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Hyun maybe have been insanely rich, but that didn't mean he wasn't down to earth. And he'd been going to this cafe for years, to him, it didn't make sense to change it just because he inherited his father's company. It was less busy on Saturdays and Sundays, but on weekdays, since there was a university nearby, more often than not, it was busy. He pushed through the crowded cafe and ordered what he usually ordered, paid and stood in the waiting line.

Her second year was surprisingly easy for her, she'd gotten used to her surroundings, independently studying, morning lectures and she had a best friend she could rely on. She'd found out about this little cafe ten minutes away from the university and she found herself going there often. For hot chocolate.

He stepped forwards when his name was called out, only to have coffee, no, chocolate spilt on him. Naturally he tensed up and was grateful it was only lukewarm, his golden hues glanced at the person who'd bumped into him, a white haired, aloof looking woman with a blank look on her face, he could see she was horrified from the expression in her eyes. She was just lucky it wasn't his favourite coat.

"I'm sorry," Chiharu breathed out and grabbed a bunch of tissues, trying to dry the liquid. "I didn't mean to."

Hyun opened his mouth to respond, but he noticed the girl behind her holding a guilty expression her features and he placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's not your fault, just be careful next time." His attention turned to the the girl behind her, "don't you have something to say? Letting this woman take the blame for your actions.. how pathetic."

"I— I'm sorry..."

Now that he wasn't clouded by irritation and anger, he noticed that the girl that'd been actually pushed into him was beautiful. Her features were soft and gentle. "Bye," he nodded at her before walking off, thinking that he would never see her again.





MONTHS PASSED BY AND HE COULDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT HER. Her beautifully coloured eyes, her unique hair and that look on her face. And he didn't even get her name.

His father's company was a design industry that'd invested smartly which is why they'd gained so much wealthy over a short amount of time. Wanting to give back to the people and to find new talents, he held a small contest to determine who would be the lucky enough to gain a spot. The whole process took another month because he wasn't going to let just anyone in. By the end of the month, he and his board that decided on two winners, two interns, out of one thousand entries.

"Sir Zhuang, the new interns are here."

Straightening his grey blazer, he stood up from his chair and opened the door to his office, his golden irises landing on two figures. First on the boy, meek looking, shy, hunched back and in much need of confidence. When his eyes landed on the figure beside the boy, his eyes widened, it was her, the beautiful one from the cafe, the white haired goddess. Composing himself, he spoke, "introduce yourselves."

"R— right! H— hello, I'm Kozuno Tokita, twenty five," he bowed.

"No need to bow." Hyun dismissed him, his eyes eagerly landing on her figure. She looked so sophisticated. Pants definitely suited her. "And you?"

"Hm? Oh, it's Chiharu Miyashino, sir," she looked away from wherever she was gazing and into his eyes. "It's a pleasure to be here, sir... uh, is this it?" She asked, looking around them.

"Yes. Tokita, you'll be under Aoyoro's wing. Miyashino, come with me," he turned his back to her and led her to his office, where he took a seat in his comfy Italian leather chair. "So tell me," he brought out two pieces of paper which contained their designs, "which one is yours?" One was wholesome, lighthearted, the other was more darker, intense.

Chiharu pointed to the darker, more intense one. "Is it important?"

"No, merely asking. Whaat would you say about being my assistant? While interning of course, the only difference is that you'll get paid. What'd you say?" He offered, eyeing her up and down.





ONE AND A HALF YEARS LATER AND NATURALLY, THE WHITE haired girl was no longer interning. She'd moved fast up the ladder, due to her boss' favouritism towards her and she grew close to him. He reminded her of both Red and Shin, their attitudes combined, but he had a rugged handsomeness they didn't possess on the account of his age. He looked good for someone his age.

"I can't believe we've come this far, Miyashino." Kozuno beamed happily, "We closed the deal! It was so nerve wracking! I'm glad it's over!"

"Chiharu is fine, Kozu," she said, taking a sip of her whiskey.

Hyun, who was on the other side of the room, narrowed his eyes at the dark haired boy chatting with his assistant. He was alone and he preferred to be alone. In fact, he never really came to parties, but she was here, so naturally he had to come. Girl after girl, even some guys had tried to ask him to dance, or to converse, but he'd always politely decline and sip his vodka. Once he was tipsy enough, or rather, once he'd gotten fed up with people continually asking him to dance, he walked over to her and held out his hand. "Dance with me."

Kozuno stared at his boss and covered his mouth shyly. He'd never admit it out loud, but he shipped the two. When his friend didn't answer, he pushed the white haired girl into his arms, "have fun."

If it were any other occasion, the older man would've glared at him, maybe even fired him. But, he did help him with the girl he liked. With his arm firmly around her waist, he led her to the dance floor and began swaying with the song. "Congratulations on closing the deal," he whispered.

"It wasn't just me, but thank you," she said, one arm on his waist, the other on his chest.

