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arabella had changed into some cargo-type jeans, a tank top that hugged her figure, and then the black boots she had previously seen. after she and clarke had both changed they headed to find dante.

they walked through a large metal door, close to each other's side, just in case.

dante greeted them with a smile. "sorry about the noise." he spoke loudly over the whirring machines in the room. "hydroelectric power from the philpott dam. fresh water from our own underground reservoir." he explained to the girls. "fresh food from our hydroponic farm."

"i don't understand. you're on the ground." clarke began, looking around with confusion. "you know it's survivable. why would you stay here?" she asked.

"it's not survivable for us." dante simply replied.

"but the grounders seem to have managed." arabella spoke up, looking past clarke and at the man.

"natural selection works. the grounders who couldn't survive in the radiation didn't. those who could passed on their dna. for better or for worse here, we never went through that process." dante explained, looking at arabella and clarke as he spoke.

"well, neither did we." clarke interjected. "we've been on the ground now for..." she trailed off for a moment. "solar radiation."

"very good. your dna ran the same gauntlet as the grounders. only because radiation levels in space are even higher, your ability to metabolize that radiation is even stronger." dante added on, the three of them slowly came to a stop and clarke and arabella both looked at the man. "truth be told, our scientists were blown away by the efficiency of your systems. if not for that, your friends would still be upstairs in quarantine."

the elevator door opened behind dante and he moved to the side allowing the girls to step inside first. arabella and clarke looked at each other with a hint of hesitation, but clarke took the girl's hand and they walked into the elevator. as they were inside the doors were about to shut before dante held the door open.

"first, both of you, give me the heels." dante told them, his voice not as kind as it was before.

clarke looked at him for a moment before pulling the heel out from her sleeve and passing it to dante.

arabella pursed her lips, a hint of annoyance on her face as she pulled out the heel from her pants, holding it out to the man not wanting to make eye contact.

"you girls aren't fighting for your lives anymore. you've both made it. welcome to mount weather." dante spoke softly to them, his voice now kind and caring again. he stepped back and let the elevator doors close.


the elevator took them to level five, and the two girls walked ahead as soon as the doors opened, still hand in hand. they looked at the guards who simply nodded at them.

arabella and clarke slowly walked towards the beautiful hall room in front of them, there was the rest of the hundred with their backs to the girls a woman was speaking to them about the packs they had been given.

monty was the first to see the two girls, his face lit up and arabella ran to him pulling him into a tight hug.

"monty." arabella laughed softly, and clarke joined in on the hug.

the group came over to the girls, jasper ran over to the girls pulling them both into a tight hug. "hey." he spoke.

"hi, you." arabella laughed again, pulling away and looking at him. "bellamy?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"and finn?" clarke added on.

the group went silent. monty and jasper stood in front of the girls, a sad look on their faces. "arabella, clarke, they..."

the two girls looked at the boys, waiting for an answer.

"they didn't make it." jasper spoke, his voice barely even a whisper.

arabella's smile fell and she felt her heart shatter again. she hoped deep down they both managed to escape, but hearing that they didn't make it really was like a punch to the face. arabella tightened her fists at her side, trying to conceal the shaking.

"we don't know that." clarke spoke, but to arabella her voice was just a muffled sound, as if arabella was underwater. "what about raven?"

arabella saw monty's head hand low and that was just another punch to the face.

"welcome, arabella and clarke." the woman came over to the girls.

arabella looked at the woman, but she just walked away to sit herself down. her legs shook underneath the table and her hands wouldn't stop shaking. silent tears ran down her face, part of her knew they were dead but hearing it... hearing the words 'they didn't make it.' broke her, it was the only thing she could hear in her head.

the girl dropped her head into her hands, pulling at her hair. every moment she shared with bellamy replayed through her head, his touch, his voice and his comfort. she wasn't sure she'd be able to pass on this feeling. bellamy was dead, as were finn and raven. her father was dead and she was betrayed by someone she called her best friend.


clarke and arabella arrived at the food hall, looking around for monty and jasper. arabella hadn't spoken much, she'd give one-word answers or just nod and shake her head. clarke saw how much her friend was hurting and arabella wished she could be like clarke.

the girls walked over to monty and jasper, slightly startling the two boys. "oh, hey, girls." jasper grinned.

"sit down and pretend you're happy to see us." clarke pulled out a chair, arabella following behind sitting herself next to monty.

"we are happy to see you." monty spoke his mouth full of some sort of cake. he held the plate out to the girls. "you have to try the chocolate cake."

"oh, it is so on." jasper whispered, his voice playfully threatening.

"we're not eating their food." clarke spoke for herself and arabella. monty placed the plate back in front of him. "look." clarke whispered, moving the binder of information on mount weather towards jasper, she pointed to the map. "they gave us a map with no exits. i need you to tell us everything you've seen. every room, every hallway, every way out."

arabella saw jasper and monty exchange a look. "way out?" jasper asked. "look around you, clarke. there's no one hunting us here." he shrugged, glancing at arabella for a moment. "first time in our lives we're not hungry. why- why would we want to leave?"

"because we have friends out there who need our help." clarke answered him.

"they're looking for survivors, and they're way better equipped to find them than we are." monty spoke up, agreeing with jasper.

"this place is too good to be true." clarke shook her head.

"you're bumming me out. i'm- i'm gonna get more cake." jasper spoke as he plastered on a fake smile.

a couple of minutes had passed, and clarke nodded her head in the direction jasper went, arabella nodded to clarke as they both got up to find him.

the two girls saw jasper and maya, jasper looked at the two girls and then at maya.

"hey, it's maya, right?" clarke asked the girl.

maya nodded, clearly feeling awkward about the interaction.

