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arabella watched bellamy as he tried to break out the hatch to get to murphy. octavia was helping arabella stand up but suddenly, there was a deafening explosion in the dropship. arabella and octavia stumbled slightly, looking at each other in shock.

bellamy finally managed to open the hatch, and the two girls watched as smoke came down into the lower level. "murphy!" bellamy yelled. jasper followed up behind bellamy.ย 

there was silence for a moment. "are you both okay?" arabella shouted

they both came down the ladder and bellamy immediately pulled arabella and octavia into a constricting hug.

arabella softly laughed. "careful, bell."

he pulled away and octavia smiled at them both and left them to talk, jasper following behind her.ย 

"i'm so sorry i couldn't protect you, sweetheart." bellamy looked at arabella.ย 

the girl reached her hand to hold bellamy's face. "i'm alive, and so are you. we are okay, bell."

"i can't lose you, bella. i need you more than you even know." bellamy smiled.

"nothing is certain in times like these, pretty boy." she sadly smiled up at him. "but, i promise you, no matter what happens i'll always be there with you."

"bella, don't." bellamy shook his head. "i couldn't imagine being here without you."

arabella pulled bellamy into a hug, ignoring the pain it caused her. "i-"

"all gunners! we got movement outside the south wall!" miller yelled over the walkie-talkie.

the two quickly pulled back and ran outside, grabbing a gun each. they ran towards the south wall their weapons raised.ย 

"wait! hold your fire!" miller shouted. "clarke and finn! open the gate! get it!"

"oh my, god." arabella smiled up at bellamy.

clarke and finn ran through the gate and arabella ran to clarke pulling her into a hug. "i'm so glad you're okay."

clarke hugged arabella back and the two pulled away. "we heard and explosion. what happened?" clarke asked.

"murphy happened." bellamy replied.

jasper came over and hugged clarke. "thank, god. where have you been? where's monty?" he asked.

they pulled back from the hug and clarke looked at the boy in confusion. "monty's gone?" clarke asked.

"clarke, we need to leave, now." finn spoke up. "all of us do. there's an army of grounders, unlike anything we've ever seen, coming for us right now."

"like hell we do. we knew this was coming." bellamy argued.ย 

"bell, we aren't prepared. after what happened with murphy, he screwed us over." arabella told him.ย 

"they aren't here yet. we still have time to get ready." he said, looking around at everyone. "besides, where would we go?" he asked. "where would we be safer than behind these walls?"

"there's an ocean to the east. people there will help us." finn explained.ย 

"you saw lincoln?" octavia asked quickly, finn nodded.

"you expect us to trust a grounder?" bellamy asked angrily, octavia sent her brother a look. "this is our home now. we built this from nothing with our bare hands! our dead are buried behind that wall in this ground! our ground!" bellamy continued to shout. "the grounders think they can't take that away. they think that because we came from the sky, we don't belong here. but they're yet to realise one very important fact: we are on the ground now, and that means we are grounders!"ย 

people in the crowd cheered, making arabella roll her eyes. "grounders with guns!" someone yelled.

"damn right! i say let 'em come!" bellamy looked at arabella and clarke.ย 

"bellamy's right. if we leave, we may never find a place as safe as this. and god knows, in this world, we could be faced with something even worse tomorrow. but that doesn't change the simple fact that if we stay here, we will die tonight. so pack your things. just take what you can carry, now." clarke spoke to everyone.ย 

everyone began to disperse to their tents to grab whatever belongings they had. arabella and bellamy just stared at each other, she couldn't tell if he was mad or not, he seemed to notice the look on her face and pulled her into a hug.ย 

"where you go, i go, sweetheart." he softly told her.ย 

"help me!" arabella heard raven shout.

she pulled away from bellamy and ran over to her. "raven!"

the others followed behind. "murphy shot her." bellamy spoke.

"get her onto the dropship." clarke ordered as finn picked her up.ย 

clarke was about to walk in but bellamy stopped her. "clarke, leaving here is a mistake." he told her.ย 

"the decision's been made." she simply told him.ย 

ย "crowds make bad decisions. just ask murphy. leaders do what they think is right."

"i am." she said, turning around and heading into the dropship.