A few dances, and a lot more alcohol later, they were graced with the presence of a drunk Chiharu. Much more different from a regular Chiharu, blunt, a little louder, clingy and kind of horny. After drinking quite a number of shots, she needed to go to the toilet and with her physical capacity she limped to the toilet, with her boss right behind her to make sure she was safe and not dead.

"Chiharu, are you okay in there?" When he didn't receive an answer, he was ready to march into the ladies room.

She stumbled into his chest and looked into his golden irises. "Don't be so worried, old man. I'm fiinnnnee. I want more whiskey though," she moved past him, but he easily dragged her back to his chest

"No more alcohol for you. How much have you even had?" Hyun cupped her chin and forced her to look into his eyes, he could smell the alcohol from her.

"Only... thirtwenty...?" She pursued her lips and blinked a few times, before her dull teal hues peered into his very soul. "Y'know, boss, you're kind of cute," she patted his cheek, "could you let me go now?"

She thought she was cute? A light blush appeared on his cheeks as his grip around her loosened, allowing the white haired girl to slip from his grasp and make her way to the party. "Fuck!" He cursed as he ran after her, easily catching up. And just as he'd expected, she tripped but before she could fall, he'd caught her in his arms but not before they landed on the floor. "You're going home. Now."

Chiharu pouted and traced a finger along his jaw, "but.. I wanna party and drink.. I guess..." She trailed off, running her thumb over his bottom lip. "I can party with you instead."

"Chiharu." His voice became husky and lustful. "If you go towards this direction. I won't be able to stop. So, let me take you hom—"

She cut him off by crashing her lips onto his in a fervent kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck as she pressed her body to his. Not caring about the fact that she was kissing her boss in the middle of the floor, near the toilets.

Hyun allowed himself to indulge in her lips, kissing her back for a few minutes before he pulled away reluctantly, caressing her cheek. "I did warn you. But we're not doing this here. My house isn't far," he mumbled and got up, carrying her bridal style into the elevator. A restrained groan left his lips feeling her lips attack his neck with kisses, it drove him insane. He'd been holding back for too long, but unfortunately the building wasn't nearly as tall as he wanted it to be, so he couldn't exactly take her there and then. "Chiharu, restrain yourself.."

"You smell good," she mumbled into his neck, kissing and biting on a section of his skin until she left a mark. He made his way to the limo parked out front and practically threw her in before crawling in himself, pinning her under him. "God, you're so beautiful," he whispered, his lips latching to her neck, earning soft moans from the white haired girl. Those sweet moans he'd been thinking about, dreaming about. "You drive me insane."

"Hyun.." She whined, wrapping her legs around his waist. "Take me."





THE MORNING AFTER. Chiharu woke up with a splitting headache and no recollection about what'd happened the night before. Turning her head to the side, her teal hues landed on a man's bare back. She rubbed her temple and blinked a few times before lifting up the covers to look at her nude body, and then to the floor where her clothes were scattered. She'd had one night stands before, it was nothing new. Swiftly, and quietly she grabbed her clothes and slipped them on, before making her way out of the big house.

Hyun was looking forward to seeing her sleeping face, he wanted to see all her faces and the emotions she felt. Last night was heavenly, it was the best experience he'd ever had. She was the best. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he loved her. He turned around to see... an empty bed. He jolted up and his brows creased. "Chi?" He looked around for her, but he couldn't find her. That meant she'd left, but, he'd see her at work. He would. And he'd confront her.

And she was avoiding him. Or so he thought.

During lunch break, he pulled her into his office, "are you avoiding me?" A serious expression gracing his features.

Her head cocked to the side in confusion, "avoiding? Why would I be? It's just b—"

"Because of last night."

"Did I do something last night...? If so, I apologise.."

Another thing he loved about her was that she showed all her expressions through her face, he finally understood why. She didn't remember. She didn't remember the unforgettable night they'd given each other, how ironic. "You really don't remember what happened last night?"

With her usual aloof expression, she shook her head, "did I do something?"

Hyun wanted to tell her, he really did but... to say it out loud, it made him flustered. It made him blush. He couldn't. She'd have to be officially his first. He cleared his throat and opened his lapto, "just grab your things and work in here."




"Better. Now get your things."

She wasn't the type of question things, and she trusted him. He was her boss and he'd never done anything to make her distrust him. After grabbing her things, she placed it on one of the chairs. "I also have group meeting to go to, projects to plan, so... I might not even be here for most of the d—"

"I'll go with you. Just tell me your schedule." He said, glancing up at her. After that night, Hyun had stuck annoyingly close to her. Not that she noticed. But everyone else did. Wherever she was, he was there too.







but baby aint a virgin. i'll go into that
story with red, its not red ok. but its his
arc?? yeah. she a lowkey slut??? sorry??
not really tho so. and this takes place on
the last year of her uni but occasional
flashbacks. i wanna give the extended
cast face claims but also im lazy asf.

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