there was a look on his face arabella couldn't understand.

arabella just laughed. "why? you interested?" she jokingly flirted.

"well is it a yes or no?" bellamy shook his head with a smile.

"no, he's my best friend. you have nothing to worry about bell." she grinned up at the boy "anyway, we need to go like now the others are probably way ahead now." she started, and with that, she ran to catch up with the rest of the group, bellamy close behind.

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