"we can't stay, bell. we are massively outnumbered, we may have the guns, but that won't count for much." arabella softly told him, she then walked away.


arabella heard raven's screams from inside the dropship, it hurt that she couldn't be there with her but she needed to make sure things were still going smoothly outside.ย 

she watched as finn left the dropship, he looked very pissed, probably caused by bellamy.ย 

after clarke had helped raven as much as she could, they placed her on a stretcher and everyone began to leave the camp, what used to be their home.ย 

there was a group of people at the front, their guns raised, just in case. arabella stayed behind for a moment, bellamy stood next to her, reaching for her hand.ย 

she thought of the memories, everyone had made. it was where she first met, bellamy. the man she never thought she could like. she did wish they could all stay, but it wasn't safe, it never was.ย 

the two saw clarke watching them, they walked over to her as she walked closer.

"you did good here, both of you." clarke told them.ย 

"eighteen dead." he simply said.ย 

"eighty-two alive." clarke replied. "you did good."ย 

bellamy nodded slightly, grabbing a bucket of water and putting out the campfire. he threw the bucket away and began to walk with arabella and clarke.


the group hadn't made it far, they were a ten-minute walk from the camp, arabella and bellamy constantly watched their surroundings to make sure they wouldn't walk straight into the grounder army.ย 

they hadn't spoken to each other much, it was mostly bellamy asking arabella if she was okay, which of course, she lied every single time saying she was fine, but bellamy saw straight through her but let her have her space.ย 

everyone had stopped walking, making arabella glance at bellamy in worry. suddenly, people began to yell then she heard jasper.

"grounders!" he yelled.

everyone panicked and began running back to the camp, arabella, bellamy and clarke guided everyone back inside.

"i don't see anyone!" jasper yelled.ย 

everyone was screaming and shouting. raven ended up getting carried by finn and another boy.

"shut the gate!" arabella yelled once everyone was inside. "now!"

bellamy was beside arabella his gun raised overlooking the outside of the camp, octavia closed the gate and raven was taken from finn and was being carried into the dropship.ย 

arabella ran her hand over her face and looked at the remaining of the hundred. she saw drew, who had been killed, on the ground, the girl cringed at the sight.ย 

clarke stood next to arabella and bellamy also overlooking the outside of the camp.ย 

"where are they?" bellamy asked. "why aren't they attacking?"ย 

"because we're doing exactly what they wanted us to do." clarke replied.

"great." arabella mumbled.

"what are you talking about?" bellamy asked the blonde girl.

clarke turned around to see finn. "lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive.ย 

octavia stepped forward. "if it's just the scouts, we can fight our way out." she said, slightly out of breath. "that's what lincoln would do."

"we're done doing what the grounders would do." bellamy stepped down towards his sister. "we tried it and now drew is dead. you wanna be next?"

"that grounder saved our lives." finn chimed in, his voice laced with annoyance. "i agree with octavia. for all we know there's one scout out there."

"one scout with insanely good aim." jasper spoke up.

"and what if there isn't just one, finn?" arabella snapped, she was becoming more stressed by the second.ย ย 

"arabella, clarke. we can still do this." octavia spoke to the girls.ย 

"looking to you, girls. what's it gonna be?" bellamy asked.ย 

arabella and clarke glanced at each other.

"run and get picked off out in the open, or stand and fight back?" bellamy added on.

arabella clenched her jaw, looking down at all the delinquents. "i have always liked a good fight."ย 

clarke turned around to see outside of the camp and turned back, jumping down from the makeshift outlook stand.

"or not." arabella muttered.

"clarke. if we're still here when tristan gets here-" finn spoke to the girl.

"lincoln said 'scouts'. more than one. he said, 'get home before the scouts arrive'." clarke told him. "finn, they're already here." she then turned to bellamy. "looks like you've got your fight."

bellamy looked over at arabella, who sent him a nod. "okay, then. this is what we've been preparing for!" bellamy yelled. "kill them before they kill us! gunners, to your posts."

people began to quickly move to their positions. "use the tunnels to get in and out! from now on the gate stays closed."

arabella held her gun in her hands, feeling lost. she wanted to have faith in the group she had taken part in leading, but there was an awful feeling in the back of her head that the war wouldn't be over, even if they won.ย 

she followed after bellamy, who had just stopped octavia. "whoa, whoa, whoa. you're not a gunner."ย 

octavia cocked her head slightly. "no, i'm not. like you said... i'm a grounder." she told him, her sword in her hand.

arabella held back her smile. "i know you don't like it, but i'm so proud of her, and i hope you are too."ย 

"i am and you're right i don't." bellamy said as he watched his sister walk away, he turned to arabella. "don't die."

"oh, please. have you met me?" arabella joked.

