✿Everything's gone✿❛FINAL CHAPTER❜

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TW: d3ath, kill!ng, viol3nce
Japan finally stopped and feel to her knees. She suddenly let go of Macau and Taiwan.

Taiwan fell face first to the ground, crying. He wished he could've helped Tibet. He couldn't bare see his brother just leave them behind for their 'safety', Macau went to him and pulled him up. Taiwan screamed out his emotions as Macau did so.


Japan said looking back.


Taiwan screamed at her while still crying.

Macau stayed silent, before he tightly hugged Taiwan and cried with him. Japan got up and went to them.


Japan said.


Macau said, trying to convince Taiwan as well. Taiwan kept sobbing with his head in his hands.


Taiwan got up and said. Macau was in shock hearing his words.


Macau exclaimed and got up. Taiwan pushed him away and glared at him. Macau stuttered trying to say something but couldn't say anything out of shock.

Japan's eyes widened as she heard what Taiwan said.

He then looked back at her.


Taiwan said. Japan was shocked and took a few steps back. She didn't think Taiwan would ever say such things. She had never thought he'd ever say such things.

Macau knew what Taiwan was going to do next.


Macau said as he was cut off my Taiwan who kicked him onto the ground. Taiwan placed his foot on Macau's chest, the elder one gasped for air and reached one of his hands out to Taiwan. Taiwan only pushed his foot down harder.

Japan stared for a moment and then ran. She kept running without looking back. She was now sobbing.

Macau tried lifting Taiwan's foot but failed.

Taiwan bend down and grabbed his neck, putting him in a choke hole. Macau's face slowly went purple, due to thr lack of air.

Taiwan finally let go of him. He gasped and puffed. Taiwan grabbed his hair and dragged him towards the stream.

Macau screamed for help, but it was useless.

Taiwan put him on the edge and looked down at him one final time.


Taiwan said and pushed him into the gushing river.

Macau struggled and tried grabbing onto something but failed, he was slowly drowing as getting out of the river seemed impossible.


Japan kept running, now not knowing where she was reaching. She was getting tired and passed her physical capability long ago, but she didn't care.

She knew Taiwan was eventually going to catch up to her. She had no escape.


❛❛형제여, 그들이 일본을 찾을 수 있을 것이라고 생각합니까? ❜❜

The elder, naïve one asked.

❛❛그녀는 죽었다. 나는 이미 그것을 알고있다. ❜❜

Replied the younger, insensitive one.

Both brothers seemed like entire polar opposites, yet still so similar. One who's over flowing with kindness while the other lacks positive emotions.

❛❛아, 너무 부정적이지 마십시오! ❜❜

The elder one exclaimed. He began to scold the younger one who couldn't be less bothered.


Japan had been running for what felt like hours when she finally saw signs of a village being near by. By that time she almost collapsed. A villager saw her and came running.

❛❛아가씨 괜찮아? 오, 주여, 일본 공주님! ❜❜

She barely understood what he said as she fainted. The villager panicked and called out for others.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Japan in her condition. They knew they had to inform the Emperor about her whereabouts.

For now they'd be taking care of her, she was needing their help.


Taiwan kept searching everywhere for Japan, he entirely blamed her for the death of Tibet. He had lost his mind. He wanted to kill her. He wasn't going to let her live while knowing Tibet died.


Everything was in chaos. Her highness had killed the messager who informed her what happened to her younger brothers.

She was in tears of rage as she was yelling at the guards for not going with them. She was unleashing all the years if anger and agony She had stored. She couldn't handle any more loses, she knew her brothers weren't capable of surviving  the creatures of Machuria, no one was.

The news almost had sent her into a panick attack.

Nothing felt right. Everything was gone. Her brothers would going to end up dead, Japan's mother wasn't going to spare anyone, and Mongolia wasn't going to be very happy about his messager not returning back.

Her highness didn't know what she was going to do. She had nothing left.


By the end, Japan had to stay with the Korean Empire for a few years minimum. She never fully recovered and still felt internally lost, not knowing where she was.

She lost the ability of understanding her surroundings as she felt forever trapped in her room.

Taiwan ended up in a fight with the other monsters of Machuria, he didn't survive their attacks.

Machuria was taken over by Japanese Empire.

Her highness, China was forever stuck with the guilt and sadness of the loose of her brothers. She never stopped blaming herself for everything that happened to them and never felt she could ever move on.

The Manchurian breakout had been the sole and main source of pain for East Asia, but no one held unity to defeat those monster. The lack of unity of helping each other contain the monsters is what ended up destroying everything.

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