"i just wanted to say sorry for this morning." clarke apologised. arabella stayed silent, since technically she didn't do anything, except maybe a few threats but it's not like she followed through with them. arabella saw maya and jasper exchange a glance. "i was scared and worried about my friends. i hope you can understand that."

maya just let out a quiet awkward laugh. clarke grabbed her folder and walked away, but not before showing arabella the keycard she had grabbed.

"clarke griffin, you are incredible." arabella whispered, throwing her arm around the blonde's shoulders.


arabella and clarke quickly walked around mount weather, looking for an exit. suddenly, the alarms began blaring.

"alert. code five." the woman on the pa spoke.

"not prisoners, huh?" arabella scoffed, grabbing clarke's hand and taking off.

the two girls came to a stop when they saw guards running towards them, once again with guns.

"hey, boys! you miss me?" arabella yelled out to them.

they saw guards coming at them from their right, so the only option was to run straight ahead. the girls continued to sprint through the large rooms and long hallways until they came across a large door that had 'restricted access' written all over it. clarke quickly scanned the key card, it beeped for a few moments until the door opened. arabella pulled the door open and the girls were faced with a large set of stairs. clarke pulled the door shut and they both looked at the stairs.

"i hate stairs." arabella wined, shaking her head.

they turned around to see even more stairs that were going up. "okay, what the hell?" arabella muttered.

clarke ripped the wiring off the door, deactivating the key card scanner. "you ready?" clarke asked arabella.

"no, but what choice do i have." arabella grumbled, following clarke up the many, many stairs.

once they made it to the top there was a larger metal door. "that's our way out." arabella told clarke.

"unauthorised access." the woman on the pa spoke again, repeating the two words again and again.

clarke and arabella tried to pull down on the level that would open the door but it would barely move. clarke then noticed a large wheel on the door and moved over to it, she spun it two times and then she moved back to the lever after hearing a click.

"arabella, clarke, no!" jasper yelled from behind them, the two girls spun around seeing jasper and maya. "if you pull that lever, these people will die. even a little radiation can kill them."

"i need to find bellamy." arabella told him.

"he's dead, arabella. you won't find him." jasper almost yelled at the girl.

"you don't know that, jasper! he could still be out there." she argued back, tears forming in her eyes.

"then you're just delusional, arabella." jasper simply replied.

maya then came back around to the girls holding a gun up to them. arabella let out a laugh, jasper panicked seeing the look on arabella's face and stood in front of maya. "wait, wait." he spoke, walking over to arabella and clarke.

clarke's hand was still holding onto the lever as jasper slowly walked towards her. "don't do this."

clarke shook her head, tears in her eyes as she spoke. "we don't believe them."

"why would they lie?" jasper asked softly. "listen to me, both of you." he looked over at arabella. "we are safe here because of both of you. we're safe."

"not all of us." clarke shook her head, her voice breaking as she spoke.

jasper was silent for a moment, his eyes also filled with tears. "i'm the one that fired the rockets. should i not have done that?"

arabella looked at him with sadness. during all of the chaos she forgot jasper was the one who fired the rockets, he probably already blames himself for bellamy and finn's deaths.

"clarke... when you pulled that level you saved lives. don't throw that away by pulling this one."

clarke let out a soft cry and slowly let go of the lever.

"clarke? but we need to find bellamy and finn." arabella frantically shook her head.

footsteps ran towards them. "there they are! hold it right there." one of the guards yelled.

"clarke?!" arabella yelled. "please!"

clarke couldn't even look at arabella, but before arabella could speak again, two guards grabbed a hold of her and began to drag her away.

arabella kicked and screamed at the guards, trying so hard to get out of their grip, but she couldn't. her chance at being free was gone, once again.


bellamy was standing next to finn as he was being tied up by the grounder in front of him. "you have to stand on your feet. he'll kill you if you don't." finn whispered to bellamy.

there were a few moments of silence while the grounder was getting ready to move off again, but two shouts came up from behind bellamy and finn. the two men looked behind them and saw monroe and sterling run towards the grounder.

the grounder pulled out his sword, ready to take the two kids down, but before he could a bullet shot through his chest and another then through his skull, making the grounder drop to the ground.

someone came out through the bushes, more men behind him. it was marcus kane.

"holy shit." bellamy muttered, glancing at finn. bellamy hadn't gone back to the camp yet since he was trying to run from the grounders, he just wanted to see arabella.

"we're here now." marcus kane said to them. "everything's going to be okay."

bellamy and finn exchanged a glance, and then marcus went to turn the grounder over, revealing the bullet wound on his head. he nodded to one of the guards who then whistled, revealing more and more people who came down from the ark.

bellamy slowly stood himself up, clutching onto his side. abby griffin ran over to the two. "don't stand up." she told bellamy.

"i'm fine. we need to get back to the dropship." bellamy spoke, his voice rough.

finn and bellamy were about to walk away before abby stopped them. "hey. where are clarke and arabella? are they okay?" she asked.

"they were when we left." finn replied. "we'll take you to them." he added as he and bellamy began walking back towards the camp.

"wait. slow down." marcus stopped them, and he turned around to look at the crowd. "sinclair. we're splitting up. one guard detail comes with me to the dropship. everyone else here goes with you to alpha station. you have the coordinates. we'll follow as soon as we can."

"yes, sir." sinclair spoke, nodding his head.

marcus pulled him back, whispering something to him bellamy didn't hear, but when he nodded and pulled back he spoke again. "you six with me. you two." he looked at bellamy and finn. "lead the way."

marcus walked next to bellamy. "how's arabella? is she okay?"

bellamy nodded. "the last time i saw her yes. she's one hell of a fighter."

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