"i mean it, bella." he pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head. "kick some grounder ass, carefully."

"i will." she hugged him tightly. "you better not die either."

"i won't." he replied, the two pulled away and smiled at each other, arabella stood up on the balls of her feet and kissed bellamy softly.ย ย 

clarke walked up to the two. "so how do we do this?"


arabella, bellamy, clarke, finn, and raven stood around a smaller toy version of their camp, which arabella had way too much fun making.

"we've got twenty-five rifles with twenty rounds each, give or take." bellamy spoke. "roughly five hundred rounds of ammo. while you two were gone." he looked to clarke and finn. "we made some improvements. thanks to raven, the gully is mined."

"partially mined. thanks to murphy." raven added, her voice weak and croaky.

"still, it's the main route in. if the grounders use it, we'll know." bellamy told them, grabbing a grenade from a small box. "she also built grenades."

clarke shook her head slightly. "it's not many."

"again, thank you, murphy." arabella said in annoyance.

bellamy put the grenade back into the box. "we'll make them count. if the grounders make it through the front gate, guns and grenades should force them back."

clarke looked at bellamy, waiting for him to continue. "and then?"

bellamy tilted his head ever so slightly.ย 

"then we close the door and pray." raven answered.

"and pray what?" clarke turned to arabella. "that the ship keeps them out? because it won't."ย 

"then let's not let them get through the gate." arabella spoke as clarke continued to look at her, arabella then glanced at bellamy.ย 

he pulled out his walkie-talkie. "all foxholes, listen up. keep your eyes and ears open. inflict casualties, as many as possible. you can hold them off long enough to make them turn back. that's the plan." he spoke into the device, and arabella sent him a smirk.

"that's always your plan, just like the bomb at the bridge." finn spoke up.ย 

arabella rolled her eyes. "finn, jump off your stupid moral high horse and use your head. we aren't making it out of this alive if we don't fight back. the plan had been set. end of fucking story." she snapped at the boy, her annoyance taking over. "so please, if you have any better ideas, feel free."ย 

"it can't be that simple." clarke whispered, softly shaking her head.

arabella, bellamy and finn looked at the blonde girl as she turned to raven. "you said there's fuel in those rockets, right?" she asked. "enough to build a hundred bombs."

"i also said we've got no gunpowder left." raven replied.ย 

"i don't wanna build a bomb. i wanna blast off." clarke told her.

arabella looked over at bellamy, who was already looking at her.ย 

"draw them in close. fire the rockets." raven spoke out clarke's idea. "a ring of fire."ย 

"barbecued grounders. i like it." bellamy nodded.ย 

"will it work?" finn asked raven, being skeptical as always.ย 

raven was silent for a moment. "the wiring's a mess down there, but yeah. you give me enough time, i'll cook them real good."ย 

arabella smirked to herself.ย 


it was dark out now and there hadn't been anything from the grounders. until everyone heard the sound of a drum.ย 

"they're here." arabella turned to bellamy.ย 

bellamy ran to one of the foxholes where miller was, his gun aimed into the forest. arabella stayed with the rest of the delinquents.

"i see them, they're moving! i count two, three, no wait, there's more!" sterling shouted from the walkie-talkie. "i don't know, man. there's too many of them."

arabella ran over to bellamy. "we sticking with the original plan until raven's done?" she asked.ย 

there was the sound of gunfire.

"who was that?" bellamy asked.

"sterling, i think." miller replied. "south foxhole."

"south foxhole, report now." bellamy spoke into the walkie.ย 

more shots went off, arabella pursed her lips, debating whether to run over there to see what was happening.ย 

"yeah, yeah. we're okay." sterling finally answered, making arabella let out a breath of relief. "they didn't attack. it's like... it's like shooting at ghosts."

arabella got herself into position, her gun aiming out into the forest.

"there!" monroe shouted, arabella saw a shadow run in the distance. "i see them!"

monroe and miller were letting off shots to the shawdow, but not hitting any of them.

"stop! stop. hold your fire!" bellamy yelled.ย 

the two continued shooting.

"stop fucking shooting." arabella screamed.ย 

the two stopped. "reload. now" bellamy ordered.

"those were our last clips." miller replied.ย 

arabella and bellamy sent him a look of annoyance.ย 

"we should- we should fall back." monroe stuttered, her voice turning into panic.

