Episode 5 - Commercial

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Branch's POV

We're now here in the studio where we will shoot my commercial. And I decided to text my Cupcake.

Hey wifey I'm here in the studio and we're now gonna shoot.

Okie hubby!

I'm your future husband eh? 💕

Yes you are! 😝💕

Btw, it's geometry time. Are you a triangle?

Whaaa? Whyyy?

Because if you're really a triangle, you are probably acute one 💕

Hahaha funny. 😑😂😂

Lol sorry! It's just that...
You're so adorable, Cupcake 😘

Owwwkaaay? 😂😂

Anatomy. Do you know that you make my cardiac muscle pump blood through my vascular system very quickly?

Hmph! Of course because... YOU'RE IN-LOVE! 😂😝💕

I love you so much.

Btw, you're gonna shoot right? I mean, you're gonna shoot now?


Okay! Goodluck acute boy! 😂💕

Okay I have to go I love you

I love you too 😘


The shoot is done and good thing I didn't made some mistakes.

After shooting, I did a pictorial for my Hair-up billboard.

My phone beeped and I immediately looked at the notification. And it was my darling who texted me.

Hi Branchie! Is your shooting done?

Yup. How are you?

I'm fine! Ooohh I'm so excited to see your commercial and your billboard pic.. 😍

Really? And..... Are you excited for me to go home today? 😏

Yieee!!! Get ready for....kisses! 😚😚

I'll see you later, my strawberry...🍓

Okay, my blueberry...🍇 I love you!

Wait, that's not a blueberry! 😂
And I love you too


Poppy's POV

Someone knocked at my door.

And I opened it.

As I open the door, my eyes quickly locked-up on the blue Troll outside my pod. And that Troll.....


"Hey, wifey." Branch greeted with a smirk and moved his eyebrows.

"Honey-bun!" I squealed and gave him a hug. "So, come in!"

He went in and we talked about some stuff.

"I wanna see it already!" I said.

"The commercial will be released in the next two days..."

"Ughh! It's taking too long!" I shouted and giggled.

Branch chuckled. Then he said, "Y'know Poppy? You make me happy that no one else can."

I blushed a bit when I heard him say those words. Then Branchie held my hands and said:

"You are the first and the last thing on my mind each and everyday.
I fell in love with you. Not for how you look, just on who you are.
You have no idea how fast my heart beats when I see you.
I don't write poems to melt your heart. I write them, so our hearts can melt together.
I don't care if you're sick, I will kiss you every chance I get.
You're my sweetheart, Poppy. And I love you with all of my heart."

I smiled and was so touched on what Branch told me. We gazed at each other's eyes and we slowly leaned until we would kiss. Our lips were just gonna touch, but someone just knocked at the door.

"Branch! Quickly hide under my bed!" I whispered.

He hid under my bed before I could open the door.

And Graham is the one who's knocking.


"Queen Poppy?"


"Uhh your majes-"

"WHAT?!?!" I yelled.

"Today's your meeting with all of the village chiefs, right?"

"Oh uhh..." I paused for a moment to fix myself. "Sorry. Umm, you don't have to wait me and you can go first."

"Yes your majesty." He said and I closed the door.

"Phew!" I sighed. "Um Branch? I'm sorry, I have to-"

"No, it's okay! You can go." He said while going out under the bed.

"Sorry honey-bun..."

"It's okay. You can go now."

"Okay. I love you!" I said and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too." He answered and smiled a little.


Branch's POV

It's been two days since Poppy and I almost kissed. But her royal servant ruined our moment.

Also, my commercial will be released today and my billboard will be posted

The producer sent me the result of my commercial and my photo.

"Hey Poppy!"


"My commercial will be released in..." I paused to check the time in my watch. "...in ten minutes."

"Really?! EEEEKK!!!" She squealed. "But, ugh... That's too long for me to wait!" She said and pouted.

10 minutes later...

"Hey Poppy! The commercial!"

"WAAAAHHH!!!" She screamed in excitement. Poppy quickly went to the TV and waited for my commercial to start.

And the commercial started...

Hair Up was played as background music and I'm now seen walking through a bar.

Hair up

Hair in the air
Put your hair
Put your hair in the air
Hair in the air
Put your hair
Put your hair in the air....

While the song was playing, I was seen walking through a bar. The ladies in the bar started to gaze at me. While the men were kinda upset because their dates went near me.

"Every guy could be confident. But who says there's no such thing as seductive as fire?" I said-my voice said, rather-while I'm walking.

The ladies in the bar started to walk beside me, opposite of my direction and smelled my scent. And they look at me behind flirtateously.

Then that scene changed when I was in a room, spraying myself with Hair-up Body Spray while smirking.

Then it was changed again and the background became black. And I was seen holding the body spray and said,

"Hair-up Body Spray. Brings out the fire in you..."

"Oh my gosh..." Poppy said and squealed.

"Do you...like it-"

"I LOVE IT!!! And oh my gosh you are so handsome there!"

I smiled because Poppy's so cute when she's squealing...

"By the way Branch, I think I have a new love..."

"Hmm, and who is it? I'll beat him up." I said and chuckled.

"My new love is the Hair-up version of you!"

I laughed and squeezed her cheek.

"You're so adorable..." I said and smiled.

She rolled her eyes and giggled.

I peeked outside the window and saw my billboard. And, my fans started to take it a picture.

"Branchie!!! Your billboard is there!" Poppy said and squealed.

Woah. I'm now officially the model of Hair-up Body Spray...

And I should show my fans that I'm using the body spray-so that Hair-up will continue to make me as their model.

Btw, about the wifey thing...


And I just can't get over with this!!!


Waaaahhhh he had a leather vest and he wore an eyeliner!!!

Btw, that Hair-up poster is copyrighted and you should ask me if you want to use it.

Thank you! 😊

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