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Changbin crossed his arms and laid back on the chair, staring at the ceiling.
Felix was eating quietly because Changbin doesn't like when you make too much sound when you eat.

"Y-You are not going t-to eat?" Felix asked Changbin seing that he didn't even touch the food.

"Suddenly I'm no longer hungry..." Changbin sighed and got up from the table to go to the fridge and get a bottle of beer.

"Y-You should eat before drinking it..."

"I said I don't want to eat! Damn it Felix sometimes you are really annoying!" Changbin looked at Felix who had a sad and scared look on his face, from hearing the older yelling at him.

Changbin sighed deeply and slapped his forehead, than pushed his hair back.
He put the bottle back in the fridge and sat down in front of Felix, resting his face on the palm of his hand.

Felix looked at Changbin than the food...he grabbed another pair of chapstick and took a peace of meat and some vegetables.

. . .

"Say 'Ahhh' "

Changbin looked up to find in front of him a peace of meat and Felix looking at him with shiny eyes, and a purplish yellow bruise under the right one...
"Felix I-"

"You need to eat...or you are going to faint or feel uneasy..."

. . .
Changbin opened his mouth and ate what Felix was holding in the chopsticks, making him slightly smile.

Their eyes met and they stared at each other for a couple of minutes...
Felix looked down and placed on the table the chopstick...
"I'm sorry..."

Changbin stared at Felix a little.
He sighed and passed a hand through his hair. How many things he would like to say...from lovely to harsh...but he stayed quiet. He wanted to be as nice as possible but damn if it was hard...

"Dont waste your sorry on me, keep it for someone more important"

"I...I actually am sorry that...that I can't return your feelings..."

Changbin froze for a moment and looked at his hands...
He shook his head a little and than gave Felix a soft smile showing his teeth
"It's ok. Love can't be imposed right?"

"Well, I think it's better if you sleep here, outside is dark already, I don't think your mom will be angry" Changbin got up from his seat still smiling a little "You can-"

"You are not ok are you?" Felix looked up at the older whi was a little confused.

"What are you talking about...I-"

"Your eyes are always the same...there is no change in them...are you really ok?"

"I....I'm not ok..." Changbin rubbed a hand on his face, pushing his hair back.


"It's nothing that you need to worry about, so go in my room and rest, I will sleep here on the couch"


Felix cane out of the shower and looked at his reflection in the foggy mirror
'What the fuck is wrong with me...I came here to get my things and I find myself in this situation...'

He wiped away the few drops of water on his face and put on the pair of underwear and T-shirt he had found in the closet that he used to share with Changbin.

"H-Hyung if you...want-" Felix looked at Changbin, who was sleeping on the couch sitting up and holding in his hands a bottle of bacardi "Are you kidding me? He must be out already if he drank it-"

Felix got pulled by his arm and got thrown on the couch and on top of him a sleepy drunk Changbin squeezing the younger's thighs.

"H-Hyung what!-"

"Don't leave"

. . ."C-Changbin I won't leave...! I will stay here and sleep in your bed as I said...tomorrow i will be still in bed"

"...i don't believe you"
Changbin attacked Felix's neck, pinning his hands down on the couch aggressively.

"H-Hyung stop you are hurting me..."
Felix wanted to get away from the older...

"You don't love me..." Changbin's voice broke and his eyes filled with tears that than started to flow down his cheeks "What does he have that I don't...why is he better than me...I gave you all my love to try to make you feel comfortable around me...but...you just rejected me...
You even have the guts to say that I did nothing for you when I literally made myself in 4 for you...
Than you come to me and every single day and talk about Chan and how he does this and that.
Do you think I'm happy when I hear that?"

Changbin started to cry harder and his breath got heavier. His head was spinning from both the beer and the crying.
His sight got blurry and he rested his head on Felix's chest.


"Why do you hate me so much!? What did I do wrong to deserve your hate...
I really love you Felix and I want to be with you and make you happy...!
Stop think about that jerk and think about me...I...I really love you..."
Changbin let go of Felix's wrists and ripped on his T-shirt rubbing his face on it.

'I...never saw him crying...and he is feeling like this because of me...
Wow...can a person look this pathetic in front of an unrequited love...? Guess that I was the same when Chan rejected me...
But I can't return his feelings...'

Felix sighed and hugged Changbin and with a hand he played with the older's hair while he was sobbing on his chest "ok...now stop crying and get some rest"


"Yes you need to–"

"But you are going to leave....and in the morning I won't see you..."

. . ."I will stay here....ok?"



After something like 20 minutes he finally fell asleep, still holding tight to Felix. The younger fell asleep too.

Felix's phone started ringing, and he checked who it was...it was Chan...
Felix looked at the phone and than at Changbin who had his under eyes red and pouty...

"Sorry Chan...But Changbin is more important now..."

Hope it won't be too bad!!

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