"no, we can't." arabella told her.ย 

"if this position falls, they'll walk right to the front door." bellamy added on.


a few minutes later arabella heard an explosion.ย 

"raven, our mines actually worked!" jasper spoke through the walkie.

a moment later clarke spoke up through the walkie-talkie. "jasper, we need you in the dropship right now."

"negative. we can't give up the west woods." bellamy butted in.ย 

"the west woods are mined, bellamy. the grounders just figured that out." clarke replied. "jasper, get in here."ย ย 

there was a moment of silence again before more mines went off. "all gunners, listen up." jasper spoke. "the grounders are not attacking. they're making us waste our bullets. don't shoot when they're running laterally."

"jasper's right. don't fire until you're sure it's an attack" bellamy shouted. "repeat, do not fire until you are sure."ย 

about ten minutes had passed a few grounders were still running but nobody made a shot. arabella's head whipped towards bellamy after she heard a gunshot and then a yell.ย 

"they're everywhere! fall back! fall back!" someone shouted on the walkie-talkie.ย 

arabella looked into the forest to see grounders running towards the camp, her panic had finally settled in and she wasn't sure she'd be able to fight how she said she would.ย 

"here they come!" miller yelled.

arabella snapped out of it and began firing shots at the grounders, thankfully, she was a good shot and wasn't wasting as many bullets as she thought she would.ย 

suddently, monroe made a run for it back to the main area of the camp.ย 

"monroe, get back here! the grounders!" miller shouted to the girl.

more and more grounders were coming towards them. arabella and bellamy had stood up, still firing shots at the grounders.ย 

"don't fucking die, bellamy blake." arabella shouted to him. "i mean it."ย 

the man looked at her for a quick moment, she knew what he was going to say but she couldn't bear the thought of losing him, it'd ruin her.

grounders charged at the two, one of them took miller to the floor and another grabbed bellamy, shoving him to the ground and chocking him. arabella's instincts kicked in and she grabbed the knife at her side and shoved the blade into the grounder's head, yanking it out harshly.ย 

she held out her hand for him. bellamy stood up not wanting to let go of arabella's somehow soft and warm hands.ย 

"i love you both, but we don't really have time for this cute stuff." the two heard octavia's voice from beside them. arabella and bellamy glanced at her sword. "admit it. you both want one." she spoke.

suddenly, an arrow flew into octavia's leg, bellamy caught her and shouted to miller. "miller, fall back, now!" bellamy held onto his sister. "can you walk?" he asked as the girl stumbled. "o. hey. hold on to me."ย 

arabella heard running behind her and quickly spun around, only just managing to slam her knife into a grounder's skull, she pulled out her knife and let the grounder fall to the ground. "get her behind the wall!" arabella shouted to bellamy.ย 

he picked his sister up waiting for arabella to follow. "bella, come on."

"bellamy, go! i'll try hold them off. make sure she's okay." the girl snapped.ย 

bellamy hesitated but saw the look on arabella's face and listened to her. he took octavia away and arabella continued to fight off grounders, thankfully they were coming one by one so she had a slight chance of making it out alive.ย 

a larger grounder ran towards her, she swung her knife at him but he knocked her down. she let out a groan from hitting her head, and the grounder got on top of her and wrapped his hands around her neck. arabella struggled for breath and tried reaching out for a rock to hit the grounder with.

she finally got the large rock and hit the grounder across the head with it, knocking him off of her. she quickly searched for her knife while the grounder was down and put the blade straight through his eye socket, killing him instantly.ย 

the girl limped away into the camp, everyone was in a panic. she couldn't see anyone she was close to and that made her panic.ย 

the grounders were running for the gate, arabella shot as many grounders as she could.ย 

"there are too many! everybody in the dropship now!" miller shouted to everyone.ย 

"no! we need more time." clarke yelled from just outside the dropship.ย 

arabella looked at the girl. "gunners, stay at your posts!" she ordered. "the rest of you get inside!"ย 

people began to go inside the dropship whilst the gunners stayed to try and hold off the grounders. arabella stood with miller, shooting at the grounders.

a loud explosion distracted the girl, it was coming from the sky. from space.ย 

"is that coming from the ark?" miller asked arabella.

arabella looked up in amazement. "miller, that is the ark."ย 

there was a series of explosions, the sky was lit up. she could watch the scene forever but the grounders were already attacking again. but the grounders were distracted again by shouts.ย 

"what the hell?" arabella looked over at clarke then ran towards her. "i think something else is distracting them."

the two girls saw a light come from one of the foxholes and finn appeared.ย 

"oh, my god." clarke whispered, running over to the boy and hugging him tightly.ย 

arabella watched their interaction from afar, her head thinking to bellamy. she moved around in circles to see if he was back in the camp with ocatvia or not. he wasn't.

she ran back over to miller. "have you seen bellamy and octavia?" she asked in a panic.ย 

miller shook his head, then there were loud bangs at the gate.

ย "go warn clarke. they're trying to break down the gate." arabella quickly told him.ย 

miller runs inside the dropship as arabella shoots down more grounders, but then the gate gets pulled down. "oh, shit." arabella muttered.

"use the grenades!" arabella yelled to the group that was closest to them. the grenades were thrown just as grounders began to run into the camp.

"all right, jasper get everybody, get inside now!" clarke appeared from the dropship.ย 

arrows and bullets flew past arabella, she looked around again for any sign of bellamy and octavia, but again there was nothing. he and octavia could be dead and it was the only thing that stuck in arabella's head, and it would've been the grounders that killed them.

something inside her snapped. she looked around to see a spear on the ground, she picked it up and threw it at one of the grounders hitting him in the chest. she raised her gun and shot at the grounders, one of them ran over to her trying to hit her with his sword, she managed to dodge the swings and swiftly pulled out her knife, stabbing the man in the neck and kicking him to the ground, watching as he bled out.ย 

she fought off the grounders and was quickly becoming exhausted, her swings were becoming less powerful and all she could hear was the voice in her head telling her to kill all the grounders she could. but then she heard clarke yell bellamy's name, arabella spun around seeing one of the grounders charging towards him.ย 

the girl saw as the grounder punched bellamy in the face, then in his stomach. arabella's anger was rising as she stalked over to the grounder attacking bellamy, a gunshot was fired at the grounder and then arabella felt herself being dragged away from bellamy.

"i've got him! go to clarke!" finn shouted to the girl, but everything was fuzzy, arabella's eyes couldn't break away from bellamy.ย 

she continued to feel her feet moving beneath her. "arabella? arabella!" clarke repeated. "we need to get inside the dropship."

"i'm not leaving, bellamy!" arabella yelled at the girl.

"do you think i wanna leave finn? please, arabella!"ย 

her eyes were still stuck on bellamy as miller dragged her into the dropship, she wasn't sure if she was resisting him or not, or if she was letting him pull her away from bellamy.ย 

but as soon as she was inside the dropship and watched clarke close the door, tears formed in her eyes. then, anya ran inside, everyone raised their weapons to the woman.ย 

once the door was fully shut clarke yelled. "jasper, now!"ย 

jasper pressed the button to set off the rockets but nothing happened.ย 

"anya, you can't win." clarke told the woman.ย 

there were shouts from outside the dropship and anya was about to charge forward with her swords before miller knocked her out with his gun and sent her tumbling to the floor.

people pushed past arabella and began to kick anya. "kill her." someone yelled.ย 

"stop! she's already down." clarke shouted out.ย ย 

arabella ignored the situation and tuned everyone out, she felt jaspers hand on her shoulder but shrugged him off. bellamy was for sure dead. he was gone. they were supposed to be together, she was supposed to tell him she loved him when the time was right.

they were supposed to try and live a life on the ground. arabella wished she told him she loved him, even if it was too soon, she did love him. he was good to her and she couldn't imagine how to go on without him.

arabella snapped out of the trance she was in when she felt the dropship shake. if the grounders didn't manage to kill bellamy and finn, those rockets sure did.ย 


a long while had passed before clarke decided to open the door to the dropship again. arabella and clarke stood and looked at the scene in front of them. ashes... everywhere. the ground was almost black and there were bones everywhere.ย 

arabella stepped outside first, the smell of smoke filling her nostrils, making her cringe. she walked to the place where she last saw bellamy but there were just two skeletons. one was bellamy, the other was finn.ย 

she felt a hand hold hers, it was clarke. the two girls stared at the skeletons of the men they used to know, the men they loved and cared about more than anyone.ย 

suddenly, canisters were thrown over the walls of the camp, releasing a red smoke, clarke and arabella stepped back, still hand in hand.

"mountain men." arabella heard anya say.

everyone began to cough and fall to the ground, arabella held tightly onto clarke as they both crumbled to the ground. their eyes were barely open as they saw people enter the camp with guns raised, laser sights aimed at arabella and clarke's heads, that was the last thing they saw before everything went dark.

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